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Jezik i kognicija: od teorije do primjene

Instructor: Associate professor Renata Geld, PhD
Course title: Language and cognition: from theory to application
(Jezik i kognicija: od teorije do primjene)
Language: English
Number of hours per semester: 30 hours
ECTS: 4 credits
Level: graduate (kolegij je otvoren svim studentima na diplomskoj razini anglistike)

Course content: Students attending this course will be encouraged to discover and re-discover the nature of language and its relation to various aspects of cognition, as well as hypothesize the relevance of this relationship for various fields of science and everyday life. They will situate linguistics and language within the realm of cognitive science, and they will be invited to discuss the importance of interdisciplinary thought in education.

Special attention will be given to the construct of creativity. It will be discussed by relating the nature of mechanisms that occur in language and thought with processes that underlie various forms of human creation, ideas and „products“. Being a sophisticated and complex phenomenon, language offers numerous insights into how our mind works, i.e. how language relates to thought. The aim of this course is to introduce the fundamental notions related to human conceptual organization and discuss evidence supporting the idea that language communicates with other cognitive processes. The interrelation between language and our perceptual and conceptual knowledge opens up possibilities to investigate how human interaction with the world and our specific sensory experience affects the nature of language as well as other forms of human creation. In sum, we shall attempt to unpack creative processes by assuming that language and thought may serve as a supreme starting point for discussing creativity in various walks of life and forms of human creation.

The course structure:
Week 1
– Introduction to central notions and students’ existing knowledge and/or beliefs about them (part I): linguistics vis-à-vis cognitive science, human mind, language and general cognitive processes (attention, categorization, perspective, etc.).

Week 2 – Introduction to central notions and students’ existing knowledge and/or beliefs about them (part II): perception, mental imagery, concepts and conceptualization, experience and linguistic meaning construal, conceptual integration and creativity.

Week 3– Linguistics, cognitive science, and significance of interdisciplinarity.
Week 4 – Students’ reports (students’ field(s) of interest and future profession, motivation for joining the course, and tentative ideas about the importance of fundamental notions introduced); the way we think, the way we learn, the way we teach.
Week 5– Conceptual integration and human creativity – part I
Week 6– Conceptual integration and human creativity – part II
Week 7 – Continual assessment.
Week 8 – The nature of multimodal meaning construal.
Week 9 – Brainstorming and discussing ideas for individual micro-projects.
Week 10 – Presentation of topics for micro-projects.
Week 11 – How to test theoretical assumptions, conduct research, and apply relevant findings.
Week 12 – Consolidation and revision.
Week 13 – Students’ reports (micro-projects).
Week 14 – Students’ reports (micro-projects).
Week 15 – Students’ reports (micro-projects).

Required reading:

  • Croft, W. and Wood, E. J. (2000). Construal operations in linguistics and artificial intelligence. In: Albertazzi, L. (ed.), Meaning and Cognition, A multidisciplinary approach. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
  • Fauconnier, G. and Turner, M. (2003). “Polysemy and Conceptual Blending.” In Polysemy: Flexible Patterns of Meaning in Mind and Language. Edited by Brigitte Nerlich, Vimala Herman, Zazie Todd, and David Clarke. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Pages 79-94. A volume in the series Trends in Linguistics.
  • Fauconnier, G. and Turner, M. (2002). The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending and the Mind’s Hidden Complexities. New York: Basic Books. (selected chapters)
  • Gardner, H. (1985). The Mind’s New Science: A History of the Cognitive Revolution. New York: Basic Books. (chapters 3 and 7)
  • Geld, R. (2014). “Investigating meaning construal in the language of the blind: a cognitive linguistic perspective.” Suvremena lingvistika[Contemporary Linguistics]. 77. 27-59.
  • Oakley, T. (2009). From Attention to Meaning : Explorations in Semiotics, Linguistics, and Rhetoric. Berlin: Verlag Peter Lang. (selected chapters)
  • Turner, M. (2014). The Origin of Ideas: Blending, Creativity, and the Human Spark.New York: Oxford University Press. (selected chapters)


Recommended reading:

  • Geld, R. and Stanojević, M.-M. (2018). Strateško konstruiranje značenja riječju i slikom – konceptualna motivacija u ovladavanju jezikom [Strategic Construal of Meaning Using Words and Images: Cognitive Motivation in Second Language Learning]. Zagreb: Srednja Europa. (selected chapters)
  • Gibbs, W. R. (2006). Embodiment and Cognitive Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (selected chapters)
  • Langacker, R. W. (1999). Grammar and Conceptualization. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter. (selected chapters)
  • Parrill, F., Tobin, V., and Turner, M. (eds.) (2010). Meaning, Form, and Body. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information. (selected chapters)
  • Schank, R. (2011). Teaching Minds: How Cognitive Science Can Save Our Schools.New York: Teachers College Press. (selected chapters)

At the end of this course, at a general level, the students will be able to:
– find relevant literature and read it critically;
– analyze and synthesize various data;
– participate in discussions argumentatively and open-mindedly;
– appreciate and accept criticism and other people’s opinions;
– design a small-scale research project.

At a more specific level, the students will be able to:
– consolidate their prior linguistic and general knowledge with new insights about the nature of language and human conceptualization;
– consolidate their prior linguistic and general knowledge with new insights about the interrelation between language and other cognitive processes;
– apply theoretical knowledge about the nature of language and cognition to their own areas of interest;
– recognize the relevance of certain interrelations between language and cognition for various scientific disciplines and fields of life.


Jezik i kognicija: od teorije do primjene (arh.)

Instructor: Assistant professor Renata Geld, PhD
Course title: Language and cognition: from theory to application
(Jezik i kognicija: od teorije do primjene) (do 2020./21.)
Language: English
Number of hours per semester: 30 hours
ECTS: 4 credits
Level: graduate (kolegij je otvoren svim studentima na diplomskoj razini anglistike)

Course content: Students attending this course will be encouraged to discover and re-discover the nature of language and its relation to various aspects of cognition, aa well as hypothesize the relevance of this relationship for various fields of science and everyday life. They will situate linguistics and language within the realm of cognitive science, and they will be invited to discuss the importance of interdisciplinary thought in education.
Being a sophisticated and complex phenomenon, language offers numerous insights into how our mind works, i.e. how language relates to thought. The aim of this course is to introduce the fundamental notions related to human conceptual organization and discuss evidence supporting the idea that language communicates with other cognitive processes. If this is so, the language we speak represents a source of information about the nature of our mental imagery and cognitive processes such as attention, judgment and categorization, perspective, etc. Furthermore, the interrelation between language and our perceptual and conceptual knowledge opens up possibilities to investigate how human interaction with the world and our specific sensory experience affects the nature of language. This, in turn, allows linguists, psychologists, educationalists, special needs educationalists and speech therapists, first and second language researchers, philosophers, computer scientists, cognitive scientists, and many others, to use language as a “diagnostic” tool to determine both highly individual and largely universal phenomena pertaining to the way we perceive, process and understand, store and use our knowledge. In addition, insights from language and studies of language have been widely used to explore other modes of communication, meaning construal and representation. For example: the language children speak tells us a great deal about how their perceptual and conceptual categories are formed; various elements in the language of the congenitally blind proved to be informative about their mental imagery and the role of alternate sensory input they experience; what we attend to in the process of learning something new tells us a great deal about what we already know and how our domains of knowledge relate to each other; the nature of visual representation of meaning as well as imagery in general have been investigated in relation to language and linguistic meaning construal.

The course structure:
Week 1
– Introduction to central notions and students’ existing knowledge and/or beliefs about them: linguistics and cognitive science, human mind, general cognitive processes, perception, mental imagery, concepts and conceptualization, experience and embodiment, language and linguistic meaning construal.
Week 2 – Cognitive science –significance of interdisciplinarity.
Week 3 – Students’ reports (students’ field(s) of interest and future profession, motivation for joining the course, and tentative ideas about the importance of fundamental notions introduced); the way we think, the way we learn, the way we teach.
Week 4 – Conceptual integration and human creativity.
Week 5 – The relationship between our body and mind, and the affect this relationship is likely to have on our thought and language.
Week 6 – What our language(s) reveal about our sensory experiences, cultural phenomena, and everyday life.
Week 7 – Continual assessment.
Week 8 – The nature of multimodal meaning construal: words and images.
Week 9 – Brainstorming and discussing ideas for individual micro-projects.
Week 10 – Presentation of topics for micro-projects.
Week 11 – How to test theoretical assumptions, conduct research, and apply relevant findings.
Week 12 – Consolidation and revision.
Week 13 – Students’ reports (micro-projects).
Week 14 – Students’ reports (micro-projects).
Week 15 – Students’ reports (micro-projects).

Required reading:
Carney, R. N. and Levin, J. R. (2002). Pictorial illustrations still improve students’ learning from text. Educational Psychology Review 14: 5-26.

Croft, W. and Wood, E. J. (2000). Construal operations in linguistics and artificial intelligence. In: Albertazzi, L. (ed.), Meaning and Cognition, A multidisciplinary approach. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.

Fauconnier, G. and Turner, M. (2003). “Polysemy and Conceptual Blending.” In Polysemy: Flexible Patterns of Meaning in Mind and Language. Edited by Brigitte Nerlich, Vimala Herman, Zazie Todd, and David Clarke. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter. Pages 79-94. A volume in the series Trends in Linguistics.

Fauconnier, G. and Turner, M. (2002). The Way We Think: Conceptual Blending and the Mind’s Hidden Complexities. New York: Basic Books. (selected chapters)

Gardner, H. (1985). The Mind’s New Science: A History of the Cognitive Revolution. New York: Basic Books. (chapters 3 and 7)

Geld, R. (2014). “Investigating meaning construal in the language of the blind: a cognitive linguistic perspective.” Suvremena lingvistika [Contemporary Linguistics]. 77. 27-59.

Geld, R. and Stanojević, M.-M. (2018). Strateško konstruiranje značenja riječju i slikom – konceptualna motivacija u ovladavanju jezikom [Strategic Construal of Meaning Using Words and Images: Cognitive Motivation in Second Language Learning]. Zagreb: Srednja Europa. (selected chapters)

Gibbs, W. R. (2006). Embodiment and Cognitive Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (selected chapters)

Langacker, R. W. (1999). Grammar and Conceptualization. Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter. (selected chapters)

Parrill, F., Tobin, V., and Turner, M. (eds.) (2010). Meaning, Form, and Body. Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and Information. (selected chapters)

Schank, R. (2011). Teaching Minds: How Cognitive Science Can Save Our Schools. New York: Teachers College Press. (selected chapters)

Turner, M. (2014). The Origin of Ideas: Blending, Creativity, and the Human Spark. New York: Oxford University Press. (selected chapters)

At the end of this course, at a general level, the students will be able to:
– find relevant literature and read it critically;
– analyze and synthesize various data;
– participate in discussions argumentatively and open-mindedly;
– appreciate and accept criticism and other people’s opinions;
– initiate, design and conduct a small-scale research project.

At a more specific level, the students will be able to:
– consolidate their prior linguistic and general knowledge with new insights about the nature of language and human conceptualization;
– consolidate their prior linguistic and general knowledge with new insights about the interrelation between language and other cognitive processes;
– apply theoretical knowledge about the nature of language and cognition to their own areas of interest;
– recognize the relevance of certain interrelations between language and cognition for various scientific disciplines and fields of life.




3. semestar

Naziv kolegija: DVOJEZIČNOST
Nositelj kolegija: dr. sc. Stela Letica Krevelj, docent
Nastavnik: dr.sc. Stela Letica Krevelj, docent
ECTS-bodovi: 5
Jezik: engleski
Trajanje: 1 semestar (III. semstar diplomskog studija)
Status: izborni

Oblik nastave: 2 sata predavanja i 2 sata seminara
Položen ispit iz Glotodidaktike i Usvajanja drugog jezika ili ekvivalentnih kolegija na drugim diplomskim programima nastavničkog smjera
Kontinuirano praćenje i vrednovanje – krajnja ocjena temelji se na rezultatima sudjelovanja u nastavi, dva kolokvija te projektnome zadatku.

Sadržaj: Određenje dvojezičnosti (pod čime se podrazumijeva i višejezičnost); povijesni pregled istraživanja dvojezičnosti; odnos i vrste individualne i društvene dvojezičnosti; dinamika dvojezičnoga razvoja (u prirodnome i institucionaliziranome kontekstu); jezična obrada kod dvojezičnih osoba; međujezični utjecaji u višejezičnom sustavu; komunikacijska kompetencija dvojezičnih osoba; jednojezični i dvojezični modalitet; prebacivanje koda; odumiranje jezika; odnos dvojezičnosti i spoznaje; dvojezičnost i obrazovanje.

Cilj: Stjecanje uvida u temeljne procese dvojezičnoga (višejezičnoga) razvoja, posebitosti lingvističke i komunikacijske kompetencije dvojezičnih osoba te temeljna pitanja dvojezičnoga obrazovanja.

Obvezna literatura (odabrana poglavlja):
Aronin, L., & Singleton, D. (2012). Multilingualism (Vol. 30).  John Benjamins Publishing.
Auer, P., & Wei, L. (Eds.). (2007). Handbook of multilingualism and multilingual communication (Vol. 5). Walter de Gruyter.
Cenoz, J., Hufeisen, B., & Jessner, U. (2003). The multilingual lexicon. Springer Netherlands.
Cenoz, J. (2009). Towards multilingual education: Basque educational research from an international perspective (Vol. 72). Multilingual Matters.
Helot, C.,& O’Laoire, M. (2011). Language Policy for the Multilingual Classroom. Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Todeva, E., & Cenoz, J. (Eds.). (2009). The multiple realities of multilingualism: Personal narratives and researchers’ perspectives (Vol. 3). Walter de Gruyter.
Časopisi: Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, International Journal of Multilingualism, Language Awareness, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development


Učenici s posebnim potrebama : sljepoća i ovladavanje drugim jezikom



9. semestar

Naziv kolegija: Učenici s posebnim potrebama: sljepoća i ovladavanje drugim jezikom
Nositelj kolegija: prof. dr. sc. Renata Geld, docent

ECTS-bodovi: 3

Jezik: engleski

Trajanje: 1 semestar

Status: izborni

Oblik nastave: 2 sata predavanja + 2 sata seminara


Ispit: kontinuirana evaluacija (2 testa i projektni zadatak)



week topics
1 Fundamental concepts: blindness, legal blindness, visual impairment, individual differences
2 Motor and cognitive development: spatial cognition, joint attention, symbolic play, operational thinkingSocial interaction: prelinguistic development, theory of mind
3 Language development (part I): L1 development, relationship between language and thought, early words of blind children
4 Language development (part II): the issue of verbalism, lexicon, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics
5 Fundamental issues in L2 development
6 REVISION – Test 1
7 The visually impaired at school: everyday challenges                    
8 The visually impaired at school: the L2 classroom
9 The tactile exploration of the world and its relation to reading, writing, listening and speaking
10  Ways of testing theory in practice
11  REVISION – Test 2
12 Ways of testing theory in practice: microproject I – plans and drafts
13 Consolidation
14 Ways of testing theory in practice: microproject II – reports                        
15 Ways of testing theory in practice: microproject II – reports                          


Način rada: Na nastavi se očekuje visok stupanj pripremljenosti i interakcije studenata. Uspješnost na kolegiju se mjeri navedenim testovima u 6. i 11. tjednu nastave te aktivnim sudjelovanjem u osmišljavanju i provođenju mikro projekata.


Cilj: Stjecanje uvida u povezanost jezika, iskustva i ostalih kognitivnih sposobnosti te osnovnu problematiku ovladavanja jezikom kod slijepih učenika. Razvijanje kritičkog promišljanja postojećih pristupa u poučavanju i njihove prilagodbe iskustvenim potrebama slijepih. Po završenom kolegiju studenti će:


–          moći uspješno primijeniti teorijska znanja o prirodi jezika i njegovoj povezanosti s ostalim domenama znanja na znanja vezana uz pristup poučavanju slijepe i slabovidne djece i mladeži

–          moći uspješno osmisliti načine provjere određenih teorijskih pretpostavki i spoznaja u praksi

–          steći istraživačke kompetencije u područjima koja se bave vezama između jezika i ostalih kognitivnih sposobnosti te u područjima koja se bave percepcijskim karakterom znanja

–          biti osposobljeni za samostalno razmišljanje i zaključivanje o vezama između teorije i prakse i relevantnosti određenih aspekata teorije za područja učenja i poučavanja jezika kod slijepe i slabovidne djece i mladeži

–          naučiti prilagoditi nastavni materijal i osmisliti nove oblike nastavnog materijala koji su primjereniji i efikasniji od postojećih materijala koji se koriste  u poučavanju slijepe i slabovidne djece

–          konsolidirati prethodno stečena znanja o prirodi jezika, usvajanju jezika i pouci jezika s obzirom na uvid u karakteristike slijepe i slabovidne djece i mladeži te specifičnosti njihovog jezičnog razvoja i učenja.

Studenti će razviti sposobnost pronalaženja relevantne literature, njenog kritičkog iščitavanja, sinteze i prezentacije; razvit će sposobnost argumentiranog i kritičkog sudjelovanja u diskusijama, prihvaćanja komentara o svome radu i otvorenosti prema stavovima i idejama sugovornika; razvit će početne istraživačke kompetencije. Razvit će osjećaj profesionalnosti za rad s osobama s posebnim potrebama.



Obavezna ispitna literatura:


Bigelow, A. E. (2005) Blindness. In B. Hopkins (Ed.),Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.


Bigelow, A. E.  (2003) The development of joint attention in blind infants. Development and Psychopathology, 15, 259-275.


Couper, H. (1996) Teaching modern languages to visually impaired children. The Language Learning Journal 13:1, 6-9.


D’Angiulli, A. and Kirby, M. (2011) From inclusion to creativity through haptic drawing: unleashing the “untouched” in educational contexts. The Open Education Journal, 4, 67-79.


Geld, R. (2014) Investigating meaning construal in the language of the blind: a cognitive linguistic perspective. Suvremena lingvistika 77. 27-59.


Geld, R. and Čutić, A. (2014) Salience of topology in the strategic construal of English particle verbs in blind users of English. In Peti-Stantić, A. and Stanojević, M.-M.(eds.) Language as Information: Proceedings from CALS 2012. Frankfurt / New York: Peter Lang Verlag.


Geld, R. and Šimunić, M. (2009) A case study of a blind speaker of English as L2, In Brdar, M., Omazić, M. i Pavičić-Takač V. (eds.) Cognitive Approaches to English: Some Fundamental Interdisciplinary and Applied Aspects, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Guinan, H. (1997) ESL for Sudents with visual impairments. Journal of Visual Imapairment and Blindness, 91(6), 555-563.


Hollins, M. (2000) Vision Impairment and Cognition. In Silverstone, B., Lang, M.A., Rosenthal, B.P., Faye, E.E. (eds.) The Lighthouse Handbook on Vision Impairment and Vision Rehabilitation. Oxford University Press.


Jedynak, M. (2011) Across the borders of typhlopedagogy and SLA: New research problems, recent findings, perspectives. In Pawlak, M. (ed.) Extending the Boundaries of Research on Second Language Learning and Teaching. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.


Landau, B. and Gleitman, L. R. (1985) Language and experience: Evidence from the blind child. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (selected chapters)


Milian, M. and Pearson, V. (2005) Studnets with visual impairments in a dual.language program: A case study. Journal of visual impairment and blindness, 99(11), 715-720.


Pérez-Pereira, M. and Conti-Ramsden, G. (1999) Language Development and Social Interaction in Blind Children. Hove and New York: Psychology Press. (selected chapters)



Dodatna ispitna literatura:


Bigelow, A.  (1995)  The effects of blindness on the early development of the self.  In Rochat, P. (Ed.), The self in early infancy:  Theory and research.  Advances in Psychology Book Series, pp. 327-347.  Amsterdam:  North-Holland-Elsevier Science Publishers.

Bigelow, A.  (1992)  The development of blind children’s ability to predict what another sees.  Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 86(4), 181-184.

Bigelow, A.  (1992). Locomotion and search behavior in blind infants.  Infant Behavior and Development, 15, 179-189. 

Bigelow, A.  (1991)  The effect of distance and intervening obstacles on visual inference in blind and sighted children.  International Journal of Behavioral Development, 14(3), 273-283.

Bigelow, A.  (1991) Hiding in blind and sighted children.  Development and Psychopathology, 3, 301-310.

Bigelow, A.  (1991)  Spatial mapping of familiar locations in blind children.  Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 85(3), 113-117.

Bigelow, A.  (1990) Relationship between language and thought in young blind children.  Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 84(8), 414-419.

Bigelow, A.  (1988) Blind children’s concepts of how people see.  Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 82(2), 65-68.

Bigelow. A. E. (1987)  Early words of blind children.  Journal of Child Language, 14, 47-56.

Conroy, P. (2006). Strategies for Assisting Students with Visual Impairments in the

Classroom. Colorado Association of Paraprofessionals, Denver, CO.

Fortin, M. et al. (2008) Wayfinding in the blind: larger hippocampal volume and supranormal spatial navigation. Brain, 131: 2995-3005.

Nikolić, T. (1987) Teaching a foreign language in schools for blind and visually impaired children. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 81, 62-66.

Rosel, J. et al. (2005) Verbalism in the narrative language of children who are blind and sighted. Journal of Visual Imapairment and Blindness, 99(7), 1-22.

Thinus-Blanc, C. and Gaunet, F. (1997) Representation of space in blind persons: Vision as a spatial sense? Psychological Bulletin, 121, 20-42.
















Učenici s posebnim potrebama : sljepoća i ovladavanje drugim jezikom-arhiva



9. semestar

Naziv kolegija: Učenici s posebnim potrebama: sljepoća i ovladavanje drugim jezikom
Nositelj kolegija: prof. dr. sc. Renata Geld, docent
Nastavnik: dr. sc. Renata Geld, docent
ECTS-bodovi: 3
Jezik: engleski
Trajanje: 1 semestar
Status: izborni
Oblik nastave: 2 sata predavanja + 2 sata seminara
Uvjeti: –
Ispit: kontinuirana evaluacija (2 testa i projektni zadatak)

Cilj: Stjecanje uvida u povezanost jezika, iskustva i ostalih kognitivnih sposobnosti te osnovnu problematiku ovladavanja jezikom kod slijepih učenika. Razvijanje kritičkog promišljanja postojećih pristupa u poučavanju i njihove prilagodbe iskustvenim potrebama slijepih. Po završenom kolegiju studenti će:
– moći uspješno primijeniti teorijska znanja o prirodi jezika i njegovoj povezanosti s ostalim domenama znanja na znanja vezana uz pristup poučavanju slijepe i slabovidne djece i mladeži
– moći uspješno osmisliti načine provjere određenih teorijskih pretpostavki ispoznaja u praksi
– steći istraživačke kompetencije u područjima koja se bave vezama između jezika i ostalih kognitivnih sposobnosti te u područjima koja se bave percepcijskim karakterom znanja 
– biti osposobljeni za samostalno razmišljanje i zaključivanje o vezama između teorije i prakse i relevantnosti određenih aspekata teorije za područja učenja i poučavanja jezika kod slijepe i slabovidne djece i mladeži
– naučiti prilagoditi nastavni materijal i osmisliti nove oblike nastavnog materijala koji su primjereniji i efikasniji od postojećih materijala koji se koriste  u poučavanju slijepe i slabovidne djece
– konsolidirati prethodno stečena znanja o prirodi jezika, usvajanju jezika i pouci jezika s obzirom na uvid u karakteristike slijepe i slabovidne djece i mladeži te specifičnosti njihovog jezičnog razvoja i učenja.
Studenti će razviti sposobnost pronalaženja relevantne literature, njenog kritičkog iščitavanja, sinteze i prezentacije; razvit će sposobnost argumentiranog i kritičkog sudjelovanja u diskusijama, prihvaćanja komentara o svome radu i otvorenosti prema stavovima i idejama sugovornika; razvit će početne istraživačke kompetencije.Razvit će osjećaj profesionalnosti za rad s osobama s posebnim potrebama.

Program kolegija po tjednima:

week Topics
1 Fundamental concepts
2 Fundamental concepts: visual impairment and L1 development 
3 Fundamental concepts: perceptual nature of knowledge; language as an experiential phenomenon
4 Fundamental concepts: the nature of L2 in relation to other cognitive processes
5 Perspective and attention in L1 and L2
6 REVISION – Test 1
7  The visually impaired at school: everyday challenges                    
8 The visually impaired at school: the L2 classroom
9 The tactile exploration of the world and its relation to reading, writing, listening and speaking
10  Ways of testing theory in practice
11  REVISION – Test 2
12 Ways of testing theory in practice: microproject I – plans and drafts
13 Consolidation
14 Ways of testing theory in practice: microproject II – reports                        
15 Ways of testing theory in practice: microproject II – reports                          

Način rada: Na nastavi se očekuje visok stupanj pripremljenosti i interakcije studenata. Uspješnost na kolegiju se mjeri navedenim testovima u 6. i 11. tjednu nastave te aktivnim sudjelovanjem u osmišljavanju i provođenju mikro projekata.

Obvezna literatura:
Geld, R. i Šimunić, M. (2009). A case study of a blind speaker of English as L2, u Brdar, M., Omazić, M. i Pavičić-Takač V. (ur.) Cognitive Approaches to English: Some Fundamental Interdisciplinary and Applied Aspects, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Geld, R. 2006. Konceptualizacija i vidovi konstruiranja značenja: temeljne postavke i pojmovi kognitivnolingvističkog teorijskog okvira, Suvremena lingvistika, 62, str. 183-211.
Hollins, M. (2000). Vision Impairment and Cognition. U: Silverstone, B., Lang, M.A., Rosenthal, B.P., Faye, E.E. (ur.) The Lighthouse Handbook on Vision Impairment and Vision Rehabilitation. Oxford University Press.
Landau, B. and Gleitman, L. R. (1985). Language and experience: Evidence from the blind child. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Rosel, J., Caballer, A., Jara, P. and Oliver, J. C. (2005). Verbalism in the narrative language of children who are blind and sighted. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 413- 425.
Stančić, V. (1991). Oštećenja vida. Biopsihosocijalni aspekti. Školska knjiga, Zagreb.

Dopunska literatura:
Conti-Ramsden, G. and Perez-Pereira, M. (1999). Conversational interactions between mothers and their infants who are congenitally blind, have low vision, or are sighted. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness.
Dirven, R. i Verspoor, M. 2004. Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Vrednovanje jezične i komunikacijske kompetencije



9. ili 10. semestar

Nositelj kolegija: dr. Marta Medved Krajnović, izv. prof.
Nastavnik: dr. Marta Medved Krajnović, izv. prof., Stela Letica Krevelj
ECTS-bodovi: 3
Jezik: engleski
Trajanje: 1 semestar
: izborni

Oblik nastave: 2 sata predavanja i 2 sata seminara
Uvjeti: —
Ispit: Kontinuirano praćenje i vrednovanje
:  Studenti će steći uvid u problematiku definiranja i vrednovanja komunikacijske jezične kompetencije, izrade i standardizacije valjanih i pouzdanih jezičnih testova te ulogu i učinak koji vrednovanje i testiranje imaju na obrazovni proces i njegove sudionike. Okušat će se u izradi osnovnih tipova testova.




Introduction; Basic terminology (evaluation, assessment, testing)


Purpose of assessment/testing; Characteristics of a good test; washback effect


Types of tests and testing


Defining the construct – communicative language competence; testing communicative competence


Revision 1


Defining the construct – listening skill; testing the listening skill


Defining the construct – reading skill; testing the reading skill


Defining the construct – speaking skill; testing the speaking skill


Defining the construct – writing skill; testing the writing skill


Revision  2


Testing vocabulary


Testing grammar


Process of large scale, standardized tests development and analysis


Language testing and second language acquisition


Revision 3

Obvezna literatura:
Odabrana poglavlja iz sljedećih publikacija:
Bachman, L. F. i A. S. Palmer (1996). Language Testing in Practice: Designing and Devoloping Useful Language Tests. Oxford: OUP.
Bachman, L. F. (2004). Statistical Analyses for Language Assessment. Cambridge: CUP.
Bachman, L. F. i Kunnan, A. J. (2005). Statistical Analyses for Language Assessment Workbook. Cambridge: CUP.
Hughes, A. (2003). Testing for Language Teachers. CUP.

Dopunska literatura:
Odabrana poglavlja iz sljedećih publikacija:
Bachman, L.F. (1990). Fundamental Considerations in Language Testing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Bachman, L., Cohen, A. S. (ur.) 1998. Interfaces between Second Language Acquisition and Language Testing Research. Cambridge: CUP.
Cohen, Andrew D. (1994). Assessing Language Ability in the Classroom. Heinle & Heinle.
Council of Europe (2001). Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
McNamara, T. (2000). Language Testing. Oxford, New York: OUP
Časopis: Language Testing


Praksa 1 (3. sem.)



 3. semestar

Naziv kolegija:  PRAKSA 1
Nositelj kolegija: dr.sc. Renata Geld, docent
Nastavnici: dr.sc. Renata Geld, docent, Jasenka Čengić
ECTS- bodovi: 2 boda
: engleski
: III. semestar diplomskog studija
: obvezni
Oblik nastave
:  Nastava se izvodi kroz praktikume, hospitacije i samostalno držanje nastave
: —
: Na temelju portfolija i ocjena iż samostalno održane nastave
Cilj kolegija
: Studenti će se osposobiti za ciljano i refleksivno promatranje nastave i razviti svjesnost o sastavnicama nastavničke kompetencije i potrebi njezinog razvoja. Moći će povezati teorijske (stručne i profesionalne) spoznaje iz relevantnih kolegija s konkretnim primjerima nastavne prakse.

Plan izvođenja:
Nastava će se provoditi ritmom koji ovisi o mogućnosti ustanova koje studente primaju na praksu te o rasporedu sati mentora.

Program kolegija po tjednima:

Week Topics
1 Introduction
2 Classroom observation – foci
3 Designing activities for different levels of proficiency.
4 Designing activities for different age levels.
5 Designing lesson plans.
6 Classroom teaching in school.
7 Classroom teaching in school.
8 Classroom teaching in school.
9 Classroom teaching in school.
10 Classroom teaching in school.
11 Reflecting on teaching experience
12 Classroom teaching in school.
13 Classroom teaching in school.
14 Teaching styles
15 Issues in learning to teach EFL

Način rada: Na praktikumima studenti će se pripremiti za ciljano promatranje nastave u ustanovama u kojima će hospitirati na nastavi mentora te samostalno izvoditi nastavu. Tijekom hospitacija vodit će dnevnik prakse. Studenti će trebati povezati i primijeniti znanja i vještine koje će stjecati u ostalim kolegijima metodičkoga bloka. Dnevnik prakse i analize sati ocijenit će se kao dio obaveznog portfolija koji studenti sastavljaju tijekom diplomskog studija.

Obvezna literatura:
– Crookes, G. (2003) A Practicum in TESOL: professional development through teaching practice. Cambridge: CUP. [odabrana poglavlja]
– Newby, D. i sur. (2008) European portfolio for student teachers of languages. Graz: ECML. [odabrana poglavlja]
– Wajnryb, R. (1992) Classroom observation tasks. Cambridge: CUP. [odabrana poglavlja]

Dopunska literatura:
– Allwright, D. (1988) Observation in the language classroom. New York: Longman. [odabrana poglavlja]
– Costas i Costa i sur. (eds.) (2001) Student teaching in Europe. Freiburg im Breisgau: Fillibach-Verl. [odabrana poglavlja]
– Gebhard, J.G. i Oprandy, R. (1999) Language teaching awareness. Cambridge: CUP. [odabrana poglavlja]





STARI-Učenici s posebnim potrebama : sljepoća i ovladavanje drugim jezikom



 9. semestar

Naziv kolegija: Učenici s posebnim potrebama: sljepoća i ovladavanje drugim jezikom
Nositelj kolegija: prof. dr. Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović
Nastavnici: Dr. Renata Geld
ECTS-bodovi: 3
Jezik: engleski
Trajanje: 1 semestar
Status: obvezni
Oblik nastave: 2 sata predavanja + 2 sata seminara
Uvjeti: —
Ispit: kontinuirana evaluacija (2 testa i projektni zadatak)
Cilj: Stjecanje uvida u povezanost jezika, iskustva i ostalih kognitivnih sposobnosti te osnovnu problematiku ovladavanja jezikom kod slijepih učenika. Razvijanje kritičkog promišljanja postojećih pristupa u poučavanju i njihove prilagodbe iskustvenim potrebama slijepih. Po završenom kolegiju studenti će:
moći uspješno primijeniti teorijska znanja o prirodi jezika i njegovoj povezanosti s ostalim domenama znanja na znanja vezana uz pristup poučavanju slijepe i slabovidne djece i mladeži
moći uspješno osmisliti načine provjere određenih teorijskih pretpostavki ispoznaja u praksi
steći istraživačke kompetencije u područjima koja se bave vezama između jezika i ostalih kognitivnih sposobnosti te u područjima koja se bave percepcijskim karakterom znanja
biti osposobljeni za samostalno razmišljanje i zaključivanje o vezama između teorije i prakse i relevantnosti određenih aspekata teorije za područja učenja i poučavanja jezika kod slijepe i slabovidne djece i mladeži
naučiti prilagoditi nastavni materijal i osmisliti nove oblike nastavnog materijala koji su primjereniji i efikasniji od postojećih materijala koji se koriste  u poučavanju slijepe i slabovidne djece
konsolidirati prethodno stečena znanja o prirodi jezika, usvajanju jezika i pouci jezika s obzirom na uvid u karakteristike slijepe i slabovidne djece i mladeži te specifičnosti njihovog jezičnog razvoja i učenja.
Studenti će razviti sposobnost pronalaženja relevantne literature, njenog kritičkog iščitavanja, sinteze i prezentacije; razvit će sposobnost argumentiranog i kritičkog sudjelovanja u diskusijama, prihvaćanja komentara o svome radu i otvorenosti prema stavovima i idejama sugovornika; razvit će početne istraživačke kompetencije.
Razvit će osjećaj profesionalnosti za rad s osobama s posebnim potrebama.

Program kolegija po tjednima:




Fundamental concepts


Fundamental concepts: visual impairment and L1 development 


Fundamental concepts: perceptual nature of knowledge; language as an experiential phenomenon


Fundamental concepts: the nature of L2 in relation to other cognitive processes


Perspective and attention in L1 and L2




 The visually impaired at school: everyday challenges                    


The visually impaired at school: the L2 classroom


The tactile exploration of the world and its relation to reading, writing, listening and speaking


 Ways of testing theory in practice


 REVISION – Test 2


Ways of testing theory in practice: microproject I – plans and drafts




Ways of testing theory in practice: microproject II – reports                        


Ways of testing theory in practice: microproject II – reports                          

Način rada: Na nastavi se očekuje visok stupanj pripremljenosti i interakcije studenata. Uspješnost na kolegiju se mjeri navedenim testovima u 6. i 11. tjednu nastave te aktivnim sudjelovanjem u osmišljavanju i provođenju mikro projekata.

Obvezna literatura:
Geld, R. i Šimunić, M. (2009). A case study of a blind speaker of English as L2, u Brdar, M., Omazić, M. i Pavičić-Takač V. (ur.) Cognitive Approaches to English: Some Fundamental Interdisciplinary and Applied Aspects, Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Geld, R. 2006. Konceptualizacija i vidovi konstruiranja značenja: temeljne postavke i pojmovi kognitivnolingvističkog teorijskog okvira, Suvremena lingvistika, 62, str. 183-211.
Hollins, M. (2000). Vision Impairment and Cognition. U: Silverstone, B., Lang, M.A., Rosenthal, B.P., Faye, E.E. (ur.) The Lighthouse Handbook on Vision Impairment and Vision Rehabilitation. Oxford University Press.
Landau, B. and Gleitman, L. R. (1985). Language and experience: Evidence from the blind child. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Rosel, J., Caballer, A., Jara, P. and Oliver, J. C. (2005). Verbalism in the narrative language of children who are blind and sighted. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness, 413- 425.
Stančić, V. (1991). Oštećenja vida. Biopsihosocijalni aspekti. Školska knjiga, Zagreb.

Dopunska literatura:
Conti-Ramsden, G. and Perez-Pereira, M. (1999). Conversational interactions between mothers and their infants who are congenitally blind, have low vision, or are sighted. Journal of Visual Impairment and Blindness.
Dirven, R. i Verspoor, M. 2004. Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins.


Individualne razlike u usvajanju jezika



 9. semestar

Nositelj kolegija: prof. dr. Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović
Nastavnik: prof. dr. Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović
ECTSbodovi: 3 boda
Jezik: engleski
Semestar: IX.
Status: izborni
Oblik nastave: 2 sata predavanja i 2 sata seminara
Uvjeti: —
Kontinuirano praćenje i vrednovanje – krajnja ocjena temelji se na rezultatima aktivnoga sudjelovanja u nastavi, tri kolokvija te projektnome zadatku
: Uvid u osnovna područja u kojima se učenici stranoga jezika međusobno razlikuju. Razumijevanje uloge individualnih razlika u procesu ovladavanja i poučavanja engleskog jezika.

Po završenom kolegiju studenti će
–   moći objasniti osnovne koncepte vezane uz područje individualnih razlika
–   bit će sposobni prepoznati mjesto individualnih razlika u teorijama ovladavanja jezikom
–   bit će sposobni prepoznati ulogu individualnih razlika u praktičnoj nastavi
–   bit će sposobni provesti manje istraživanje o ulozi individualnih razlika u ovladavanju i poučavanju engleskog jezika

Studenti će  također razviti sposobnost pronalaženja i čitanja relevantne literature, njezine sinteze i prezentacije; razvit će sposobnost argumentiranog i kritičkog sudjelovanja u diskusijama, prihvaćanja komentara o svome radu i otvorenosti prema stavovima i idejama sugovornika; razvit će početne istraživačke kompetencije.

Program kolegija po tjednima:

week topics
1 Introduction; Key concepts
2 Successful and unsuccessful language learners
3 Researching individual differences
4 Attitudes and motivation
5 REVISION – Test 1
6 Language anxiety
7 Willingness to communicate
8 Learning styles and language learning strategies I
9 Learning styles and language learning strategies II
10 REVISION – Test 2
11 Age
12 Language aptitude
13 Communication strategies
14 Dealing with individual differences in the classroom
15 REVISION – Test 3

Način rada: Nastava se izvodi kroz interaktivna predavanja i seminare koji se temelje na diskusiji o pročitanoj literaturi o temi koja se obrađuje i prezentaciji studentskih projekata.

Obvezna literatura:
– Dörnyei, Z. (2005). The Psychology of the Language Learner: Individual Differences in Second Language Acquisition. Mahwah, N.J.: J. Erlbaum Associates. [odabrana poglavlja]
– Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (1998) Afektivni faktori u učenju stranoga jezika. Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet. [odabrana poglavlja]
– Arabski, J., Wojtaszek, A. (2011). Individual learner differences in SLA. Bristol: Multilingual Matters. [odabrana poglavlja]

Dopunska literatura:
– Arnold, J. (1999). Affect in Language Learning. Cambridge: CUP.
– Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (2002) Strah od stranoga jezika – kako nastaje, kako se očituje i kako ga se osloboditi. Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak.
– Mihaljević Djigunović, J., Bagarić, V. (2007) A comparative study of attitudes and motivation of Croatian learners of English and German, SRAZ, LII, 259-281.
– Mihaljević Djigunović, J., Legac, V. (2008) Foreign language anxiety and listening comprehension of monolingual and bilingual EFL learners. SRAZ 53: 327-347.
– Mihaljević Djigunović, J., Letica, S. (2009). Spremnost na komunikaciju i učenje stranoga jezika, Lingvistika javne komunikacije: Komunikacija u nastavi i komunikacijska gramatika (ur. Pavičić Takač, V. Bagarić, M Brdar i M. Omazić), Osijek: HDPL, 1-11.
– Skehan, P. (1989). Individual Differences in Second Language Learning. London: Edward Arnold.
– Članci iz časopisa: Applied Linguistics; Language Learning; SRAZ; Strani jezici; Studies in Second Language Acquisition; TESOL Quarterly; System, International Review of Applied Linguistics.
