Povijest i paradigme Američkih studija 1 (Šesnić, 2022)

Course title: Povijest i paradigme američkih studija 1 (A) (19/20. st.)  (6 ECTS)
Literary Seminar (MA Level): The History and Paradigms of American Studies 1 (A, 19/20)
Instructor: Dr. Jelena Šesnić
ECTS credits: 6
Status: elective (obligatory for American Studies majors in the 1st semester)
Enrollment requirements: enrollment in the 1st and/or 3rd semester

Fall 2022/23

Mon, 11-12:30, A-123

Wed, 1:15-2, A-105

Office: B-018

Phone: 01-4092060

E-mail: jsesnic@ffzg.hr

Office hours: Mon, 12:30-1:30 p.m.; Thur, 10-11 a.m.


Course description:

In the seminar we shall be discussing the emergence and various methodologies of American Studies from their beginnings in the 1930s and 1940s until the revisionist interventions in the 1960s and 1970s. In the introductory sessions the following questions shall be considered: why and in which contexts American Studies have appeared; in what way their approaches differ from the other disciplines concerned with U.S. American culture and society. The next sessions will be dedicated to the scholars who have founded American Studies. In the concluding part, a synthesis of readings of selected critical texts – accompanied by the relevant and illustrative primary (literary) texts – will be offered so as to point to their similarities and highlight the differences among the paradigms. Conclusively, it will be considered how these paradigms might be relevant for the understanding of the United States in the past and at present, and to what extent they might be applicable in other temporal and spatial contexts.

Course requirements: regular attendance (10%); in-class and home assignments (20%); seminar paper (40%); midterm and final test (30%)

Syllabus (subject to change):

  1. historical emergence of American Studies as a discipline
  2. methodologies of American Studies, an overview
  3. Main practitioners: F.O. Matthiessen
  4. Perry Miller
  5. Henry Nash Smith
  6. R.W.B. Lewis
  7. Midterm
  8. Leo Marx
  9. Richard Slotkin
  10. Alan Trachtenberg
  11. Sacvan Bercovitch
  12. Final test; course evaluation

Selected bibliography of texts will be provided in digital form on Omega.

Additional readings:

Castiglia, Christopher. Practices of Hope: Literary Criticism in Disenchanted Times, NYU P, 2017.

Fuller, Randal. Emerson’s Ghosts: Literature, Politics, and the Making of Americanists. Oxford UP, 2007.

Pfister, Joel. Critique for What? Cultural Studies, American Studies, Left Studies. Paradigm Publishers, 2006.

—. Surveyors of Customs: American Literature as Cultural Analysis. Oxford UP, 2016.

Van Engen, Abram C. City on a Hill: A History of American Exceptionalism. Yale UP, 2020.

Voelz, Johannes. Transcendental Resistance: The New Americanists and Emerson’s Challenge. Dartmouth, 2010.


Povijest i paradigme Američkih studija 1 (Šesnić, 2022)

Naziv kolegija: Povijest i paradigme američkih studija 1 (A) (19/20. st.)  (6 ECTS)
Literary Seminar (MA Level): The History and Paradigms of American Studies 1 (A, 19th/20th) (6 ECTS)
Nastavnica: Dr. sc. Jelena Šesnić
ECTS-bodovi: 6
Trajanje1. ili 3. semestar

Status: izborni kolegij (obavezan u 1. semestru za studente književno-kulturološkog smjera, s posebnim obzirom na američku književnost i kulturu)
Uvjeti za upis kolegijaupisan 1. ili 3. semestar diplomskog studija

Winter 2023/24

Mon, 11-12:30, A-123

Wed, 1:15-2, A-105

Office: B-018

Phone: 01-4092060

E-mail: jsesnic@ffzg.hr

Office hours: Mon, 12:00-13:00 p.m.; Thur, 10-11 a.m.


Course description:

In the seminar we shall be discussing the emergence and various methodologies of American Studies from their beginnings in the 1930s and 1940s until the revisionist interventions in the 1960s and 1970s. In the introductory sessions the following questions shall be considered: why and in which contexts American Studies have appeared; in what way their approaches differ from the other disciplines concerned with U.S. American culture and society. The next sessions will be dedicated to the scholars who have founded American Studies. In the concluding part, a synthesis of readings of selected critical texts – accompanied by the relevant and illustrative primary (literary) texts – will be offered so as to point to their similarities and highlight the differences among the paradigms. Conclusively, it will be considered how these paradigms might be relevant for the understanding of the United States in the past and at present, and to what extent they might be applicable in other temporal and spatial contexts.

Course requirements: regular attendance (10%); in-class and home assignments (20%); seminar paper (40%); midterm and final test (30%)

Syllabus (subject to change):

  1. historical emergence of American Studies as a discipline
  2. methodologies of American Studies, an overview
  3. Main practitioners: F.O. Matthiessen
  4. Perry Miller
  5. Henry Nash Smith
  6. R.W.B. Lewis
  7. Midterm
  8. Leo Marx
  9. Richard Slotkin
  10. Alan Trachtenberg
  11. Sacvan Bercovitch
  12. Final test; course evaluation

Selected bibliography of texts will be provided in digital form on Omega.

Additional readings:

Castiglia, Christopher. Practices of Hope: Literary Criticism in Disenchanted Times, NYU P, 2017.

Fuller, Randal. Emerson’s Ghosts: Literature, Politics, and the Making of Americanists. Oxford UP, 2007.

Pfister, Joel. Critique for What? Cultural Studies, American Studies, Left Studies. Paradigm Publishers, 2006.

—. Surveyors of Customs: American Literature as Cultural Analysis. Oxford UP, 2016.

Van Engen, Abram C. City on a Hill: A History of American Exceptionalism. Yale UP, 2020.

Voelz, Johannes. Transcendental Resistance: The New Americanists and Emerson’s Challenge. Dartmouth, 2010.


Prikazi američke politike u književnosti i vizualnim medijima

Naziv kolegija: Prikazi američke politike u književnosti i vizualnim medijima (A, 20. st.)

Course title: Images of American Politics in Literary and Visual Media (A, 20th c.)
Instructor: Dr. Jelena Šesnić, Full Prof.
Requirements: Enrollment in the MA program in English.

Fall 2021/2022

Mon, 11-12:30 (A-123)
Wed, 13:15-14 (A-105)
E-mail: jsesnic@ffzg.hr

Office: B-018
Office hours: Mon, 12:30-1:30 p.m.; Thur, 14:30-15:30 p.m.

Course description: American political system has been a medium of democratic governance of one of the most powerful countries in the world for more than two centuries. During that time segments of the democratic system have changed in scope and function allowing us to consider the direction and implications of those changes. Different elements of the system must be considered in order to give a more comprehensive picture of the impact and role of democratic processes: the party system, checks-and-balances, institution of the presidency, separation of powers (the legislative branch, the judiciary, the executive branch), the role of the Constitution, the role of the media, campaigning and voting from local to state to federal level, democratic participation, populism, lobbying and pork-barrel, politics in the age of social media, the 2020 pandemic and politics, etc. These processes will be placed in a cultural context primarily with respect to their representations in fiction and visual media, particularly in the late modern period (from the second half of the 20th century), while the focus of the course will be on popular and media-generated images related to different facets of American political system.

Course requirements: Regular attendance (10%); home and in-class assignments (20 %); seminar paper (10-12 double-spaced pp., Times New Roman, 12; 40 %); continuous assessment (mid-term and final test; 30 %).

Primary texts:

Fiction: Robert Penn Warren: All the King’s Men (1946) (novel)

Films: John Frankenheimer: The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

Alan Pakula: The Parallax View (1974)

Oliver Stone: Nixon (1995)

Oliver Stone: W (2008)

John Madden: Miss Sloane (2016)

Jon Stewart: Irresistible (2020)

Secondary readings will be provided in the course reader on Omega.

Optional reading:

  • Christ, Birte, and Greta Olson, eds. Obama and the Paradigm Shift: Measuring Change. Universitätsverlag Winter, 2012.
  • Foy, Joseph, ed. Homer Simpson Goes to Washington: American Politics through Popular Culture. The UP of Kentucky, 2008.
  • Hofstadter, Richard. 1948. The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It. Vintage Books, 1989.
  • Hofstadter, Richard. 1963. The Paranoid Style in American Politics and Other Essays. Harvard UP, 1996.
  • Howe, Irving. Politics and the Novel. Fawcett Premier, 1967.
  • Jones, Charles O. The American Presidency: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford UP, 2007.
  • Maisel, Sandy L. American Political Parties and Elections: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford UP, 2007.
  • Nelson, Dana. Bad for Democracy: How the Presidency Undermines the Power of the People. U of Minnesota P, 2010.
  • Revue LISA/ LISA e-journal. Bypassing Confusion to Understand the Trump Phenomenon, XVI, no. 2, 2018.
  • Shaw, Tony. Hollywood’s Cold War. U of Massachusetts P, 2007.


Povijest i paradigme Američkih studija 1 (Šesnić, 2021)

Course title: Povijest i paradigme američkih studija 1 (A) (19/20. st.)
Literary Seminar (MA Level): The History and Paradigms of American Studies 1 (A, 19/20)
Instructor: Dr. Jelena Šesnić
ECTS credits: 6
Status: elective (obligatory for American Studies majors in the 1st semester)
Enrollment requirements: enrollment in the 1st and/or 3rd semester
Fall 2021/22

Tue, 14:45-16:15 (A-123)
Thur, 15:30-16:15 (A-105)

Office: B-018
Phone: 01-4092060
E-mail: jsesnic@ffzg.hr

Office hours: Mon, 12:30-1:30; Thur, 14:30-15:30 p.m.

Course description:

In the seminar we shall be discussing the emergence and various methodologies of American Studies from their beginnings in the 1930s and 1940s until the revisionist interventions in the 1960s and 1970s. In the introductory sessions the following questions shall be considered: why and in which contexts American Studies have appeared; in what way their approaches differ from the other disciplines concerned with U.S. American culture and society. The next sessions will be dedicated to the scholars who have founded American Studies. In the concluding part, a synthesis of readings of selected critical texts – accompanied by the relevant and illustrative primary (literary) texts – will be offered so as to point to their similarities and highlight the differences among the paradigms. Conclusively, it will be considered how these paradigms might be relevant for the understanding of the United States in the past and at present, and to what extent they might be applicable in other temporal and spatial contexts.

Course requirements: regular attendance (10%); in-class and home assignments (20%); seminar paper (40%); midterm and final test (30%)


  1. historical emergence of American Studies as a discipline
  2. methodologies of American Studies, an overview
  3. Main practitioners: F.O. Matthiessen
  4. Perry Miller
  5. Henry Nash Smith
  6. R.W.B. Lewis
  7. Midterm
  8. Leo Marx
  9. Richard Slotkin
  10. Alan Trachtenberg
  11. Sacvan Bercovitch
  12. Final test; course evaluation

Selected bibliography of texts will be provided in digital form on Omega.

Additional readings:

Castiglia, Christopher. Practices of Hope: Literary Criticism in Disenchanted Times, NYU P, 2017.

Fuller, Randal. Emerson’s Ghosts: Literature, Politics, and the Making of Americanists. Oxford UP, 2007.

Pfister, Joel. Critique for What? Cultural Studies, American Studies, Left Studies. Paradigm Publishers, 2006.

—. Surveyors of Customs: American Literature as Cultural Analysis. Oxford UP, 2016.

Van Engen, Abram C. City on a Hill: A History of American Exceptionalism. Yale UP, 2020.

Voelz, Johannes. Transcendental Resistance: The New Americanists and Emerson’s Challenge. Dartmouth, 2010.

Englesko barokno pjesništvo (Brlek)

Naslov kolegija: Englesko barokno pjesništvo.
dr sc. Tomislav Brelek
ECTS-bodovi: 6 bodova.
Jezik: engleski
Status: izborni kolegij.
Trajanje: 1 semestar (I. ili III. semestar diplomskog studija)
Oblik nastave: 1 sat predavanja i 2 sata seminara tjedno.
Uvjeti za upis kolegija: završen VI. semestar.

Opis/ Sadržaj kolegija: Glavni je cilj kolegija relocirati englesku književnost ranijeg sedamnaetog stoljeća iz renesanse u užem smislu u postrenesansni pokret poznat u većini europskih zemalja kao barok. Proučavanje poetike i retorike spomenute poezije bit će u centru pažnje ovog književnog—povijesnog postupka.

  1. Uvod: barok kao književno razdoblje. Renesansno načelo decoruma i barokna kršenja decoruma.
  2. Distinktivna obilježja u području (a) stila (paralogički obrasci, antiteza, amblem, igra riječima, concetto; ingeniozost, domišljatost; jezična i intelektualna kombinatorika), (b) žanr (generičke preferencije, karakteristična mješavina žanrova, nove žanrovske kombinacije) i (c) stajališta (prema pjesništvu, pjesnicima, svijetu; aktualnost, dramatikalnost, jezična i epistemološka skepsa).
  3. Izrazi i pojmovi: manirizam, barok, “metafizičko” pjesništvo.
  4. Končetizam u engleskom baroknom pjesništvu.
  5. Elizabetinska slika svijeta kao izvor barokne slikovnosti.
  6. Petrarkistički topoi i njihove barokne transformacije.
  7. John Donne: pjesme iz zbirke Songs and Sonets (“The Canonization”, “The Sun Rising”, “The Good Morrow”, “The Flea” i “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning”).
  8. John Donne: pjesme iz zbirke Holy Sonnets (“Batter My heart, three—person’d God”).
  9. George Herbert: pjesme iz zbirke The Temple (“Easter Wings”, “Jordan (I)”, “Jordan (II)”, “The Pulley”, “The Forerunners” i “Virtue”).
  10. Henry Vaughan: pjesme iz zbirke Silex Scintillans (“The Retreate” i “Regeneration”).
  11. Richard Crashaw: pjesme iz zbirke Carmen Deo Nostro (“The Weeper”).
  12. Andrew Marvell: pjesme iz zbirke Collected Poems (“To His Coy Mistress” i “The Garden”).
  13. Thomas Traherne: pjesme iz zbirke Commentaries of Heaven (“Shadows in the Water”).
  14. Ben Jonson: pjesme iz zbirke Underwood (“My Picture Left in Scotland”)
  15. Pismeni ispit


  1. Gardner, Helen (ur), The Metaphysical Poets, Harmondsworth [etc.]: Penguin Books, 1988.
  2. Ford, Boris (ur), The New Pelican Guide to English Literature, vol. 3: From Donne to Marvel, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1988.
  3. Sidney, Philip, An Apology for Poetry, u: D. J. Enright & Ernst de Chickero (ur), English Critical Texts, London: Oxford UP, 1962; 12-17.
  4. Johnson, Samuel, Lives of the English Poets, 1. tom, London: Oxford UP, 1961; 3-49.
  5. Eliot, T. S, “The Metaphysical Poets”, u: D. J. Enright & Ernst de Chickero (ur), English Critical Texts, London: Oxford UP, London, 1962, 302-311.


  1. Abrams, M. H (ur), The Norton Anthology of English Literature, 1. tom, 6. izdanje, New York i London: W W. Norton, 1993.
  2. Curtius, Ernst Robert, European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages, Princeton: Princeton UP, 1973; 273–301.
  3. Grierson, Herbert J. C, Cross Currents in English Literature of the Seventeenth Century, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1966.
  4. Hollander, John, i Frank Kermode (ur). The Oxford Anthology of English Literature, vol. 1: The Middle Ages Through the Eighteenth Century, New York; London & Toronto: Oxford UP, 1973; 2337-2316.
  5. Segel, Harold B. The Baroque Poem: A Comparative Survey, New York: Dutton Paperback, 1974; 12-142.
  6. Tillyard, E. M. Elizabethan World Picture, Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 1972.
  7. Warnke, Frank J, Versions of Baroque: Terms and Concepts, New Haven & London: Yale UP, 1975; 1-20.

Britanski moderni roman i Britansko carstvo

Britanski moderni roman i Britansko carstvo

Nastavnik: dr. sc. Borislav Knežević, red. prof.
Naziv kolegija: Britanski moderni roman i Britansko carstvo
od 2020/21
Nastavnik: dr. sc. Borislav Knežević, red. prof.
ECTS bodovi: 6 bodova
Jezik: engleski
Trajanje: 1 semestar (1. ili 3. semestar)
Status: izborni u okviru ponude književnih kolegija
Oblik nastave: 1 sat predavanja i 2 sata seminara na tjedan
Uvjeti: upisan 1. ili 3. semestar diplomskog studija anglistike

Cilj: Ovaj kolegij uključuje analizu nekoliko romana britanskih autora (Kipling, Conrad, Woolf) te jednog romana nastalog na području tadašnjeg Britanskog carstva (Tagore), te ima tematsku odrednicu utoliko što posebnu pozornost udjeljuje temi prikazivanja imperijalizma i kolonijalizma u tim romanima (dobar dio sekundarne literature je s područja postkolonijalnih studija). U našim diskusijama bavit ćemo se kako književno-povijesnim karakteristikama modernizma, tako i nizom tema koje je definirala postkolonijalna kritika i teorija (kao što su odnos između metropole i kolonije, konstrukcija/prikazivanje drugoga, kulturna hibridnost, pitanje ustroja rodnih uloga, itd.). Pri tome se Kiplingov roman Kim, koji ne pripada književnom modernizmu, koristi kao uvodni književni tekst kako u smislu diskusije o književno-povijesnoj periodizaciji, tako i u smislu diskusije o postkolonijalnoj kritici. Rad u kolegiju uključivat će seminarske diskusije, te pomno čitanje formalnih i povijesnih odrednica tekstova. Kolegij zahtijeva viši stupanj studentskog angažmana u istraživačkom dijelu rada u seminaru, odnosno u prikupljanju sekundarne literature i radu s njom. Među ostalim, od studenata se očekuje da kroz zajednički rad u kiolegiju i individualni rad na kritičkoj bibliografiji i pisanju seminarskog rada razvijaju sposobnost stvaranja slike o strukturi književno-kritičke diskusije o temi ovog kolegija.

Uloga kolegija u ukupnom kurikulumu: Kolegij nudi pregled i čitanje nekih od središnjih tekstova britanskog modernog romana, kao i uvod u postkolonijalnu kritiku kao jedan od najznačajnijih pravaca suvremenog proučavanja književnosti. Kao i ostali književni kolegiji na diplomskom studiju anglistike, i ovaj omogućuje daljnje razvijanje vještina analize književnih tekstova.

Način polaganja kolegija: Ocjena se temelji na kontinuiranoj evaluaciji tijekom semestra, te uključuje jedan esej u drugom dijelu semestra (5-6 kartica teksta), i dva kolokvija (jedan sredinom semestra, a drugi u zadnjem tjednu semestra).

Način praćenja kvalitete i uspješnosti izvedbe predmeta: Studenti ocjenjuju kvalitetu kolegija putem anonimne ankete na kraju semestra.

Sadržaj kolegija (po tjednima):

  1. tjedan: Uvod u modernizam. Periodizacija, status romana kao žanra, povijesni kontekst imperijalizma. Said, orijentalizam.
  2. tjedan: Kipling. Avanturistički imperijalni roman.
  3. tjedan: Kipling, nastavak. Cohn: pitanje kolonijalne vlasti u Indiji. Conrad.
  4. tjedan: Conrad. Achebe, i pitanje rasizma u književnosti.
  5. tjedan: Brantlinger, i odnos modernizma i imperijalizma.
  6. tjedan: Tagore.
  7. tjedan: Prvi kolokvij.
  8. tjedan: Tagore.
  9. tjedan: Renan, i pitanje definicije nacije.
  10. tjedan: Nehru, i pitanje razvoja.
  11. tjedan: Woolf. Rok za predaju kratkog eseja na zadanu temu.
  12. tjedan: Woolf.
  13. tjedan: Woolf.
  14. tjedan: Cannadine, Ornamentalism.
  15. tjedan: Drugi kolokvij.

A. Obavezna literatura:

Rudyard Kipling, Kim
Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
Rabindranath Tagore, The Home and the World
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts

Edward Said, “Introduction” to Orientalism, New York: Vintage Books, 1979.
Bernard S. Cohn, “Representing Authority in Colonial India”, iz Eric Hobsbawm, The Invention of Tradition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Chinua Achebe, “An Image of Africa.” Massachussets Review 18, 1977.
Patrick Brantlinger, The Rule of Darkness (ulomci). Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990.
Ernest Renan, “What is a Nation?”, Omar Dahbour, Micheline R. Ishay (ur.), The Nationalism Reader, Humanity Books, 1995.
Jawaharlal Nehru, “The Discovery of India”, The Nationalism Reader.
David Cannadine, Ornamentalism. How the British Saw Their Empire (ulomci). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

B. Dopunska literatura:
Anthony Apiah, “Topologies of Nativism”, iz Julie Rivkin, Michael Ryan, Literary Theory: An Anthology. London: Blackwell, 1998.
Carole Boyce Davies, “Migratory Subjectivities.” Literary Theory: An Anthology.
Frantz Fanon, “The Wretched of the Earth”, iz The Nationalism Reader. Omar Dahbour, Micheline R. Ishay (ur.), Humanity Books, 1995.
Fredric Jameson, “Modernism and Imperialism”, iz Nationalism, Colonialism and Literature. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1990.


Re-presenting Los Angeles and the American City in Media

Course Title: Re-presenting Los Angeles and the American City in Media
Dr. Leo Zonn

Semester: winter or summer semester 2010/11
The University of Texas at Austin, Fulbright Visitor
Course Title: Re-presenting Los Angeles and the American City in Media
Eligible Students: Graduate, Elective Course
ECTS credits: 6

Course Description: The purpose of this course is to examine representations of Los Angeles in the media of popular culture, with an emphasis upon race, ethnicity, gender, and the ways in which Los Angeles represents the ‘post-modern city’ in a globalizing world of increasingly intense interactions. The theoretical notions of place, space, and re-presentation frame our conversations, while examples from other American cities are often incorporated. A variety of media that contribute to images of Los Angeles will be considered as part of a larger network—cinema, cyberspace, documentary film, maps, murals, music and music videos, novels and short stories, newspapers and magazines, paintings and illustrations, Retablos and other folk art, television, tourist practices, and word of mouth. We can only examine a few of these in detail, but we should not ever forget that they are all interrelated with one another and with the reality of Los Angeles and beyond. We will talk about the concept of inter-textualityand associated post-structural ideas, but we should never forget that there are many versions of any reality we might think we know and they are never independent of one another. In this case these many media contribute to an image of a place called Los Angeles.

Course Objectives: And what new skills and perspectives will you have at the end of the semester other than the fact you will know much more about Los Angeles and how people see it than you did before? You will have a better sense of how to interpret the ways in which media tell us about places, in this case American cities, but you will also be more able to ask how and why do they do it.  For example, what broader tales about the U.S. and the American city are being told, what broader issues about its people are embedded in these re-presentations?  Race, ethnicity and gender will occupy much of our time, so what do these images say about relations between social and cultural groups in my country? How do different audiences view the same images in these terms?  One of our primary objectives then, is to provide you a new framework for interpreting re-presentations not only in terms of  people who created them, but perhaps more importantly in understanding the ways in which they reflect the broader culture and society within which they were made.  
Course Requirements: A final examination will comprise 20% of your grade, attendance, participation and several smaller papers will be 40%, and your final paper will be 40%. Less than ideal attendance can have a negative influence on your grade. Your final paper will be a detailed and comparative study of works from within several media in terms of the ways in which they re-present the city of Los Angeles.  You will be expected to incorporate the ideas we have discussed in class and have derived from our readings. Details are forthcoming, but relax, we will discuss the possible subjects and the ways in which you can approach them in detail.

Required Readings
The only book that is required is a short novel, The Day of the Locust, by Nathaniel West.  We will be drawing select readings from City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles (2006 edition) by Mike Davis, so you may wish to obtain a copy; it is considered to be a classic (the original edition was 1990).  All other readings will be made available to you or the references will be provided and you can download them. More important, you will also be asked to find articles that will not be provided by me but that you will find through your own searching. Many of these will be included in the bibliography you will include in your paper.

We will watch and listen to pieces and segments direct from the web in terms of advertisements, music videos, and other media forms. While this class is about many different media, we will emphasize film for at least the first third of the semester. If we can somehow watch one or two, they will likely come from the following list: Blade Runner, Chinatown, Double Indemnity, Menace to Society, L.A. Story, Quincenera orMiFamilia, although there are so many, many interesting possibilities. How about Clueless?

Office and Contact
Office: B-017

Office Hours: Thursday 2.00-4.00 or by appointment

Please note that it is appropriate to contact me for appointments or information about class content at my email address, zonn@mail.utexas.edu

Prikazi američke politike u književnosti i vizualnim medijima (2019)

Naziv kolegija: Prikazi američke politike u književnosti i vizualnim medijima (A, 20. st.)

Course title: Images of American Politics in Literary and Visual Media (A, 20th c.)
Instructor: Dr. Jelena Šesnić, Full Prof.
Winter 2019/2020
Mon, 11-12:30 (A-123)
Wed, 13:15-14 (A-105)
E-mail: jsesnic@ffzg.hr

Office: B-018
Office hours: Mon, 12:30-13:30 p.m.; Thur, 11-12 a.m.
Requirements: Enrollment in the MA program in English.

Course description: American political system has been a medium of democratic governance of one of the most powerful countries in the world for more than two centuries. During that time segments of the democratic system have changed in scope and function allowing us to consider the direction and implications of those changes. Different elements of the system must be considered in order to give a more comprehensive picture of the impact and role of democratic processes: the party system, checks-and-balances, institution of the presidency, separation of powers (the legislative branch, the judiciary, the executive branch), the role of the Constitution, the role of the media, mechanisms of political campaigning from local to state to federal level, democratic participation, etc. These processes will be placed in a cultural context primarily with respect to their representations in fiction and visual media, particularly in the late modern period of American politics (from the second half of the 20th century), while the focus of the course will be on popular and media-generated images related to different facets of American political system.

Course requirements: Regular attendance (10%); home and in-class assignments (oral and written; 10%); seminar paper (10-12 double-spaced pp., Times New Roman, 12; 40%); continuous assessment (mid-term and final test; 40%).

Primary texts:

Fiction: Robert Penn Warren: All the King’s Men (1946) (novel)

Joe Klein: Primary Colors (1996) (novel)

 Films: Robert Rossen: All the King’s Men (1949)

John Frankenheimer: The Manchurian Candidate (1962)

Jonathan Demme: The Manchurian Candidate (2004)

George Clooney: Good Night and Good Luck (2005)

Paul Greengrass: Green Zone (2007)

Alan Pakula: All the President’s Men (1976)

Steven Spielberg: The Post (2017)

Oliver Stone: Nixon (1995)

Oliver Stone: W (2008)

Rob Reiner: LBJ (2016)


Syllabus (alterations possible)

     October 2019

  1. Introduction.
  2. American political system in a historical perspective. Cultural aspects of American political system. (The Federalist Papers: selection; Arendt: On Revolution; Tocqueville’s tradition).
  3. Genre of the political novel. (Scheingold: selection). Politics as profession; politician as a social type (Max Weber: political writings). Politician as an all-American hero; danger and appeal of populism: R. Penn Warren, All the King’s Men (novel)
  4. Warren, cont.
  5. Comparison of the novel and the film, All the King’s Men


    November 2019

  6. The Cold War paranoia: Frankenheimer, The Manchurian Candidate
  7. The Cold War paranoia: Clooney, Good Night and Good Luck
  8. The War on Terror, before and now: Demme’s 2004 re-make, The Manchurian Candidate. Greengrass: Green Zone. Midterm test.

    December 2019

  9. The presidential mystique and (un)reality: presidential bio pics (Stone: Nixon, W)
  10. Rob Reiner: LBJ
  11. The presidential mystique and (un)reality: Primary Colors (novel).

    January 2020

  12. The Fourth Estate: politics and the media: Pakula, All the President’s Men; Spielberg: The Post
  13. New directions in American politics: the Trump presidency. Seminar paper deadline.
  14. Final test. Course evaluation.


Required reading:

  • Arendt, Hannah. On Revolution. New York: Penguin, 1963. (selection)
  • Banita, Georgiana and Sascha Pohlmann, ed. Electoral Cultures: American Democracy and Choice. Heidelberg: Universitatsverlag Winter, 2015. (selection)
  • Coyne, Michael. Hollywood Goes to Washington: American Politics on Screen. London: Reaktion Books, 2008. (selection)
  • Delogu, Jon C. Tocqueville and Democracy in the Internet Age. Ann Arbor: Open Humanities Press, 2014. (http://www.openhumanitiespress.org/books/titles/tocqueville-and-democracy-in-the-internet-age/) (selection)
  • Hamilton, Alexander, James Madison, and John Jay. The Federalist Papers. (http://www.let.rug.nl/usa/documents/1786-1800/the-federalist-papers/) (selection)
  • Mausbach, Wilfried, Dietmar Schloss, and Marting Thunert, ed. The American Presidency: Multidisciplinary Perspectives. Heidelberg: Universitaetsverlag Winter, 2012. (selection)

– „Revue LISA/ LISA e-journal.“ Bypassing Confusion to Understand the Trump Phenomenon. Vol. XVI. No. 2, 2018. (selection)(https://journals.openedition.org/lisa/9641?lang=en)

  • Scheingold, Stuart. The Political Novel: Re-imagining the Twentieth Century. New York and London: Continuum, 2010. (selection)
  • de Tocqueville, Alexis. Democracy in America. 1835. 1840. (http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER/DETOC/home.html) (selection)
  • Weber, Max. Political Writings. Cambridge Texts in the History of Political Thought. Ed. Peter Lassman and Ronald Speirs. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994. (See also Croatian translation: Vlast i politika. Prir. Vjeran Katunarić. Zagreb: Jesenski i Turk, 2013.) (selection)

 Additional reading material will be provided on the Omega platform.

Optional reading:

American Literary History, vol. 24, no. 3 (Fall 2012). (Project Muse)

Brown, Wendy. „Apocalyptic Populism.“ Eurozine.com. 30 August 2017. (https://www.eurozine.com/apocalyptic-populism/)

Christ, Birte, and Greta Olson, eds. Obama and the Paradigm Shift: Measuring Change. Heidelberg: Universitaetsverlag Winter, 2012.

Comparative American Studies: An International Journal. Special Issue. Texting Obama: Politics/Poetics/Popular Culture. Vol. 10, no. 2-3 (August 2012).

Foy, Joseph, ed. Homer Simpson Goes to Washington: American Politics through Popular Culture. Lexington: The UP of Kentucky, 2008.

Hofstadter, Richard. 1948. The American Political Tradition and the Men Who Made It. New York: Vintage Books, 1989.

Hofstadter, Richard. 1963. The Paranoid Style in American Politics and Other Essays. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1996.

Howe, Irving. Politics and the Novel. New York: Fawcett Premier, 1967.

Jones, Charles O. The American Presidency: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford UP, 2007.

Maisel, Sandy L. American Political Parties and Elections: A Very Short Introduction. New York: Oxford UP, 2007.

Nelson, Dana. Bad for Democracy: How the Presidency Undermines the Power of the People. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 2010.

Shaw, Tony. Hollywood’s Cold War. Amherst: U of Massachusetts P, 2007.


Britanski moderni roman i Britansko carstvo (arh.)

Nastavnik: dr. sc. Borislav KNEŽEVIĆ, red. prof.
Naziv predmeta:
Novija britanska književnost
Naziv kolegija: Britanski moderni roman i Britansko carstvo EN1K13
do 2020/21
Nastavnik: dr. sc. Borislav KNEŽEVIĆ, red. prof.
ECTS-bodovi: 6 bodova
Jezik: engleski
Trajanje: 1 semestar (1. ili 3. semestar, od ak. god. 2017/2018..)
Status: izborni u okviru ponude književnih kolegija
Oblik nastave: 1 sat predavanja i 2 sata seminara na tjedan
Uvjeti: upisan 1. ili 3. semestar diplomskog studija

Ispit: Ocjena se temelji na jednom pismenom radu tijekom semestra (4-5 kartica teksta), te na dva kolokvija, jedan sredinom semestra, a drugi u zadnjem tjednu nastave.

Cilj: Ovaj kolegij uključuje analizu nekoliko romana britanskih autora (Kipling, Conrad, Woolf) te jednog romana nastalog na području tadašnjeg Britanskog carstva (Tagore), te ima tematsku odrednicu utoliko što posebnu pozornost udjeljuje temi prikazivanja imperijalizma i kolonijalizma u tim romanima (dobar dio sekundarne literature je s područja postkolonijalnih studija). U našim diskusijama bavit ćemo se kako književno-povijesnim karakteristikama modernizma, tako i nizom tema koje je definirala postkolonijalna kritika i teorija (kao što su odnos između metropole i kolonije, konstrukcija/prikazivanje drugoga, kulturna hibridnost, pitanje rodnih politika u koloniziranim društvima, itd.). Pri tome se Kiplingov roman Kim, koji ne pripada književnom modernizmu, koristi kao uvodni književni tekst kako u smislu diskusije o književno-povijesnoj periodizaciji, tako i u smislu diskusije o postkolonijalnoj kritici. Rad u kolegiju uključivat će seminarske diskusije, te pomno čitanje formalnih i povijesnih odrednica tekstova. Kolegij zahtijeva viši stupanj studentskog angažmana u istraživačkom dijelu rada u seminaru, odnosno u prikupljanju sekundarne literature i radu s njom. Među ostalim, od studenata se očekuje da kroz zajednički rad u seminaru i individualni rad na kritičkoj bibliografiji i pisanju seminarskog rada razvijaju sposobnost stvaranja slike o strukturi književno-kritičke diskusije o temi ovog kolegija. 

Uloga kolegija u ukupnom kurikulumu: Kolegij nudi pregled i čitanje nekih od središnjih tekstova britanskog modernog romana, kao i uvod u postkolonijalnu kritiku kao jedan od najznačajnijih pravaca suvremenog proučavanja književnosti. Kao i ostali književni kolegiji na drugoj godini anglistike, i ovaj omogućuje daljnje razvijanje vještina analize književnih tekstova.

Sadržaj kolegija (po tjednima):

  1. tjedan: Uvod u modernizam.  Periodizacija, status romana kao žanra, povijesni kontekst imperijalizma. Said, orijentalizam. McClintock, i pitanje  postkolonijalne teorije.
  2. tjedan: Kipling.  Avanturistički imperijalni roman.
  3. tjedan: Kipling, nastavak.  Cohn: pitanje kolonijalne vlasti u Indiji. Conrad.  Europski imperijalizam u Africi.
  4. tjedan: Conrad, nastavak.  Achebe: pitanje rasizma u književnosti.  
  5. tjedan: Brantlinger, i odnos modernizma i imperijalizma.
  6. tjedan: Tagore.
  7. tjedan: Prvi kolokvij.  
  8. tjedan: Tagore, nastavak.  
  9. tjedan: Renan, i pitanje definicije nacije.
  10. tjedan: Nehru, i pitanje razvoja.
  11. tjedan: Woolf.  Rok za predaju kratkog eseja na zadanu temu.
  12. tjedan: Woolf, nastavak. 
  13. tjedan: Cannadine, Ornamentalism.
  14. tjedan: Drugi kolokvij.   
  15. tjedan: Evaluacija.

A. Obavezna literatura:

Rudyard Kipling, Kim
Joseph Conrad, Heart of Darkness
Rabindranath Tagore, The Home and the World
Virginia Woolf, Between the Acts

Chinua Achebe, “An Image of Africa.” Massachussets Review 18, 1997.
Patrick Brantlinger, The Rule of Darkness (ulomci). Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1990.
Frantz Fanon, “The Wretched of the Earth” iz Omar Dahbour, The Nationalism Reader. Humanity Books, 1995.
Anne McClintock, “The Angel of Progress: Pitfalls of the Term ‘Post-colonialism’”.  Colonial Discourse and Post-colonial Theory. A Reader (ed. Patrick Williams, Laura Chrisman).  New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.
Edward Said, “Introduction” to Orientalism, New York: Vintage Books, 1979.
Bernard S. Cohn, “Representing Authority in Colonial India”, iz Eric Hobsbawm, The Invention of Tradition.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1993.
Ernest Renan, “What is a Nation?”, The Nationalism Reader.
Jawaharlal Nehru, “The Discovery of India”, The Nationalism Reader.

David Cannadine, Ornamentalism. How the British saw Their Empire (ulomci). Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.

B. Dopunska literatura:
Anthony Apiah, “Topologies of Nativism” Julie Rivkin, Michael Ryan,
Literary Theory: An Anthology. London: Blackwell, 1998.
Carole Boyce Davies, “Migratory Subjectivities”. Literary Theory: An Anthology.
Fredric Jameson, “Modernism and Imperialism”, iz Nationalism, Colonialism and
Literature. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1990.

Način polaganja ispita: Ocjena se temelji na jednom pismenom radu tijekom semestra (5-6 kartica teksta), te na dva kolokvija, jedan sredinom semestra, a drugi pred kraj semestra.

Način praćenja kvalitete i uspješnosti izvedbe predmeta: Studenti ocjenjuju kvalitetu kolegija putem anonimne ankete na kraju semestra.


Suvremena američka etnička književnost (2017/18)

Naziv kolegija: Suvremena američka etnička književnost (A, 20. st.)
Nastavnica: Dr. sc. Jelena Šesnić, izv. prof.
ECTS-bodovi: 6
Jezik: Engleski
Trajanje: zimski semestar (1. ili 3.)
Status: Izborni
Oblik nastave: 1 sat predavanja + 2 sata seminara
Uvjeti za upis kolegija: Upisan 1. ili 3. semestar diplomskog studija
Dr. Jelena Šesnić Literary seminar: Contemporary U.S. Ethnic Literatures (1st/2nd Year) (A, 20th c.)
Winter 2017/2018
Mon 11-12:30 (A-123)
Wed 13:15- 14 (A-105)
E-mail: jsesnic@ffzg.hr

Phone: 01-4092060
Office hours: Mon, 12:30-1:30 pm; Thu, 11-12 am

Course description: The course examines a very innovative and dynamic section of contemporary US literary/cultural production—literature produced by and about different established and newly arisen “ethnic communities” with special focus on the 1965 immigration reform, post-Cold War and post-9/11 developments, respectively. We shall address new modes of representing the ways of belonging, community and citizenship in relation to representative ethnic groups (African American, Native American), while in the second part of the course the attention will be given to the ways new cultural productions (both visual and textual) address concerns felt by more recent or recently more visible ethnic and racial formations (Asian American, Latino/ Chicano, Arab American, etc.). These textual and visual artefacts make evident some continuing concerns with nation- and community-building in the States, while they depict a new class of national subjects, a new generation of Americans. 

Requirements: Regular attendance and class participation; in-class and home assignments; seminar paper (10-12 double-spaced pp.); continuous assessment (midterm and final test).

Reading / viewing list
Primary texts

Gish Jen: Mona in the Promised Land (1996)
Mohja Kahf: Girl in the Tangerine Scarf (2006)
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah (2013)
Ta-Nehisi Coates: Between the World and Me (2015)
Short stories
Jhumpa Lahiri, Interpreter of Maladies (1999; selection)
Junot Díaz: This Is How You Lose Her (2012; selection)
Do the Right Thing (Spike Lee, 1989); Smoke Signals (Chris Eyre, 1998); Lone Star (John Sayles, 1996)

Readings by weeks and sections (alterations possible)
Part I: An overview
Introductory remarks: approaching ethnicity; interdisciplinarity in the study of ethnicity; race theory and ethnicity school; “racial formations” (Omi and Winant); consent and descent (Sollors); symbolic (voluntary) and ascribed (compulsory) ethnicity; American ethnic/racial pentagon; fantasmatic aspects of racial identifications; long-term ethnic groups/racial formations: African Americans, American Indians

*Entries from Keywords: “Citizenship”, “Ethnicity”, “Nation”, “Naturalization”, “Race”

Week 1: Introduction and key concepts 
Week 2: African-American perspective: Do the Right Thing
Week 3: African-American perspective: Coates, Between the World and Me
Week 4: Amerindians and postmodernism: Smoke Signals

Part II: An overview
New racial formations; Chicanos and Latinos/Hispanics; Asian Americans; Arab Americans; post-1965 immigration and globalization; new paradigms of reading ethnic texts: diasporic and borderlands models

*The following entries from Keywords: “Border”, “Diaspora”, “Immigration”, “Mestizo”

Week 5: Chicanos as a sub-nation: Lone Star

Week 1 Latino diaspora: Junot Díaz: selection of short stories
Week 2: Midterm.
Week 3: Asian Americans as perpetual others: Lahiri: selection of short stories
Week 4: Asian Americans: Gish Jen: Mona in the Promised Land

Week 1: Gish Jen, cont.
Week 2: Post 9/11 and Arab Americans: Mohja Kahf: Girl in the Tangerine Scarf
Week 3: Kahf, cont.

Week 1: New African diaspora: Adichie: Americanah
Week 2: Adichie; cont.
Week 3: Evaluation. Final test.

Secondary readings
General introduction:
Appiah, Anthony. The Ethics of Identity. New Haven: Princeton UP, 2007. (selection)
– Burgett, Bruce, and Glenn Hendler, eds. Keywords for American Cultural Studies. New York and London: NYUP, 2007.
– (Entries: “Border”, “Citizenship”, “Diaspora”, “Ethnicity”, “Immigration”, “Mestizo”, “Nation”, “Naturalization”, “Race”)
– Omi, Michael, and Howard Winant. Racial Formations in the United States: From the 1960s to the 1990s. 2nd ed. London and New York: Routledge, 1994. 53-76.
– Sollors, Werner. Beyond Ethnicity: Consent and Descent in American Culture. New York and Oxford: Oxford UP, 1986. 20-39.

Additional material for each section will be provided in digital form on the Omega platform.


Arhitekst u postmodernoj britanskoj književnosti

Naziv kolegija: Arhitekst u postmodernoj britanskoj književnosti
Nastavnica: dr. sc. Vanja Polić, izv. prof.

ECTS-bodovi: 6
Jezik: engleski
Trajanje: 1. ili 3. semestar
Status: izborni kolegij
Oblik nastave: 1 sat predavanja, 2 sata seminara tjedno
Uvjeti za upis kolegija: upisan 1. ili 3. semestar diplomskog studija
Opis kolegija: Kolegij nudi uvid u postmoderni britanski roman s posebnim fokusom na dijalog koji postmoderna književnost uspostavlja s kanonskim djelima britanske književnosti. Studenti će biti upoznati s različitim definicijama postmodernizma (stil ili period) te s ključnim konceptima s kojima se postmodernizam hvata u koštac poput pitanja tradicije, povijesti, subjektiviteta i politike. Također će se promatrati taktike kojima odabrani romanopisci pribjegavaju da bi propitivali osnovne postavke modernizma, strategije kao što su parodija, pastiš, ironija, heteroglosija, dijalogičnost. Arhitekst u naslovu kolegija odnosi se na Genetteov „naziv“ za žanrove, to jest na različite trajnije veze između određenog načina izričaja (poput pripovijedanja) i određenih tematskih pitanja. Proučavanjem arhiteksta Genette stiže do poetike, pa će tako kolegij u konačnici nastojati artikulirati poetiku postmodernog britanskog romana.

Cilj: upoznati studente s postmodernim britanskim romanom i poetikom postmodernizma; osvijestiti kontinuitet razvoja britanske književnosti kroz intertekstualnost, preispisivanje i oslanjanje novijih književnih tekstova na starije kanonske tekstove.

Studentske obveze: Ispunjavanje elemenata kontinuirane provjere znanja, koji se sastoje od redovitog pohađanje nastave (maks. 4 izostanka), pripreme za nastavu, sudjelovanja na nastavi, pisanje kraćih zadaća; polaganja teorijskog kolokvija i pravovremene predaje seminarskog rada. Kolokvij čini 35 %, seminarski rad 40%, a ostali elementi kontinuirane provjere znanja 25% ocjene. Za prolaznu ocjenu nužno je ispuniti sve elemente kontinuirane provjere znanja.

Sadržaj kolegija po tjednima:

1. tjedan: opći uvod u modernizam; osnovne teorije postmodernizma
2. tjedan: teorija arhiteksta (G. Genette)
3. tjedan: M. Cunningham The Hours – povijesna kontekstualizacija predloška V. Woolf Mrs. Dalloway i suvremeni intertekstualni odmaci u The Hours
4. tjedan: M. Cunningham, The Hours – nastavak analize
5. tjedan: Will Self, Dorian – esteticizam i dekadencija predloška (O. Wilde, The Picture of Dorian Gray) i hiperteksta
6. tjedan: Will Self, Dorian – nastavak analize
7. tjedan: Robinson Crusoe i britansko 18. stoljeće kao hipotekst postmodernog romana
8. tjedan: Kolokvij
Osnove akademskog pisma (smjernice za pisanje seminarskog rada)
9. tjedan: Michael Coetzee, Foe – pseudofeminističko i postkolonijalno preispisivanje Robinsona Crusoea
10. tjedan: J. Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea – postkolonijalna revizija viktorijanskog romana C. Brontë, JaneEyre
11. tjedan: J. Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea – nastavak analize
12. tjedan: Alasdair Gray, Poor Things ili postmodernistički Frankenstein M. Shelley
13. tjedan: Alasdair Gray, Poor Things – nastavak analize
14. tjedan: zaključna rasprava

Primarna literatura
– Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea
– Michael Coetzee, Foe
– Michael Cunningham, The Hours
– Alasdair Gray, Poor Things
– Will Self, Dorian

Sekundarna literatura – obvezna
– Brian McHale, Postmodernist Fiction, Routledge, 1987 (izbor)
– Mark Currie (ur.), Metafiction, Longman, 1995 (izbor)
– Simon Malpas, The Postmodern, Routledge (the new critical idiom) 2005
Dodatna literatura
– Gérard Genette, The Architext: An Introduction, Regents of University of California, 1992
– Linda Hutcheon, A Poetics of Postmodernism, Routledge, 1988 (izbor)
– Fredric Jameson, Postmodernism, or, the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism, Verso, 1991
– Jean-François Lyotard, “” An Answer to the Question, What is the Postmodern?” u The Postmodern Condition: A Report on Knowledge, U of Minnesota P, 1984

Svi književni i kritički tekstovi bit će dostupni studentima upisanim u kolegij u elektroničkom obliku. Dodatni materijali dobivaju se na satu.

Povijest i pamćenje u suvremenom američkom romanu

Nastavnica: dr. sc. Jelena Šesnić, izv. prof.
Naziv kolegija: Povijest i pamćenje u suvremenom američkom romanu
ECTS-bodovi: 6
Jezik: engleski
Trajanje: 7. ili 9. semestar
Status: izborni kolegij
Oblik nastave: 1 sat predavanja, 2 sata seminara tjedno
Uvjeti za upis kolegija: upisan 7. ili 9. semestar
Dr Jelena Šesnić
Literary Seminar (MA): History and Memory in Contemporary American Novel
Fall 2016/2017
Mon, 11-12:30  (A-123)
Wed, 13:15-14  (A-105)
Office: B-018
Phone: 4092060
E-mail: jsesnic@ffzg.hr
Office hours: Mon, 12:30-13:30; Thur 11-12

Course description: The twentieth century has often been seen as a period overdetermined by memory, but also described as the traumatic century. Contemporary American novel (the late 20th and early 21st c.) responds to both these designations in specific ways, primarily by going back to overwhelming episodes or themes from national and global history. The novels considered in the seminar vary from the so-called postmodern historical novels («historiographic metafictions») to the political and graphic novels, while they take up, in turn, slavery, suppressed minority or ethnic histories, major political events (presidential assassinations, anarchism and the leftist agitation,  minority struggles, terrorism) and the americanization/globalization of the Holocaust.
We shall consider the ways the novels enact viable models of individual and collective memory, especially in view of the contributions by sociological theories of memory (Halbwachs, Nora, Eyerman); political sciences (Anderson, Connerton); psychoanalytic/pychological notions of memory and trauma (Freud, van der Kolk); and their applications in critical theory and American studies (Assmann, Caruth, LaCapra, Hirsch).  

Primary texts:
1.    Toni Morrison: Beloved (1987)
2.    Art Spiegelman: Maus I & II (1986, 1991)
3.    Cynthia Ozick: The Shawl (1990)
4.    E L Doctorow: Ragtime (1975)
5.    Don DeLillo: Libra (1988)
6.    Jonathan Safran Foer: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2005)
7.    Sherman Alexie: Flight (2007)

Requirements: regular attendance; participation in class discussions; in-class and home assignments; seminar paper  (min. 10 double-spaced pages); mid-term + final test (continuous assessment, mandatory)

Readings (subject to change)

October 2016
Week 1: Introduction: lit-hist. contexts; types and mechanics of memory; memory and history; why memory (studies)?; trauma studies and memory (Freud, Moses…)
Week 2: Morrison: Beloved (the neo-slave novel, national memory, cultural trauma)
Week 3: Morrison: cont.
Week 4: Spiegelman: Maus I, II (post-memory; the graphic novel and the Holocaust; americanization of the Holocaust)

November 2016
Week 1: Spiegelman: cont.
Week 2: Ozick: The Shawl (americanization of the Holocaust; testimonial literature)
Week 3: Doctorow: Ragtime (popular/celebrity culture and culture industry; collective memory; organic and modern types of memory)
Week 4: Doctorow: cont. *Mid-term.*

December 2016
Week 1: Don DeLillo: Libra (politics, trauma and national memory; historiography and metafiction)
Week 2: DeLillo: Libra
Week 3: Foer: Extremely Loud (9/11, trauma and memory; multidirectional, global memory; mediation and memory)
Week 4: Foer: Extremely Loud (cont.)

January 2017
Week 1: Alexie: Flight. (ethnic memory and national history; Nora’s theory of memory)
Week 2: Alexie: cont. *Seminar paper submission.*
Week 3:  *Evaluation. Final test.*

Secondary readings
–    Additional reading material will be provided in digital form on Omega.
Assmann, Aleida. «History, Memory, and the Genre of Testimony». Poetics Today 27.2
    (Summer 2006): 261-274.
Caruth, Cathy, ed. Trauma: Explorations in Memory. Baltimore, London: The Johns
Hopkins UP, 1995. (selection)
Erll, Astrid, and Ansgar Nünning, eds. Media and Cultural Memory. Berlin, New York:
Walter de Gruyter, 2008. (selection)
Freud, Sigmund. Moses and Monotheism. Trans. Katherine Jones. New York: Vintage,
1939. 72-130. (Part Three, Section One)
Halbwachs, Maurice. On Collective Memory. Ed., transl., and with an Introduction by
Lewis S. Coser. Chicago, London: The U of Chicago P, 1992. (selection)
Hirsch, Marianne. «Past Lives: Postmemories in Exile». Poetics Today 4 (1996): 659-686.
Nora, Pierre. «Between Memory and History: Les Lieux de Mémoire». Representations
    26 (Spring 1989): 7-12.

Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of
Nationalism. Rev. ed. London, New York: Verso, 1991. (izbor)
 Assmann, Aleida. Cultural Memory and Western Civilization: Functions, Media, Archives.
Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2011.
Assmann, Aleida, and Sebastian Conrad, eds. Memory in a Global Age: Discourses,
Practices, and Trajectories. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
Connerton, Paul. Kako se društva sjećaju. Prev. Zdravko Židovec. Zagreb: Antibarbarus,
LaCapra, Dominick. History and Memory after Auschwitz. Ithaca, London: Cornell UP,
van der Kolk, Bessel. Psychological Trauma. Washington: American Psychiatric P, 1987.


Naslov kolegija: Predrafaelitizam
Nositelj/nastavnik: Prof. dr. sc. Tatjana Jukić
ECTS bodovi: 6
Jezik: engleski
Oblik nastave: 1P+2S
Uvjeti za upis: Upisan prvi, odnosno treći semestar diplomskog studija
Trajanje: 1. ili 3. semestar diplomskog studija

Opis kolegija: U kolegiju ćemo razmotriti odnos književnosti i vizualnosti u viktorijanskoj kulturi, s naglaskom na Predrafaelitsko bratstvo, skupinu slikara i pjesnika koji su uvelike odredili recepciju viktorijanaca u 20. stoljeću. Polazeći od Foucaultova vrednovanja različitih aspekata viktorijanske kulture i 19. stoljeća općenito, analizirat ćemo predrafaelitski zahvat u književnost i vizualnost, i način na koji predrafaeliti anticipiraju kritičke i vizualne prakse 20. stoljeća. Usredotočit ćemo se na književni, kritički i/ili slikarski rad Dantea Gabriela Rossettija, Christine Rossetti, Johna Ruskina, Johna Everetta Millaisa i Williama Holmana Hunta.

Način polaganja ispita: Konačnu ocjenu sačinjava uspjeh iz dviju pismenih provjera znanja (jedne sredinom i druge krajem semestra, 30% + 30% konačne ocjene), te iz eseja na zadanu temu (30% konačne ocjene), uz redovito pohađanje nastave i aktivno sudjelovanje u njoj (10% konačne ocjene).

Način praćenja kvalitete i uspješnosti izvedbe predmeta: Anonimna studentska anketa na kraju semestra.

TJEDAN 1 Viktorijanci i vizualnost. Panoptizam. Slikarstvo i fotografija.
TJEDAN 2 Viktorijanci i Foucault (vizualnost i seksualnost). Historizam i drugi zakon termodinamike.
TJEDAN 3 Predrafaelitsko bratstvo. Vizualnost, naracija, historizam.
TJEDAN 4 Predrafaelitski Shakespeare (1). Hamlet. Millais, „Ophelia“
TJEDAN 5 Predrafaelitski Shakespeare (2). Mjera za mjeru. Millais i Holman Hunt. Tennyson, „Mariana“
TJEDAN 6 Predrafaeliti i psihoanaliza (1). Dante Gabriel Rossetti, „Ecce Ancilla Domini (The Annunciation)“
TJEDAN 7 Predrafaeliti i psihoanaliza (2). Dante Gabriel Rossetti, „Pia de’ Tolomei“ i „Proserpine“. Dante Gabriel Rossetti i sonet. Freud, „Žalovanje i melankolija“
TJEDAN 8 Pismena provjera. Predrafaeliti i prijevodna književnost. Prijevod kao „ludilo realizma“.
TJEDAN 9 Žene u bratstvu. Viktorijanske spisateljice. Christina Rossetti (1). „In an Artist’s Studio“, „My Dream“, „The Convent Threshold“
TJEDAN 10 Žene u bratstvu. Viktorijanske spisateljice. Christina Rossetti (2). Goblin Market
TJEDAN 11 Predrafaeliti, politička ekonomija i biopolitika. Ford Madox Brown, „Work“. Ruskin kao kritičar.
TJEDAN 12 Predrafaeliti i hrvatska kritika. Matoš i Krleža.
TJEDAN 13 Predrafaeliti i (post) modernost. Fowles i Byatt.
TJEDAN 14 Završna diskusija.
TJEDAN 15 Pismena provjera. Evaluacija.

Obavezna literatura:
Dickens, Charles. “A Criticism of Millais’ ‘Christ in the House of His Parents’”
Hunt, William Holman. Pre-Raphaelitism and the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood (izbor)
Rossetti, Christina Rossetti. Pjesme i proza (izbor)
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Pjesme, prijevodi, kritika (izbor)
Ruskin, John. Kritika (izbor)
Pater, Walter. “Dante Gabriel Rossetti”
Swinburne, Algernon Charles. Pjesme (izbor)
Tennyson, Alfred. Pjesme (izbor)

Byatt, Antonia Susan. Possession. A Romance
Fowles, John. The French Lieutenant’s Woman

Izborna literatura:
Benjamin, Walter. “The Task of the Translator”
Bronfen, Elizabeth. Over Her Dead Body. Death, Femininity and the Aesthetic (izbor)
Buchanan, Robert. “The Fleshly School of Poetry”
Cavell, Stanley. Contesting Tears. The Hollywood Melodrama of the Unknown Woman (izbor)
Deleuze, Gilles. Essays Critical and Clinical (izbor)
Foucault, Michel. Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (izbor)
Foucault, Michel. „Of Other Spaces“
Foucault, Michel. The History of Sexuality: 1. (izbor)
Freud, Sigmund. “Mourning and Melancholia”
Gilbert, Sandra M. i Susan Gubar. The Madwoman in the Attic and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination (izbor)
Harding, Ellen (ur.). Re-Framing the Pre-Raphaelites. Historical and Theoretical Essays (izbor)
James, Henry. Pisma (izbor)
Jukić, Tatjana. Zazor, nadzor, sviđanje. Dodiri književnog i vizualnog u britanskom 19. stoljeću (izbor)
Klibansky, Raymond, Erwin Panofsky i Fritz Saxl. Saturn and Melancholy. Studies in the History of Natural Philosophy, Religion, and Art (izbor)
Mulvey, Laura. “Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema”
Paglia, Camille. Sexual Personae. Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson (izbor)
Pointon, Marcia (ur.). Pre-Raphaelites Re-Viewed (izbor)
Pollock, Griselda. Vision and Difference. Femininity, feminism and histories of art (izbor)
Rancière, Jacques. The Future of the Image (izbor)
Tobin, Thomas (ur.). Worldwide Pre-Raphaelitism (izbor)


Hrvatsko-američka etnička književnost

Naziv kolegija: Hrvatsko-američka etnička književnost (Croatian-American Ethnic Literature) (A, 20. st.)
Nastavnica: Dr. sc. Jelena Šesnić, izv. prof.
ECTS-bodovi: 6
Jezik: Engleski
Trajanje: zimski semestar dipl. studija (1. ili 3.)
Status: Izborni
Oblik nastave: 1 sat predavanja + 2 sata seminara
Uvjeti za upis kolegija: Upisan dipl. studij.

Sadržaj kolegija: U kolegiju se prati kontinuirani razvoj etničke književnosti hrvatskoga predznaka unutar američke (SAD) književnosti. Polazeći od činjenice da se početkom 20. stoljeća uspostavlja iseljeničko pismo koje problematizira hrvatske i hrvatsko-američke protagoniste te njihove specifične situacije i zaplete na putu integracije u američko društvo, kolegij nudi pregled reprezentativnih tekstova i čvorišta na kojima počiva hrvatsko etničko iskustvo u književnosti SAD-a, ali dijelom i u hrvatskoj književnosti. Isprva se postavlja teza da je hrvatsko etničko pismo specifično po nekim odlikama (teme, kulturni elementi, tipovi protagonista), potom se sagledavaju različite manifestacije (žanrovske, stilske, ideološke) unutar cjeline, da bi se u nastavku, korištenjem modela suvremenih etničkih, kulturnih i američkih studija, ukazalo na izuzetnu živost unutar hrvatskog etničkog pisma, koje više nije ograničeno ni nacionalnim (SAD) ni jezičnim granicama (engleski), nego se iskazuje u transnacionalnom i dijasporijskom kontekstu te se može sagledavati na podlozi sličnih kulturnih iskustava. Žanrovski (od memoara, autobiografije, putpisa do fikcionalnih žanrova i poezije), jezično (engleski, hrvatski, bilingvalizam) te geo-politički ovi tekstovi predstavljaju kulturni i interpretativni izazov.

Cilj kolegija: Poticanje kritičkog i istaživačkog rada kod studenata na primjeru književne i kulturne produkcije koja zahtijeva interdisciplinarni pristup. Upoznavanje s nedovoljno poznatim i vrednovanim korpusom vezanim za hrvatsku i američku kulturnu povijest i suvremenost.

Obveze u kolegiju: Kontinuirana evaluacija (kolokviji: mid-term + final); seminarski rad (10-12 kartica teksta); aktivnost na satu (redovno pohađanje, usmena prezentacija, sudjelovanje u raspravama, pismene zadaće). Zaključna se ocjena temelji na pozitivno ocijenjenim svim segmentima rada u kolegiju.

Primarni tekstovi:

Ante Tresić Pavičić, Preko Atlantika do Pacifika: život Hrvata u Sjevernoj Americi (1907; izbor)

Louis Adamic, From Many Lands (1939; izbor); Native’s Return (1934; izbor); Laughing in the Jungle (1932; izbor); A Nation of Nations (1945; izbor)

Gabro Karabin, „Honorable Escape“ (1937)

Edward Ifkovic, Anna Marinkovich, A Novel (1980)

Mary Helen Stefaniak, The Turk and My Mother (2004)

Vladimir Goss, Antigonin dnevnik (1993)

Josip Novakovich, Plum Brandy: Croatian Journeys (2003)

Courtney Angela Brkic, Stillness and Other Stories (2003)

Neda Miranda Blažević-Krietzman, „Terorizam i prijelazi preko hladnoratovskih granica“ (2004); Marilyn Monroe, moja majka (2012; izbor iz novela)

Sara Nović, Girl at War (2015)

Raspored po tjednima

  1. Uvod u problematiku nestablinog književnog korpusa (Brešić); „minorna književnost“ (Deleuze i Guattari); problematika studija hrvatske dijaspore (Škvorc)
  2. Hibridni žanr putopisa; pojam transkulturacije (Ortiz) i književnosti u „zoni dodira“ (Pratt); autoetnografsko pismo (Pratt); američki putopis Tresića Pavičića kao generativni tekst i začetnik hrvatsko-američkog putopisnog pisma
  3. i 4. Doprinos slovensko-američkog autora Louisa Adamiča razvoju općenito etničkog, a posebno hrvatskog etničkog izričaja u međuratnoj Americi; analiza nefikcionalnih žanrova (od putopisa do autobiografije i publicistike); žanr etničke autobiografije (Boelhower)
  4. i 6. Problematika „drugoga naraštaja“; rađanje umjetničkog izričaja: Karabinova kratka priča „Honorable Escape“ i Ifkovicev roman Anna Marinkovich
  5. Prvi kolokvij. Uvod: Naracija i (obiteljska) memorija: pamćenje hrvatsko-američke književnosti; roman M. H. Stefaniak The Turk and My Mother
  6. Nastavak: Stefaniak, The Turk and My Mother ; etnička književnost u odnosu prema američkoj
  7. i 10. Globaliziranje hrvatsko-američke književnosti; od egzilnog, etničkog do dijasporijskog pisma; Blažević-Krietzman: „Terorizam i prijelazi preko hladnoratovskih granica“; Marilyn Monroe… (izbor); Goss (roman Antigonin dnevnik)
  8. i 12. Globaliziranje hrvatsko-američke književnosti; od egzilnog, etničkog do dijasporijskog pisma; Novakovich, izbor iz nefikcionalne proze (memoari, putopis, eseji); etnografski model čitanja (Clifford)
  9. Repertoar suvremene hrvatsko-američke proze: tematika rata u Hrvatskoj i BiH (Brkic; Nović)
  10. Evaluacija; završni kolokvij.


A Obvezatna

Boelhower, William. “The Brave New World of Immigrant Autobiography”. MELUS 9.2: Ethnic Biography and Autobiography. (Summer 1982): 5-23.

Brešić, Vinko. “Hrvatska emigrantska književnost.” Teme novije hrvatske književnosti. Zagreb: NZMH, 2001. 179-211.

Clifford, James. The Predicament of Culture: Twentieth-Century Ethnography, Literature, and Art. Cambridge and London: Harvard UP, 1988. (izbor)

“Courtney Angela Brkic.” Wikipedia. Web.

Deleuze, Gilles, and Félix Guattari. “What Is a Minor Literature?” Kafka: Toward a Minor Literature. Trans. Dana Polan. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1986. 16-27.  

Koval, Ramona. „Books and Writing: Josip Novakovich“. Radio National. 03.07. 2005. 21. 06. 2006.      Web.

LaSota, Catherine. „A Capacity for Empathy. An Interview with Sara Nović, author of Girl at War.“ Electric Literature. Web. 15.09.2015. http://electricliterature.com/a-capacity-for-empathy-an-interview-with-sara-novic-author-of-girl-at-war/

„Mary Helen Stefaniak“. Web. http://www.maryhelenstefaniak.com/

Ortiz, Fernando. Cuban Counterpoint. Tobacco and Sugar. 1940. Trans. Harriet de Onís. Durham and

London: Duke UP, 1995. lvii-lxiv, 97-103.

Pratt, Mary Louise. “Arts of the Contact Zone”. Profession 91 (1993): 33-40.

Šesnić, Jelena . „Croatian American Literature as a Transculturated Discourse“. East Central Europe in

Exile. Volume 2: Transatlantic Identitites. Ed. Anna Mazurkiewicz. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2013. 13-29.

Škvorc, Boris. Australski Hrvati: mitovi i stvarnost. Rasprave i eseji o hrvatskoj emigrantskoj književnosti, egzilantima i imaginarnoj Hrvatskoj. Zagreb: Hrvatska matica iseljenika, 2005. (izbor)

B Izborna

Antić, Ljubomir. Croats and America. Trans. Vladimir Goss. Zagreb: Hrv. sveuč. naklada, 1997. (Hrvati i Amerika. 2. dop. izd. Zagreb: Hrv. sveuč. naklada, Hrvatska matica iseljenika, 2002.)

Banov-Depope, Estela. Hrvatske kalendarske knjige u Sjevernoj Americi. Rijeka: Hrvatsko filološko društvo, Graftrade Žagar, 2001.

Bicha, Karel. „Hunkies: Stereotyping the Slavic Immigrants, 1890-1920“. Journal of American Ethnic History 2.1 (Fall 1982): 16-38.

Bierlein, Stacy. „Interview with Josip Novakovich“. Other Voices 38. 21.06. 2006. Web.

Diaspora. A Journal of Transnational Studies. EBSCO-Academic Search Premier. Web.

Goss, Vladimir P. “Hrvatski duh u engleskome ruhu”. Hrvatski iseljenički zbornik (2001): 163-71.

 Hrvatski iseljenički zbornik. Zagreb: Hrvatska matica iseljenika. 1992-. (2001-. Web.)

Ifkovic, Edward. “Three South Slavic-American Literatures”. Ethnic Perspectives in American Literature. Selected Essays on the European Contribution. Eds. Robert Di Pietro and Edward Ifkovic. New York: The MLA of America, 1983. 266-91.

Iseljenički kalendar. Nova matica. Zagreb: Hrvatska matica iseljenika. 1955-1991.

Kalogjera, Branka. Pisci između dviju domovina. Rijeka: Hrv. filološko društvo, Graftrade, 2003.

— . Izlaz iz iluzija: studije, eseji, kritike. Zagreb: Hrvatska matica iseljenika, 2008.

Prpić, Jure (George Prpic). Hrvati u Americi: njihova povijest i doprinos Americi i Hrvatskoj. Prev.

Ksenija Horvat. Zagreb: Hrvatska matica iseljenika, 1997.

Rogić, Ivan i Ivan Čizmić. Modernizacija u Hrvatskoj i hrvatska odselidba. Zagreb: Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar, 2011.

Šesnić, Jelena. „Croatian American Diasporic Literature: Two Cases of an Emergent Discourse“.

Transatlantic Dialogues: Eastern Europe, the U.S. and Post-Cold War Cultural Spaces. Eds.

Rodica Mihaila and Roxana Oltean. Bucarest: Editura universitatii din bucuresti, 2009. 224-41.