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dr. sc. Vanja Polić, izv. prof.


izvanredna profesorica, Odsjek za anglistiku, Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
2018. Charles Redd Center for Western Studies Fellowship Award (3 mj.), Sveučilište Brigham Young, SAD
2016. istraživačka stipendija (1 mj.), Sveučilište Calgary, Kanada
2012. docentica, Odsjek za anglistiku, Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
2011. istraživačka stipendija Faculty Enrichment Program (1 mj.), Sveučilište Calgary, Kanada
2009. viša asistentica, Odsjek za anglistiku, Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
2009. doktorica znanosti, Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu, (naslov doktorata Autolegitimacija engleskog romana s kraja 17. i prve polovine 18. stoljeća)
2001-2009. znanstvena novakinja/asistentica, Odsjek za anglistiku, Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
2004. tečaj (3 tj.) „Tekst i kontekst: postmoderna britanska književnost“, Scottish Universities’ International Summer School, Sveučilište u Edinburghu, Škotska
2003. istraživačka stipendija (1 mj.), Queen Mary Sveučilište u Londonu, Velika Britanija
2002. završen dodatni studij (3 g.) iz portugalskog jezika i književnosti, Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu
2001. diploma Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu (engleski i talijanski jezik i književnost)

Područja istraživanja
kanadska književnost, engleska književnost 18. stoljeća, povijesni razvoj i teorija romana, postkolonijalna teorija

Preddiplomski kolegiji
Uvod u studij engleske književnosti 1 i 2
Počeci modernog romana u Engleskoj ranog 18. stoljeća
Suvremena kanadska književnost na engleskom jeziku

Diplomski kolegiji
Arhitekst u postmodernoj britanskoj književnosti

Poslijediplomski kolegiji
Marginalne kulture i kulturalne margine: tekst i slika starosjedilačke Australije i Kanade
Pritajeni životi u pripovijetkama Alice Munro


“Representations of the Wild West Across the 49th Parallel: a Myth, a Performance, a Reality.” The Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, Sveučilište Brigham Young, SAD. prosinac 2018. 

“Alasdair Gray’s Poor Things as Intertext of Frankenstein…and so Much More.” Sveučilište Brigham Young, SAD. studeni 2018.

“J. M: Coetzee’s Foe as a Postcolonial Counter-History of British Imperialism.” Sveučilište Graz. prosinac 2017.

Intenzivni kolegij za studente preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija: “Multiculturalism in Canada.”Sveučilište  Masaryk Češka. veljača 2014.

“Constance Beresford-Howe: The Book of Eve.”   CEEPUS. Center for the Inter-American Studies. Sveučilište Graz. svibanj 2013.

 “Does Gender Matter? Coping with Aging and Dementia in Two Short Stories: Alice Munro’s ‘The Bear Come Over the Mountain’ and Rohinton Mistry’s ‘Swimming Lessons’.”   CEEPUS. Center for the Inter-American Studies. Sveučilište Graz.  svibanj 2013.

“The Canadian Wild West: A Myth Revamped.” ciklus predavanja Cultural Spaces of Canada – Espaces culturels du Canada. Sveučilište Graz.  svibanj 2013.

“That Persistent Moodie Persona in Susanna Moodie’s Roughing it in the Bush (1852) and Margaret Atwood’s The Journals of Susanna Moodie (1970).” Sveučilište Graz. studeni 2012.

Odabrana bibliografija:
Autorska knjiga:
Istinito, prirodno, različito:
Autolegitimacijske strategije ranog britanskog romana. Biblioteka književna smotra, ur. Irena Lukšić, Zagreb: Hrvatsko filološko društvo, 2013.

Poglavlja u knjizi

“Teaching Western Canadian Literature in the Croatian Context: A Case Study.” Teaching Western American Literature. Eds. B. Harrison and R. L. Tanglen. U of Nebraska P, 2020. 271-294.

“Dubravka Ugrešić: Boundaries of (Post)Memory, Self and Nation.” Women’s Narratives and the Postmemory of Displacement in Central and Eastern Europe. Ed. S. Mitroiu. palgrave macmillan, 2018. 173-196.

“White Civility and the Im/Possibility of Crossing in Guy Vanderhaeghe’s The Last Crossing.” The Errant Labor of the Humanities: The Festschrift Presented to Stipe Grgas on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Eds. S. Cvek, B. Knežević and J. Šesnić. FF Press, 2017. 49-63.

“Sisters Brothers Pack Heat: or How the Sisters Fared in the West”, Facing the Crises: Anglophone Literature in the Postmodern World, Lj. Matek i J. Poljak Rehlicki (ur), Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 2014. poglavlje 8: 128-146.


“The Hauntings of Canada in Michael Crummey’s Sweetland. London Journal of Canadian Studies, Special Issue on Absent presence/present absence: hauntings in Québécois and Canadian literature and film. Eds. A. Handley, C. Morgan and V. Polić. 33 (autumn 2018): 77-93.

“Performing the Canadian West: Chuckwagons, Cowgirls, and New Westerns.” Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, Special Issue on Reiterating the Canadian West. Ed. B. Rusted. First published electronically on November 24, 2015, print issue: 16.1 (2016): 40-47.

“The reworkings of the Western from the northern side of the Medicine Line: Caple’s In Calamity’s Wake, Vanderhaeghe’s The Englishman’s Boy and Stenson’s Lightning. British Journal of Canadian Studies, Special Issue on New Voices on Canada. Eds. T. McCulloch and C. Kirkey. 28.2 (2015): 205-221.

“Of Wests, Quests and Bullwhips: George Bowering’s “Caprice” Rides through the Western Genre.” Umjetnost riječi/The Art of Words: A Journal of Literary, Theatre and Film Studies. 58.3-4 (2014): 369-389.

Pucaj! Georgea Boweringa: neispričana priča o pokoravanju kanadskog Zapada”. Umjetnost riječi, LVII, 3–4 (srpanj – prosinac), 2013: 203-225.

“Starost u ‘Zimskom vrtu’ Alice Munro”. Književna smotra, temat “90-e”. XLVI/2014, 171 (1), 2014: 93-100.

“Problem multikulturalnosti u noveli ‘Poduka plivanja’ Rohintona Mistryja”. Književna smotra, temat “Znaci vremena: povodom 80 godina zagrebačke anglistike”. XLVI/2014, 172 (2), 2014: 65-70.

Tenderness of Space and Outlandish Woman: The Tenderness of the Wolves and The Outlander“, Review of International American Studies RIAS, svezak 5, br. 1-2 (2011); str. 187-208.

Texture of Life”, Brno Studies in English, svezak 37, br. 2 (2011), Brno: Masaryk University, str.159-171.

The Early English Novel: Tradition and Newspapers”, Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia SRAZ, svezak 55 (2010), Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet, str. 19-48.

„Počeci engleskog romana i njegova legitimacija retorikom prirode“, Književna smotra, godište XLII/2010, broj 157-158 (3-4), str. 27-44.

Republika ljubavi: postojanje, postajanje i pripadanje“, Književna smotra, godište XL/2008, broj 148 (2), str. 75-83.

HKAD – Hrvatsko kanadsko akademsko društvo (član od 2004; 200predsjednica 2013-2020.); CEACS/ICCS – Central European Association for Canadian Studies / International Council for Canadian Studies (2004-); HUAMS – Hrvatsko udruženje za američke studije; HDAS/ESSE – Hrvatsko društvo za anglističke studije / The European Society for the Study of English; HFD – Hrvatsko filološko društvo; Western Literature Organization (2014-)

Sudjelovanja na konferencijama (odabir)

Panel. “Teaching Western Canadian Literature in the Croatian Context: A Case Study.” Graphic Wests – 55th Annual Conference. Western Literature Association. Virtualna konferencija. 21-24. 10. 2020.

 “The Human, the Posthuman and Jeanette Winterson’s Frankissstein: A Love Story.” 11th Brno International Conference of English, American & Canadian Studies: Breaking the Boundaries: In Between Texts, Cultures and Conventions. Sveučilište Masaryk. 12-14. 2. 2020.

“The West Performed: Endicott’s Little Shadows and Great Shows of the Nations.” Transformations: English-Canadian Writing in the Twenty-First Century / Le roman de l’extrême-contemporain au Canada francophone. Sveučilište Graz. 13-14. 12. 2019.

“Vanderhaeghe’s A Good Man and the of US-Canadian Relations at the End of the 19th Century.” The Americas in Canada / Les Amériques du Canada. Canadian Studies Centre. Sveučilište Masaryk. 20-21. 10. 2017.

“The Hauntings of Canada in Michael Crummey’s Sweetland.” ko-organizator panela: Absent presence/present absence: hauntings in Québécois and Canadian literature and film. Canada 150. 42nd Annual Conference. British Association for Canadian Studies. 20-22. 4. 2017.

“Capital Matters in Michael Crummey’s Novel SweetlandA Cultural History of Capitalism: Britain, America, Croatia Symposium. Sveučilište Zagreb. 7-8. 4. 2017.

“‘Come, Thou Grief’: Jessica Grant’s Come Thou, Tortoise and the Management of Grief.” Maladies of the Soul, Emotion, Affect: Indigenous, Canadian, and Québécois Writings in the Crossfire of a New Turn. Banff Centre. 22-25. 9. 2016.

In Calamity’s Wake: The Performance of a Woman in the Wild West.” In-Between: Liminal Spaces in Canadian Literature and Culture.Sveučilište Graz i Center of Inter-American Studies, 2-4. 6. 2016.

 “Stories of the West: a Myth Reappraisal.” 41st Annual Conference.  British Association for Canadian Studies. 21-23. 4. 2016.

“Guy Vanderhaeghe’s The Last Crossing between History and the Wild West Myth.” 40th Anniversary Conference. British Association for Canadian Studies. 23-25. 4. 2015.

“The Reworkings of the Cowboy Western from the Northern Side of the Medicine Line: Caple’s In Calamity’s Wake, Stenson’s Lightning and Vanderhaeghe’s The Englishman’s Boy.” London Colloquium New Voices on Canada”. UCL Institute of the Americas and the British Association for Canadian Studies.  11-12. 7. 2014.

 “The Sisters Brothers Pack Heat: or How the Sisters Fared in the West.” Thirty-Five Years of English Studies in Osijek (35YESO). Sveučilište Osijek. 18-19. 10. 2012.

“Texture of Everyday Life.” Living Between the Lines: Transgressive (Auto)Biography as Genre and Method. Central European Association for Canadian Studies. 28-30. 10. 2010.

Pozvana predavanja: 

pozvano predavanje. “Teaching Canadian Literature and Culture to Croatian Students.” Županijsko stručno vijeće nastavnika engleskog jezika. Zagreb. 11. 12. 2017.

pozvano predavanje. “Pripovijetke Alice Munro: Javne tajne i majstorstvo kratke priče.” Umjetničko-edukativni festival strane kulture u Dubrovniku. Treće uho: Dubrovnik. 7. 11. 2014.

okrugli stol. “Canadian Literature in Croatia.” Sveučilište Waterloo, listopad 2011.

Organizacija konferencija:

ogranizator. Page, Stage, Screen, Voice: A Canadian Studies Seminar. Hrvatsko-kanadsko akademsko društvo. Sveučilište u Zagrebu i Sveučilište u Osijeku. 12-14. 5. 2018. 

ogranizator. 7. međunarodna konferencija Srednjeeuropskog društva za kanadske studije (Central European Association for Canadian Studies) Beyond the 49th Parallel: Canada and the North – Issues and Challenges / Au-delà du 49ème parallèle : Le Canada et le Nord – Enjeux et défis. Hrvatsko-kanadsko akademsko društvo. Sveučilište u Zagrebu. 9-11. 10. 2015. 

Uredništvo u časopisu

2014- Canadian Literature: A Quarterly of Criticism and Review

Organizacija gostujućih predavanja

Erín Mouré, Kapusta – čitanje poezije i performans. Booksa. Zagreb, svibanj 2018.

David Homel (Sveučilište Concordia). “How to Write a Canadian Best-Seller.” Filozofski fakultet Zagreb, travanj 2018.

Dr. Ceri Morgan (Sveučilište Keele). “Eden Robinson’s ‘Blood Sports’.”Filozofski fakultet Zagreb. 29. i 31. svibanj, 2017.

Tomson Highway. “Cree World Views and Storytelling.” gradska knjižnica Bogdan Ogrizović, Zagreb, travanj 2017.

Dr. Mark Anthony Jarman (Sveučilište New Brunswick),predavanje i čitanje proze: “Word for Word.” Booksa,  Zagreb. studeni 2016.

Dr. Martin Löschnigg (Sveučilište Graz). “Intertextuality in Recent Poetry on World War I: Remembering 1914-18.” Filozofski fakultet Zagreb, studeni 2016.

Dr. Maria Löschnigg (Sveučilište Graz). “Rewriting the British Canon: Djanet Sears’s Harlem Duet and Shakespeare’s Othello.” Filozofski fakultet Zagreb, studeni 2016.

Dr. Linda Warley (Sveučilište Waterloo). “Stories of the Road Allowance People as Multimodal Text.” Filozofski fakultet Zagreb, travanj 2015.

Dr. Laura Moss (Sveučilište British Columbia). “Green Grass, Running Water.” Filozofski fakultet Zagreb, listopad 2014.

Dr. Mark Anthony Jarman (Sveučilište New Brunswick) “Canadian North.” Booksa, a club for culture. Zagreb, lipanj 2014.

Dr. Zuzanna Szatanik (Sveučilište Silesia). “Animal Poetry in Canada.” Filozofski fakultet Zagreb, lipanj 2014.


2017 Nagrada za jačanje akademskih i kulturnih veza između Kanade i Hrvatske (uručilo Kanadsko veleposlanstvo u Hrvatskoj)

Opširnija bibliografija