Naziv kolegija: Etika i estetika britanskog modernizma
Nastavnica: dr. sc. Martina Domines Veliki, izv. prof.
Jezik: engleski
Trajanje: 2. i 4. semestar
Status: izborni
Oblik nastave: 1 sat predavanja i 2 sat seminara tjedno
Uvjeti: završen preddiplomski studij anglistike, upisan 2./4. semestar diplomskog studija
Okvirni sadržaj predmeta:
Kolegij je zamišljen na način da kroz teoriju traume i nove studije siromaštva progovori o poziciji modernističkog subjekta u širem društveno-političkom kontekstu uoči i nakon Prvog svjetskog rata.
Studentske obveze: kontinuirano praćenje (prvi kolokvij sredinom semestra i drugi u zadnjem tjednu nastave), u konačnu ocjenu ulazi i seminarski rad, pohađanje nastave, te aktivnost na satu.
Sadržaj kolegija po tjednima:
- tjedan: Društveno-povijesni kontekst, opće odrednice modernizma
- tjedan: Prvi svjetski rat i ratna trauma
- tjedan: Mrs. Dalloway (1925)
- tjedan: nastavak Mrs. Dalloway
- tjedan: Robert Graves, Siegfried Sassoon, Wilfred Owen (odabir pjesama)
- tjedan: Goodbye To All That (1929)
- tjedan: kolokvij
- tjedan: novi studiji siromaštva, uvod
- tjedan: The Garden Party and Other Stories (1922)
- tjedan: nastavak The Garden Party and Other Stories
- tjedan: Down and Out in Paris and London (1933)
- tjedan: nastavak Down and Out
- tjedan: Pygmalion (1913)
- tjedan: završna rasprava
- tjedan: kolokvij, seminarski rad
Popis literature:
Virginia Woolf (1925) Mrs. Dalloway
Robert Graves, Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen – selections of poetry
Robert Graves (1929) Goodbye To All That
Katherine Mansfield (1922) The Garden Party and Other Stories
George Orwell (1933) Down and Out in Paris and London
George Bernard Shaw (1913) Pygmalion
Caruth, Cathy (ed.) Trauma – Explorations in Memory (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1995)
Childs, Peter. Modernism (London and New York: Routledge, 2000)
Clarke, J., C. Critcher and R. Johnson. Working-Class Culture: Studies in History and Theory (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1979)
Ellison, David. Ethics and Aesthetics in European Modernist Literature (Cambridge UP, 2001)
Haywood, Ian. Working-Class Fiction: from Chartism to Trainspotting (Plymouth: Northcote House Publishers, 1997)
Hoggart, Richard. The Uses of Literacy (Penguin Books, 1960)
Howarth, Peter. British Poetry in the Age of Modernism (Cambridge UP, 2005)
Hunt, Nigel C. Memory, War and Trauma (Cambridge UP, 2010)
Innes, Christopher. The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw (Cambridge UP, 1998)
Korte, Barbara, Frédéric Regard (eds.) Narrating Poverty and Precarity in Britain (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014)
Leys, Ruth. Trauma-A Genealogy (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2000)
Lewis, Pericles. The Cambridge Introduction to Modernism (Cambridge UP, 2007)
Linehan, Thomas. Modernism and British Socialism (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
Luckhurst, Roger. The Trauma Question (London and New York: Routledge, 2008)
Punter, David. The Literature of Pity (Edinburgh UP, 2014)
Rabaté, Jean-Michel. 1913: The Cradle of Modernism (Blackwell Publishing, 2007)
Ramazani, Jahan. Poetry of Mourning: The Modern Elegy from Hardy to Heaney (The University of Chicago Press, 1994)
Russo, John and Sherry Lee Linkon. New Working-Class Studies (Ithaca and London: Cornell UP, 2005)
Sellers, Susan (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf (Cambridge UP, 2000)
Silkin, Jon (ed.) The Penguin Book of First World War Poetry (London: Penguin Books, 1978)