Irski modernizam

Naziv kolegija: Irski modernizam
dr. sc. Tihana Klepač, izv. prof.

ECTS-bodovi: 6
Jezik: engleski
Trajanje: 2. ili 4. semestar
Status: izborni kolegij
Oblici nastave: 1 sat predavanja, 2 sata seminara tjedno
Okvirni sadržaj predmeta: Kolegij stavlja irski modernizam u kontekst stvaranja nacionalne države te identificira različite stavove prema tom povijesnom procesu i njegovim protagonistima izražene u književnim djelima.

Cilj:  Osvijestiti mehanizme koji su doveli do oblikovanja modernizma u različitim kulturama engleskog govornog područja; osvijestiti nužnost rasprave o modernitetu u kolonijalnom, nacionalnom i rodnom kontekstu.
Studentske obveze: ispunjavanje elemenata kontinuirane provjere znanja, koji obuhvaćaju redovito pohađanje nastave (do 3 izostanka), provjeru čitanja odabranih književnih djela i gledanja odabranih filmova, kraće pisane zadatke u okviru nastave, pravovremenu predaju seminarskog rada i obvezno polaganje 2 kolokvija. Seminarski rad nosi 35%, dva kolokvija 50% i ostali elementi kontinuirane provjere znanja 15% zaključne ocjene iz kolegija. Za prolaz na kolegiju nužno je zadovoljiti sve elemente kontinuirane provjere znanja.

Sadržaj kolegija po tjednima:

  1. tjedan

Prostor i teme modernizma

Modernizam, modernitet, kolonijalna, postkolonijalna i polu-kolonijalna kultura, korištenje književnosti u političke svrhe, kozmopolitanizam nasuprot nacionalizmu

  1. i 3. tjedan

Irska kultura i književnost na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. stoljeće

  1. tjedan

W.B. Yeats kao pokretač irskog preporodnog pokreta (“Easter 1916”, “September 1913”, “The Statues”, “The Second Coming”, “Leda and the Swan”, “Sailing to Byzantium” ,“Among School Children”)

  1. tjedan

Irski rat za nezavisnost

Sean O’Casey, The Shadow of a Gunman

  1. i 7. tjedan

James Joyce: Dubliners – polu-kolonijalno pismo, osobni i nacionalni identitet

  1. tjedan
  2. Kolokvij
  3. i 10. tjedan

James Joyce: A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man – eksperimenti u formi, Bildungsroman, Kunstlerroman, osobni i nacionalni identitet

  1. i 12. tjedan

Elizabeth Bowen: The Last September, o procesu pisanja u ratnim vremenima, nacionalni idenitet

  1. tjedan

Samuel Beckett: Waiting for Godot, teatar apsurd, proto-postmodernizam

  1. tjedan

Edna O’Brien, The Country Girls (1960) – odjeci modernizma, proto-postmodernizam

  1. tjedan
  2. Kolokvij

Suvremena američka etnička književnost (2023/24)

Naziv kolegija: Suvremena američka etnička književnost (A, 20. st.)
Nastavnica: Dr. sc. Jelena Šesnić, izv. prof.
ECTS-bodovi: 6
Jezik: Engleski
Trajanje: ljetni semestar (2. ili 4.)
Status: Izborni
Oblik nastave: 1 sat predavanja + 2 sata seminara
Uvjeti za upis kolegija: Upisan 2. ili 4. semestar diplomskog studija
Dr. Jelena Šesnić Literary seminar: Contemporary U.S. Ethnic Literatures (1st/2nd Year) (A, 20th c.)
Summer 2032/2024

Phone: 01-4092060

Course description: The course examines a very innovative and dynamic section of contemporary US literary/cultural production—literature produced by and about different established and newly arisen “ethnic communities” with special focus on the 1965 immigration reform, post-Cold War and post-9/11 developments, respectively. We shall address new modes of representing the ways of belonging, community and citizenship in relation to representative ethnic groups (African American, Native American), while in the second part of the course the attention will be given to the ways new cultural productions (both visual and textual) address concerns felt by more recent or recently more visible ethnic and racial formations (Asian American, Latino/ Chicano, Arab American, etc.). These textual and visual artefacts make evident some continuing concerns with nation- and community-building in the States, while they depict a new class of national subjects, a new generation of Americans. 

Requirements: Regular attendance and class participation; in-class and home assignments; seminar paper (10-12 double-spaced pp.); continuous assessment (midterm and final test).

Reading / viewing list
Primary texts

Gish Jen: Mona in the Promised Land (1996)
Mohja Kahf: Girl in the Tangerine Scarf (2006)
Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: Americanah (2013)
Ta-Nehisi Coates: Between the World and Me (2015)
Short stories
Jhumpa Lahiri, Interpreter of Maladies (1999; selection)
Junot Díaz: This Is How You Lose Her (2012; selection)
Do the Right Thing (Spike Lee, 1989); Smoke Signals (Chris Eyre, 1998); Lone Star (John Sayles, 1996)

Readings by weeks and sections (alterations possible)
Part I: An overview
Introductory remarks: approaching ethnicity; interdisciplinarity in the study of ethnicity; race theory and ethnicity school; “racial formations” (Omi and Winant); consent and descent (Sollors); symbolic (voluntary) and ascribed (compulsory) ethnicity; American ethnic/racial pentagon; fantasmatic aspects of racial identifications; long-term ethnic groups/racial formations: African Americans, American Indians

*Entries from Keywords: “Citizenship”, “Ethnicity”, “Nation”, “Naturalization”, “Race”

Week 1: Introduction and key concepts 
Week 2: African-American perspective: Do the Right Thing
Week 3: African-American perspective: Coates, Between the World and Me
Week 4: Amerindians and postmodernism: Smoke Signals

Part II: An overview
New racial formations; Chicanos and Latinos/Hispanics; Asian Americans; Arab Americans; post-1965 immigration and globalization; new paradigms of reading ethnic texts: diasporic and borderlands models

*The following entries from Keywords: “Border”, “Diaspora”, “Immigration”, “Mestizo”

Week 5: Chicanos as a sub-nation: Lone Star

Week 1 Latino diaspora: Junot Díaz: selection of short stories
Week 2: Midterm.
Week 3: Asian Americans as perpetual others: Lahiri: selection of short stories
Week 4: Asian Americans: Gish Jen: Mona in the Promised Land

Week 1: Gish Jen, cont.
Week 2: Post 9/11 and Arab Americans: Mohja Kahf: Girl in the Tangerine Scarf
Week 3: Kahf, cont.
Week 4: New African diaspora: Adichie: Americanah

Week 1: Adichie; cont.
Week 2: Evaluation. Final test.

Secondary readings
General introduction:

Appiah, Anthony. The Ethics of Identity. New Haven: Princeton UP, 2007. (selection)
Burgett, Bruce, and Glenn Hendler, eds. Keywords for American Cultural Studies. New York and London: NYUP, 2007.
(Entries: “Border”, “Citizenship”, “Diaspora”, “Ethnicity”, “Immigration”, “Mestizo”, “Nation”, “Naturalization”, “Race”)
Omi, Michael, and Howard Winant. Racial Formations in the United States: From the 1960s to the 1990s. 2nd ed. London and New York: Routledge, 1994. 53-76.
Sollors, Werner. Beyond Ethnicity: Consent and Descent in American Culture. New York and Oxford: Oxford UP, 1986. 20-39.

Additional material for each section will be provided in digital form on the Omega platform.

Anglofono žensko pismo

Naziv kolegija: Anglofono žensko pismo
dr. sc. Martina Domines, izv. prof.
ECTS-bodovi: 6
Jezik: engleski
Trajanje: 2. ili 4. semestar
Status: izborni kolegij
Oblik nastave: 1 sat predavanja, 2 sata seminara tjedno
Uvjeti za upis kolegija: upisan 2. ili 4. semestar diplomskog studija

Opis kolegija: Kolegij nudi uvid u osnovne odrednice feminističke teorije od druge polovice 20. stoljeća naovamo uz pomno čitanje poezije i proznih djela istaknutih anglofonih književnica. Posebna pažnja posvetit će se pojmu patrijarhata i promjena koje patrijarhat donosi kroz književnost u privatnoj i javnoj sferi. U prvom dijelu kolegija naglasak će biti na politici privatnosti, te etici brige i ranjivosti, dok se u drugom dijelu na primjerima ženske književnosti radničke klase usredotočujemo na teoriju socijalne reprodukcije i razumijevanje veze između ekonomske eksploatacije i društvenog ugnjetavanja žena u suvremenom kapitalističkom društvu.

Cilj: upoznati studente s osnovama feminističke teorije te kroz analizu odabranih djela anglofonih spisateljica oprimjeriti ulogu i mijene patrijarhata u suvremenom društvu.

Studentske obveze: Ispunjavanje elemenata kontinuirane provjere znanja, koji se sastoje od redovitog pohađanje nastave (maks. 4 izostanka), pripreme za nastavu, sudjelovanja na nastavi, pisanje kraćih zadaća; polaganja teorijskog kolokvija i pravovremene predaje seminarskog rada. Kolokvij čini 35 %, seminarski rad 40%, a ostali elementi kontinuirane provjere znanja 25% ocjene. Za prolaznu ocjenu nužno je ispuniti sve elemente kontinuirane provjere znanja.

Sadržaj kolegija po tjednima:

  1. tjedan: Žene i književna povijest (ulomci iz Mary Wollstonecraft i Virginije Woolf)
  2. tjedan: Uvod u feminističke teorije 20. stoljeća (odabrani tekstovi Simone de Beauvoir, Kate Millett, Elaine Showalter, S. Gilbert & S. Gubar)
  3. tjedan: Patrijarhat, nuklearna obitelj, majčinstvo: Virginia Woolf ‘To the Lighthouse’ (1927)
  4. tjedan: Woolf nastavak
  5. tjedan: Žensko tijelo: Sylvia Plath ‘Ariel’ (1965); Louise Glück ‘ Descending Figure’ (1980) & Carol Ann Duffy ‘The World’s Wife’ (1999)
  6. tjedan: Reinskripcija kanona: Emma Donoghue ‘Kissing the Witch’ (1997)
  7. tjedan: Kolokvij
  8. tjedan: Feminizam i teorija socijalne reprodukcije (odabrani tekstovi Lise Vogel, Nancy Fraser i Tithi Bhattacharyje)
  9. tjedan: Ethel Carnie Holdsworth ‘This Slavery’ (1925)
  10. tjedan: Holdsworth nastavak
  11. tjedan: Jeanette Winterson ‘Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit’ (1985)
  12. tjedan: Winterson nastavak
  13. tjedan: Kerry Hudson ‘Lowborn’ (2019)
  14. tjedan: završna rasprava i podjela tema za pisanje seminarskog rad
  15. tjedan: kolokvij



Primarna literatura
Virginia Woolf: ‘To the Lighthouse’ (1927)

Zbirke poezije: Sylvia Plath ‘Ariel’ (1965); Louise Glück ‘Descending Figure’ (1980); Carol Ann Duffy ‘The World’s Wife’ (1999)

Emma Donoghue ‘Kissing the Witch’ (1997)

Ethel Carnie Holdsworth ‘This Slavery’ (1925)

Jeanette Winterson ‘Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit’ (1985)

Kerry Hudson ‘Lowborn’ (2019)



Sekundarna literatura
Belsey, Catherine & Jane Moore. ‘The Feminist Reader’, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1989

Finke, Laurie A.. ‘Feminist Theory, Women’s Writing’, Ithaca, London: Cornell UP, 1992

Roberts, Helen (ed.). ‘Doing Feminist Research’, London, New York: Routledge, 1992

Rooney, Ellen (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Feminist Literary Theory, Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2006

De Beauvoir, Simone. ‘The Second Sex’, London: Vintage, 1997

Woolf, Virginia. ‘A Room of One’s Own’, London: Penguin Books, 2000

Butscher, Edward. ‘Sylvia Plath: Method & Madness’, Tucson: Schaffner Press, 2003

Smyth, Ailbhe. ‘Irish Women Studies Reader’, Dublin: Ahic Press, 1993

Russo, John & Sherry Lee Linkon (ed.) ‘New Working-Class Studies’, London: ILP Press, 2005

Goodridge, John & Bridget Keegan (ed.) ‘A History of British Working-Class Literature’, Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 2017

Bhattacharya, Tithi (ed.) ‘ A Social Reproduction Theory’, London: Pluto Press, 2017

Aruzza, Cinzia, Tithi Bhattacharya, Nancy Fraser. ‘Feminism for the 99%: A Manifesto’, London & New York: Verso, 2019



Pripovjedna disemiNacija Australije: Aboridžinski pripovjedači

Izvođač i nositelj: Iva Polak,
ECTS-bodovi: 6
Jezik: engleski
Status: izborni
Semestar: 2. ili 4.
Uvjeti za upis kolegija:
upisan bilo koji smjer diplomskog studija Odsjeka za anglistiku
Sadržaj kolegija: Kolegij se bavi suvremenom kulturnom proizvodnjom australskih Aboridžina i njezinom pozicijom u kontekstu suvremene Australije. Rasprave će se doticati niz bitnih područja za uspostavu suvremene aboridžinalnosti: pitanjima identiteta, roda, multikulturalnosti, suvremenog života, urbanog života naspram života na rubovima gradova i udaljenim zajednicama. Odabrani filmski, dokumentarni i književni tekstovi oblikovani su različitim modusima: od dokumentarno realističnog do spekulativnog, odnosno znanstveno fantastičnog. Naglasak će biti na humoru kao kontinuiranom i ključnom aspektu aboridžinalnosti. Kolegij također sadrži i povijesni pregled prisutnosti Aboridžina u Australiji, i uvod u aboridžinsku kulturu.

Cilj: Proširiti horizont čitatelja kako bi što više odgovarao horizontu aboridžinskoga teksta.
Studentske obaveze: Kolegij se ocjenjuje kontinuiranom evaluacijom što podrazumijeva: sudjelovanje na nastavi (maks. 4 izostanka), pripremu za i aktivno sudjelovanje na nastavi, te pisanje i pravovremeno podnašanje kraćih eseja (7 eseja c. 1500-2000 riječi po eseji). Eseji se pišu po završetku svake tematske cjeline. Kako bi uspješno položili kolegij, studenti trebaju dobiti pozitivnu ocjenu iz svakog eseja.

Sadržaj kolegija po tjednima
1. tjedan
Uvod u aboridžinsku Australiju: predkolonijalno i rano kolonijalno razdoblje

Babakiueria (1986) red. Don Featherstone, mockumentary
2. tjedan
Uvod u aboridžinsku Australiju: kolonijalno i post/neo-kolonijalno razdoblje

Dokumentarna serija australske produkcijske kuće SBS First Australians (2008): 5. epizoda
3. tjedan
Uvod u aboridžinsku Australiju: Post/neo-kolonijalno razdoblje

Dokumentarna serija australske produkcijske kuće SBS First Australians (2008): 7. epizoda
4. tjedan
Uvod u aboridžinsku kulturu

Contact (2009) dokumentarac
Cannibal Story (2013) kratki animirani film
5. tjedan
Preispisivanje priče o australskoj Terra Nullius kao australske “buduće povijesti”

Claire G. Coleman. Terra Nullius (2017)
6. tjedan
Razdoblje asimilacije kao crnohumorna priča

Marie Munkara. “Sorry means you don’t do it again” (2011) esej
Marie Munkara. A Most Peculiar Act (2014)
7. tjedan
Uvod u aboridžinski film

Aboridžinska muškost na filmskom platnu
Mad Bastards (2010) red. Brendan Fletcher
8. tjedan
Mystery Road (2013) red. Ivan Sen

9. tjedan
Suvremena tematika

Vivienne Cleven. Bitin’ Back (2001)
10. tjedan
Život u unutrašnjosti Australije

Limbo (2023) red. Ivan Sen
11. tjedan
Budući svjetovi

Sam Watson. “I Say This to You” (1994) esej
Sam Watson. “Recipe for Metropolis Brisbane” (2002) pjesma
Sam Watson. The Kadaitcha Sung (1990)
12. tjedan
Sam Watson. The Kadaitcha Sung (1990)

13. tjedan
Australski film i David Gulpilil: humor kao oblik aboridžinske otpornosti

Charlie’s Country (2014) red. Rolf de Heer
14. tjedan
Završna rasprava

Terra Nullius (2017) Claire G. Coleman
A Most Peculiar Act (2014) Marie Munkara
Bitin’ Back (2001) Vivienne Cleven
The Kadaitcha Sung (1990) Sam Watson

Igrani filmovi:
Babakiueria (1986) red. Don Featherstone, mockumentary
Mad Bastards (2010) red. Brendan Fletcher
Mystery Road (2013) red. Ivan Sen
Charlie’s Country (2014) red. Rolf de Heer
Limbo (2023) red. Ivan Sen

Dokumentarni filmovi:
Dokumentarna serija australske produkcijske kuće SBS First Australians (2008): 5. i 7. epizoda
Contact (2009) dokumentarac
Cannibal Story (2013) kratki animirani film

Sekundarna literatura:
– Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin Eds. Post-Colonial Studies: The Key Concepts. London/New York: Routledge, 2002. (selected terms)
– Holt, Lillian. “Aboriginal humour: A conversational corroboree”. Serious Frolic: Essays on Australian Humour. Eds. Fran De Groen and Peter Kirkpatrick, St Lucia, Queensland: UQP, 2009: 81-94.
– Milner Davis, Jessica “‘Aussie’ humour and laughter: Joking as an acculturating ritual”. Serious Frolic: Essays on Australian Humour. Eds. Fran De Groen and Peter Kirkpatrick, St Lucia, Queensland: UQP, 2009: 31-47.
– Munkara, Marie. “Sorry means you don’t do it again”, Overland, Issue 205, 2011: 59-60.
– Nicholls, Christine. “‘Dreamtime’ and ‘The Dreaming’ – an introduction”. A Year in Life of Australia. The Conversation. Ed. The Conversation, Sydney: Future Leaders. 2014: 77-82.
– Nicholls, Christine. “Dreaming and place – Aboriginal monsters and their meanings”. A Year in Life of Australia. The Conversation. Ed. The Conversation, Sydney: Future Leaders, 2014: 82-91.
– Polak, Iva. Futuristic Worlds in Australian Aboriginal Fiction. Peter Lang: Oxford, 2017. Chapter 6
– Watson, Sam. “I Say This to You”, Meanjin, Vol. 53, No. 4, 1994: 589-596.
– Wheeler, Belinda ed. A Companion to Australian Aboriginal Literature, Camden House: Rochester, New York: 2013.

Svi materijali su studentima dostupni u elektroničkom obliku preko cloud usluge.

Povijest i paradigme Američkih studija 2 (Cvek, 2021)

 Course title: Povijest i paradigme američkih studija 2 (A) (19/20. st.)
Literary Seminar (MA Level): The History and Paradigms of American Studies 2 (A, 19/20)
Instructor: Dr. Jelena Šesnić, Dr. Sven Cvek
ECTS credits: 6
Status: elective (obligatory for American Studies majors in the 2nd semester)
Enrollment requirements: enrollment in the 2nd and/or 4th semester
Spring 2021
Office: B-018
Phone: 01- 4092060

Course description:
This course is a companion course to the History and Paradigms of American Studies1 which investigates the origins of the discipline of American Studies. Since the 1970s, however, the discipline has undertaken to interrogate some of its main premises based on the changing conceptions of U.S. society and the nation-state. Even though the revisionist interventions began to be felt already in the 1970s, we will posit as a starting point of our inquiry a methodological break observable in the 1980s as “ideology” becomes a necessary accompaniment of any AS inquiry. The next historical break—the end of the Cold War in 1989—indicates another momentous shift as we follow the developments thereafter. These will demonstrate the efforts by so-called New Americanists to devise contesting models of American culture, while the emphases in their agendas may differ, as our readings will show. In the process of revising American Studies various theories have been made use of ranging from New Historicism to poststructuralism, to ethnic/ race, feminist and gender studies to Marxism and cultural studies to transnational perspectives. In the last part of the course the foregoing theories will be tested on an array of texts. The course is obligatory for AS majors.

Course requirements: Regular attendance, participation in class discussions, mid-term and final test (continuous assessment, mandatory), presentation in class, written assignments and a final seminar paper. Grade break-down: tests—40 %, seminar paper—40 %; the rest—20 %.

Syllabus (alterations possible):
U ljetnom semestru 2020./21. kolegij izvodi Sven Cvek. Prilagođena literatura i opis rada po tjednima bit će dostupni pred početak nastave.


London u modernoj anglofonoj ženskoj književnosti

Naslov kolegija: London u modernoj anglofonoj ženskoj književnosti
dr. sc. Tihana Klepač, izv. prof.
ECTS bodovi: 6
Jezik: engleski
Trajanje: 2. ili 4. semestar
Status: izborni kolegij
Oblici nastave: 1 sat predavanja, 2 sata seminara tjedno
Uvjeti za upis kolegija: Upisan diplomski studij anglistike, književno-kulturološki smjer

Okvirni sadržaj predmeta: Osvijestiti mehanizme koji su doveli do oblikovanja modernizma u različitim kulturama engleskog govornog područja; osvijestiti nužnost rasprave o modernitetu u kolonijalnom, nacionalnom i rodnom kontekstu

Sadržaj kolegija (po tjednima):

1. tjedan
Prostor i teme modernizma
Douglas Mao and Rebecca L. Walkowitz: “The New Modernist Studies”

2. tjedan
London kao stjecište putova anglofone modern: naglasak na kolonijalni, nacionalni i rodni kontekst

3. tjedan
Inernacionalizam kao suprotnost nacionalističkim i regionalnim karakteristikama kanadske umjetnosti
Sara Jeanette Duncan: Cousin Cinderella

4. i 5. tjedan
Crna djevojka u dominantno bjelačkom Londonu nakon Drugog svjetskog rata, raspad Britanskog Carstva, etnički pokreti
Una Marson: Pocomania i London Calling

6. i 7. tjedan
Modernizam na razmeđi različitih književnih silnica – onih karpiske književnosti, modernizma, ženskog pisma, te postkolonijalizma
Jean Rhys: Voyage in the Dark

8. tjedan
Prvi kolokvij+ akademsko pismo (priprema za pisanje seminarskog rada)

9. i 10. tjedan
Politički angažirana modernistička estetika
Olive Schreiner: From Man to Man

 11. i 12. tjedan
Socialist ideas and Australian youth at the beginning of 20th century
Christina Stead: Seven Poor Men of Sydney

 12 i 13. tjedan
Kolonijalni modernizam u tzv. “malim” časopisima
Katherine Mansfield: “Life of Ma Parker”, “The Garden Party”, “The Daughters of the Late Colonel”

14. i 15.  tjedan : kolokvij

Douglas Mao and Rebecca L. Walkowitz: “The New Modernist Studies”
Sara Jeanette Duncan: Cousin Cinderella
Una Marson: Pocomania i London Calling
Jean Rhys: Woman in the Dark
Olive Schreiner: From Man to Man
Christina Stead: Seven Poor Men of Sydney
Katherine Mansfield: “Life of Ma Parker”, “The Garden Party”, “The Daughters of the Late Colonel”

Anna Snaith: Modernist Voyages: Colonial Women Writers in London, 1890-1945
Peter Brooker and Andrew Thacker: Geographies of Modernism
Elleke Boehmer: Empire, the National and the Postcolonial 1890-1920
Elleke Boehmer: Indian Arrivals 1870-1915: Networks of British Empire
Partha Chatterjee: Nationalist Thought and the Colonial World
Neil Lazarus: Nationalism and Cultural Practice in the Postcolonial World
Anne McClintock: Imperial Leather
Delia Jarrett-Macaulay: The Life of Una Marson, 1905–1960
Carolyn Burdett: Olive Schreiner and the Progress of Feminism
Sylvie Maurel: Jean Rhys
Diana Brydon: Christina Stead
Janet Wilson, Gerri Kimber, Susan Reid (eds): Katherine Mansfield and Literary Modernism




Re-presenting Los Angeles and the American City in Media

Course Title: Re-presenting Los Angeles and the American City in Media
Dr. Leo Zonn

Semester: winter or summer semester 2010/11
The University of Texas at Austin, Fulbright Visitor
Course Title: Re-presenting Los Angeles and the American City in Media
Eligible Students: Graduate, Elective Course
ECTS credits: 6

Course Description: The purpose of this course is to examine representations of Los Angeles in the media of popular culture, with an emphasis upon race, ethnicity, gender, and the ways in which Los Angeles represents the ‘post-modern city’ in a globalizing world of increasingly intense interactions. The theoretical notions of place, space, and re-presentation frame our conversations, while examples from other American cities are often incorporated. A variety of media that contribute to images of Los Angeles will be considered as part of a larger network—cinema, cyberspace, documentary film, maps, murals, music and music videos, novels and short stories, newspapers and magazines, paintings and illustrations, Retablos and other folk art, television, tourist practices, and word of mouth. We can only examine a few of these in detail, but we should not ever forget that they are all interrelated with one another and with the reality of Los Angeles and beyond. We will talk about the concept of inter-textualityand associated post-structural ideas, but we should never forget that there are many versions of any reality we might think we know and they are never independent of one another. In this case these many media contribute to an image of a place called Los Angeles.

Course Objectives: And what new skills and perspectives will you have at the end of the semester other than the fact you will know much more about Los Angeles and how people see it than you did before? You will have a better sense of how to interpret the ways in which media tell us about places, in this case American cities, but you will also be more able to ask how and why do they do it.  For example, what broader tales about the U.S. and the American city are being told, what broader issues about its people are embedded in these re-presentations?  Race, ethnicity and gender will occupy much of our time, so what do these images say about relations between social and cultural groups in my country? How do different audiences view the same images in these terms?  One of our primary objectives then, is to provide you a new framework for interpreting re-presentations not only in terms of  people who created them, but perhaps more importantly in understanding the ways in which they reflect the broader culture and society within which they were made.  
Course Requirements: A final examination will comprise 20% of your grade, attendance, participation and several smaller papers will be 40%, and your final paper will be 40%. Less than ideal attendance can have a negative influence on your grade. Your final paper will be a detailed and comparative study of works from within several media in terms of the ways in which they re-present the city of Los Angeles.  You will be expected to incorporate the ideas we have discussed in class and have derived from our readings. Details are forthcoming, but relax, we will discuss the possible subjects and the ways in which you can approach them in detail.

Required Readings
The only book that is required is a short novel, The Day of the Locust, by Nathaniel West.  We will be drawing select readings from City of Quartz: Excavating the Future in Los Angeles (2006 edition) by Mike Davis, so you may wish to obtain a copy; it is considered to be a classic (the original edition was 1990).  All other readings will be made available to you or the references will be provided and you can download them. More important, you will also be asked to find articles that will not be provided by me but that you will find through your own searching. Many of these will be included in the bibliography you will include in your paper.

We will watch and listen to pieces and segments direct from the web in terms of advertisements, music videos, and other media forms. While this class is about many different media, we will emphasize film for at least the first third of the semester. If we can somehow watch one or two, they will likely come from the following list: Blade Runner, Chinatown, Double Indemnity, Menace to Society, L.A. Story, Quincenera orMiFamilia, although there are so many, many interesting possibilities. How about Clueless?

Office and Contact
Office: B-017

Office Hours: Thursday 2.00-4.00 or by appointment

Please note that it is appropriate to contact me for appointments or information about class content at my email address,

Povijest i paradigme Američkih studija 2 (Šesnić, 2022)

Course title: Povijest i paradigme američkih studija 2 (A) (19/20. st.)
Literary Seminar (MA Level): The History and Paradigms of American Studies 2 (A, 19/20)
Instructor: Dr. Jelena Šesnić, Dr. Sven Cvek
ECTS credits: 6
Status: elective (obligatory for American Studies majors in the 2nd semester)
Enrollment requirements: enrollment in the 2nd and/or 4th semester
Spring 2022
Mon, 10:15-11:45 (A-105); Wed, 8.00-8:45 (D 5)

Office: B-018
Phone: 01- 4092060
Office hours: Mon, 12:30-13:30 p.m.; Thur, 10:00-11:00 a.m., and by appointment

Course description:
This course is a companion course to the History and Paradigms of American Studies1 which investigates the origins of the discipline of American Studies. Since the 1970s, however, the discipline has undertaken to interrogate some of its main premises based on the changing conceptions of U.S. society and the nation-state. Even though the revisionist interventions began to be felt already in the 1970s, we will posit as a starting point of our inquiry a methodological break observable in the 1980s as “ideology” becomes a necessary accompaniment of any AS inquiry. The next historical break—the end of the Cold War in 1989—indicates another momentous shift as we follow the developments thereafter. These will demonstrate the efforts by so-called New Americanists to devise contesting models of American culture, while the emphases in their agendas may differ, as our readings will show. In the process of revising American Studies various theories have been made use of ranging from New Historicism to poststructuralism, to ethnic/ race, feminist and gender studies to Marxism and cultural studies to transnational perspectives. In the last part of the course the foregoing theories will be tested on an array of texts. The course is obligatory for AS majors.

Course requirements: Regular attendance, participation in class discussions, mid-term and final test (continuous assessment, mandatory), presentation in class, written assignments and a final seminar paper. Grade break-down: tests—40 %, seminar paper—40 %; the rest—20 %.

Syllabus (alterations possible):

Primary works:

  1. Henry David Thoreau: Walden (1854). Multiple copies in the library; begin reading from session one.
  2. Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography (1790?). Available in the library; start reading early.
  3. Bruce Springsteen: selection
  4. Alex Rivera: Sleep Dealer (2008; film)


Week 1: Laying the ground for (new) American Studies: disciplinary premises and theoretical frameworks: Leo Marx, Oppermann: intro. Begin reading Walden.

Week 2: Ideology and readings of American artefacts in the 1980s and beyond: H. D. Thoreau: Walden (1854). Exemplary approaches to Walden: 1. Michael Gilmore: “Walden and the ‘Curse of Trade’”

Week 3: Exemplary approaches to Walden: 2. Lawrence Buell: “Walden’s Environmental Projects.” 3. Various authors: “Thoreau’s Walden in the Twenty-First Century”

Week 4: Ideology and readings of American artefacts: revisions of the frontier myth: Prince: intro. 1. Richard Slotkin: from Gunfighter Nation.

Week 5: Revisions of the frontier myth: 2. Patricia N. Limerick: from Something in the Soil; 3. Neil Campbell, from The Cultures of the American New West.


Week 6: Ideology and readings of American artefacts: identity approaches (race, ethnicity, gender, class and religious identities). African American studies: Ron Eyerman.

Week 7: Easter Monday: no class. African-American studies: cont. Individual research project.

Week 8: Asian American studies: David Palumbo-Liu. Mid-term test.

Week 9: Chicano and Latino studies: Paul Lauter.


Week 10: Crises and ruptures: 9/11, Katrina: Pease, “Re-thinking American Studies”; C. Franklin; M. Sturken.

Week 11: Crises and ruptures: American Studies and China: Dirlik; Ross; Luk.

Week 12: Crises and ruptures: university in debt: C. Marez; M. Joseph.

Week 13: Case study 1: Bruce Springsteen: masculinity, religion, ethnicity, nationalism. Selection from Womack et al., ed., Bruce Springsteen, Cultural Studies, and the Runaway American Dream


Week 14: Case study 2: Benjamin Franklin: Shapiro; Castronovo. Seminar paper.

Week 15: Case study 3: Rivera: Sleep Dealer; J. Melamed. Course evaluation. Final test.

Reading materials will be provided in a course pack on Omega.

Secondary readings:

Bercovitch, Sacvan, and Myra Jehlen, ed. Ideology and Classic American Literature. Cambridge UP, 1986. (selection)

Buell, Lawrence. The Environmental Imagination: Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture. The Belknap P of the Harvard UP, 1996. (selection)

Campbell, Neil. The Cultures of the American New West. Edinburgh UP, 2000. (selection)

Dallmann, Antje et al., ed. Approaches to American Cultural Studies. Routledge 2016. (selection)

Eyerman, Ron. Cultural Trauma: Slavery and the Formation of African American Identity. Cambridge UP, 2001. (selection)

Lauter, Paul. From Walden Pond to Jurassic Park: Activism, Culture, and American Studies. Duke UP, 2001. (selection)

Limerick, Patricia Nelson. Something in the Soil: Legacies and Reckonings in the New West. W.W. Norton, 2000. (selection)

Palumbo-Liu, David. Asian/ American: Historical Crossings of a Racial Frontier. Stanford UP, 1999. (selection)

Shapiro, Stephen. The Culture and Commerce of the Early American Novel: Reading the Atlantic World-System. Pennsylvania State UP, 2008. (selection)

Slotkin, Richard. Gunfighter Nation: The Myth of the Frontier in Twentieth-Century America. U of Oklahoma P, 1998. (selection)

Womack, Kenneth, et al., ed. Bruce Springsteen, Cultural Studies, and the Runaway American Dream. Ashgate, 2012.

A course reader with assigned readings will be provided on Omega.

from spring 2020

Povijest i paradigme Američkih studija 2 (Šesnić, 2018)(arhiva)

Course title: The History and Paradigms of American Studies 2 (A, 19th c./20th c.)
Instructor: Dr. Jelena Šesnić
ECTS credits: 6
Status: elective (obligatory for American Studies majors in the 2nd semester)
Enrollment requirements: enrollment in the 2nd and/or 4th semester

Course description: This course is a companion course to the History and Paradigms of American Studies1 which investigates the origins of the discipline of American Studies. Since the 1970s, however, the discipline has undertaken to interrogate some of its main premises based on the changing conceptions of U.S. society and the nation-state. Even though the revisionist interventions begin to be felt already in the 1970s, we will posit as a starting point of our inquiry a methodological break observable in the 1980s as “ideology” becomes a necessary accompaniment of any AS inquiry. The next historical break—the end of the Cold War in 1989—indicates another momentous shift as we follow the developments thereafter. The next point of interest is 9/11 and the way it refocused the work in the discipline. These will demonstrate the efforts by so-called New Americanists to devise contesting models of American culture, while the emphases in their agendas may differ, as our readings will show. In the process of revising American Studies various theories have been made use of, ranging from New Historicism to poststructuralism, to ethnic/ race, feminist and gender studies to Marxism and cultural studies to transnational perspectives. In the process it becomes evident how each new methodology in the discipline invents, as it were, a new conception of “America” as its object of study while ur-theories and underlying conceptions in the discipline of AS show great resilience and attest to continuity. In the last part of the course the foregoing theories will be tested on an array of texts. The course is obligatory for AS majors and elective for other  English MA students.
Course requirements: regular attendance, participation in class discussions, mid-term and final test (continuous assessment), presentation in class, written assignments and a final seminar paper

Syllabus (alterations possible):

Week 1: Laying the ground for (new) American Studies: disciplinary premises and theoretical frameworks (Fluck, L. Marx, Pease, Spanos)

Week 2: Ideology and readings of American artefacts in the 1980s and beyond: L. Marx, revision of American pastoralism)

Week 3: Ideology and readings of American artefacts: R. Slotkin, revision of the frontier myth

Week 4: Ideology and readings of American artefacts: S. Bercovitch, revision of the Puritan hypothesis; Spanos

Week 5: Ideology and readings of American artefacts: identity approaches (race, ethnicity, gender, class and religious identities): ethnic studies and American studies (G. Lipsitz; T. Chakkalakal; P. Chu)

Week 6: Identity approaches: class and American studies (M. Denning; W. Fluck)

Week 7: Identity approaches: religion and American studies (J. Mechling; K. Lofton)

Week 8:  Mid-term test.

Week 9: Identity approaches: gender and American studies (Sh. Samuels)

Week 10: Post 9/11 and a new state of the discipline: J. C. Rowe; D. Watson

Week 11: Contemporary America: politics, society, the economy: Love Guv series

Week 12: Case study 1: Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography (1791, 1793; Shapiro)

Week 13: Case study 2: Lin-Manuel Miranda: Hamilton (musical, 2015) (The Federalist Papers, 1787/88; Ambrose)

Week 14: Case study 3: C. L. R. James: Mariners, Renegades and Castaways: The Story of Herman Melville and the World We Live In (excerpts) (Pease)

Week 15: Final test. Course evaluation.

Readings (selection)

– Bercovitch, Sacvan, and Myra Jehlen, eds. Ideology and Classic American Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. (selection)

– Grgas, Stipe. Američki studiji danas: identitet, kapital, spacijalnost. Zagreb: Meandar, 2015. (selection)

– Fluck, Winfried, Donald E. Pease, and John Carlos Rowe, eds. Re-Framing the Transnational Turn in American Studies. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press, 2011. (selection)

– Levander, Caroline and Robert S. Levine, eds. A Companion to American Literary Studies. Malden, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2011. (selection)

-Pease, Donald, and Robyn Wiegman, eds. The Futures of American Studies. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2002. (selection)

– Rowe, John Carlos, ed. A Concise Companion to American Studies. Malden, Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, 2010. (selection)

– Rowe, John Carlos.  The Cultural Politics of the New American Studies. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Library, 2012.Open Humanities Press. (selection)

– Shu, Yuan, and Donald E. Pease, eds. American Studies as Transnational Practice: Turning towards the Transpacific. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College P, 2015.

A course reader with assigned readings will be provided on Omega.



Etika i estetika britanskog modernizma

Naziv kolegija: Etika i estetika britanskog modernizma
Nastavnica: dr. sc. Martina Domines Veliki, izv. prof.
Jezik: engleski
Trajanje: 2. i 4. semestar
Status: izborni
Oblik nastave: 1 sat predavanja i 2 sat seminara tjedno
Uvjeti: završen preddiplomski studij anglistike, upisan 2./4. semestar diplomskog studija

Okvirni sadržaj predmeta:
Kolegij je zamišljen na način da kroz teoriju traume i nove studije siromaštva progovori o poziciji modernističkog subjekta u širem društveno-političkom kontekstu uoči i nakon Prvog svjetskog rata.
Studentske obveze: kontinuirano praćenje (prvi kolokvij sredinom semestra i drugi u zadnjem tjednu nastave), u konačnu ocjenu ulazi i seminarski rad, pohađanje nastave, te aktivnost na satu.

Sadržaj kolegija po tjednima:

    1. tjedan: Društveno-povijesni kontekst, opće odrednice modernizma
    2. tjedan: Prvi svjetski rat i ratna trauma
    3. tjedan: Mrs. Dalloway (1925)
    4. tjedan: nastavak Mrs. Dalloway
    5. tjedan: Robert Graves, Siegfried Sassoon, Wilfred Owen (odabir pjesama)
    6. tjedan: Goodbye To All That (1929)
    7. tjedan: kolokvij
    8. tjedan: novi studiji siromaštva, uvod
    9. tjedan: The Garden Party and Other Stories (1922)
    10. tjedan: nastavak The Garden Party and Other Stories
    11. tjedan: Down and Out in Paris and London (1933)
    12. tjedan: nastavak Down and Out
    13. tjedan: Pygmalion (1913)
    14. tjedan: završna rasprava
    15. tjedan: kolokvij, seminarski rad

Popis literature:
Virginia Woolf (1925) Mrs. Dalloway
Robert Graves, Siegfried Sassoon and Wilfred Owen – selections of poetry
Robert Graves (1929) Goodbye To All That
Katherine Mansfield (1922) The Garden Party and Other Stories
George Orwell (1933) Down and Out in Paris and London
George Bernard Shaw (1913) Pygmalion

Caruth, Cathy (ed.)
Trauma – Explorations in Memory (Baltimore and London: The Johns Hopkins UP, 1995)
Childs, Peter. Modernism (London and New York: Routledge, 2000)
Clarke, J., C. Critcher and R. Johnson. Working-Class Culture: Studies in History and Theory (New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1979)
Ellison, David. Ethics and Aesthetics in European Modernist Literature (Cambridge UP, 2001)
Haywood, Ian. Working-Class Fiction: from Chartism to Trainspotting (Plymouth: Northcote House Publishers, 1997)
Hoggart, Richard. The Uses of Literacy (Penguin Books, 1960)
Howarth, Peter. British Poetry in the Age of Modernism (Cambridge UP, 2005)
Hunt, Nigel C. Memory, War and Trauma (Cambridge UP, 2010)
Innes, Christopher. The Cambridge Companion to George Bernard Shaw (Cambridge UP, 1998)
Korte, Barbara, Frédéric Regard (eds.) Narrating Poverty and Precarity in Britain (Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter, 2014)
Leys, Ruth. Trauma-A Genealogy (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2000)
Lewis, Pericles. The Cambridge Introduction to Modernism (Cambridge UP, 2007)
Linehan, Thomas. Modernism and British Socialism (Palgrave Macmillan, 2012)
Luckhurst, Roger. The Trauma Question (London and New York: Routledge, 2008)
Punter, David. The Literature of Pity (Edinburgh UP, 2014)
Rabaté, Jean-Michel. 1913: The Cradle of Modernism (Blackwell Publishing, 2007)
Ramazani, Jahan. Poetry of Mourning: The Modern Elegy from Hardy to Heaney (The University of Chicago Press, 1994)
Russo, John and Sherry Lee Linkon. New Working-Class Studies (Ithaca and London: Cornell UP, 2005)
Sellers, Susan (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Virginia Woolf (Cambridge UP, 2000)
Silkin, Jon (ed.) The Penguin Book of First World War Poetry (London: Penguin Books, 1978)


Britanski romantizam: proza

Naziv kolegija: Britanski romantizam: proza
Nastavnik: dr. sc. Martina Domines Veliki
ECTS bodovi: 6
Jezik: engleski
Trajanje: 4. ili 6., 8. ili 10. semestar
u ak. god. 2017/18.: 4. ili 6. semestar
Status: izborni
Oblik nastave: 1 sat predavanja i 2 sata seminara tjedno
Uvjeti za upis kolegija: upisan 4. ili 6., 8. ili 10. semestar

Okvirni sadržaj predmeta:
Na ovom kolegiju studenti će se upoznati s ključnim temama britanskog romantizma u širem povijesnom, kulturnom i političkom kontekstu. Polazna točka biti će nam društveno-povijesni kontekst (škotsko prosvjetiteljstvo, Francuska revolucija, ženska prava) na primjeru onih tekstova koji su bili značajni za rađanje romantizma. U nastavku ćemo se baviti proznim žanrovima reprezentativnim za razdoblje romantizma, od gotičkog romana i škotskog povijesnog romana do ispovjedne romantičke književnosti. Svi će primarni tekstovi biti popraćeni književno-teorijskim tekstovima.
Studentske obveze: kontinuirano praćenje (prvi kolokvij sredinom semestra i drugi u zadnjem tjednu nastave), u konačnu ocjenu ulazi i seminarski rad, pohađanje nastave, te aktivnost na satu.

Sadržaj kolegija po tjednima:

  1. tjedan: Društveno-povijesni kontekst, od škotskog prosvjetiteljstva do engleskog romantizma, čitanja ulomaka iz ključnih društveno angažiranih tekstova (Edmund Burke: Reflections on the French Revolution, Thomas Paine: Rights of Man, Mary Wollstonecraft: A Vindication of the Rights of Women)
  2. tjedan: rađanje povijesnog romana, škotski nacionalni identitet
  3. tjedan: Sir Walter Scott (1814) Waverley
  4. tjedan: Waverley
  5. tjedan: James Hogg (1824) The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
  6. tjedan: autobiografija – pitanje žanra, ispovjedna romantička proza (povijesni pregled konfesionalne književnosti od Sv. Augustina do Jean-Jacques Rousseaua)
  7. tjedan: Thomas de Quincey (1821) Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
  8. tjedan: Kolokvij
  9. tjedan: gotički roman – razvoj žanra
  10. tjedan: Horace Walpole (1764) The Castle of Otranto
  11. tjedan: Jane Austen (1817) Northanger Abbey
  12. tjedan: Northanger Abbey, nastavak s ulomcima iz filma Northanger Abbey (2007) dir. Jon Jones
  13. tjedan: Mary Shelley (1818) Frankenstein
  14. tjedan: Frankenstein, nastavak s ulomcima iz filma Frankenstein (2004) dir. Kenneth Branagh
  15. tjedan: kolokvij, seminarski rad

Popis literature:
Sir Walter Scott (1814) Waverley
James Hogg (1824) The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner
Thomas de Quincey (1821) Confessions of an English Opium-Eater
Horace Walpole (1764), The Castle of Otranto
Jane Austen (1817) Northanger Abbey
Mary Shelley (1818) Frankenstein

Anderson, Linda. Autobiography (New York & London: Routlege, 2001)
Broadie, Alexander (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to the Scottish Enlightenment  (Cambridge UP, 2003)
Burwick, Frederick. Thomas de Quincey: Knowledge and Power (Palgrave Macmillan, 2001)
Chandler, James. The Cambridge History of English Romantic Literature (Cambridge UP,
Clery, E. J. Women’s Gothic: from Clara Reeve to Mary Shelley. (Tavistock, 2004)
Copeland, Edward and Juliet McMaster (ed.) The Cambridge Companion to Jane Austen
(Cambridge UP, 1997)
Crawford, Robert (ed.). The Scottish Invention of English Literature (Cambridge UP, 1998)
Daiches, David. The Scottish Enlightenment (Edinburgh and Aberdeen: The Saltire Society,
De Bolla, Peter, Nigel Leask, David Simpson. Land, Nation, Culture: 1740-1840 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2005)
De Groot, Jerome. The Historical Novel (London, New York: Routledge, 2010)
Duncan, Ian. Scott’s Shadow: The Novel in Romantic Edinburgh (Princeton and Oxford:
Princeton University Press, 2007)
Duncan, Ian and Douglas S. Mack (ed.) The Edinburgh Companion to James Hogg
(Edinburgh UP, 2012)
Levi, Susan M. The Romantic Art of Confession (New York and Woodbridge: Camden
Lukács Georg. The Historical Novel (London: Merlin Press, 1962)
McCalman, Ian. An Oxford Companion to the Romantic Age: British Culture 1776-1832
 (Oxford UP, 1999)
Moretti, Franco. Atlas of the European Novel, 1800-1900 (London and New York: Verso,
Moretti, Franco. Signs Taken for Wonders (London and New York, 1983)
Olney, James. Memory and Narrative: the weave of life-writing (Chicago: University of
Chicago Press, 2000)
Punter, David (ed.) A Companion to the Gothic (Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 2008)
Robertson, Fiona (ed.). Edinburgh Companion to Sir Walter Scott (Edinburgh UP, 2012)
Smith, Joanna M. (ed.) Frankenstein: complete authoritative text with biographical and
historical contexts, critical history and essays from five contemporary critical perspectives. (Boston: Bedford Books of St Martin’s Press, 1992)
Smith, Sidonie, Julia Watson (eds.) Women, Autobiography, Theory: a Reader (Madison:
University of Wisconsin Press, 1998)
Townshend, Dale. The Orders of Gothic: Foucault, Lacan and the subject of Gothic
 writing, 1764 – 1820 (New York: AMS Press, 2007)
Wu, Duncan (ed.). A Companion to Romanticism (Oxford: Blackwell, 1998)

Povijest i paradigme Američkih studija 2 (Šesnić, 2017)

Course title: The History and Paradigms of American Studies 2 (A, 19th c./20th c.)
Instructor: Dr. Jelena Šesnić
ECTS credits: 6
Status: elective (obligatory for American Studies majors in the 8th semester)
Enrollment requirements: enrollment in the 8th and/or 10th semester
Course description: This course is a companion course to the History and Paradigms of American Studies1 which investigates the origins of the discipline of American Studies. Since the 1970s, however, the discipline has undertaken to interrogate some of its main premises based on the changing conceptions of U.S. society and the nation-state. Even though the revisionist interventions begin to be felt already in the 1970s, we will posit as a starting point of our inquiry a methodological break observable in the 1980s as “ideology” becomes a necessary accompaniment of any AS inquiry. The next historical break—the end of the Cold War in 1989—indicates another momentous shift as we follow the developments thereafter. The next point of interest is 9/11 and the way it refocused the work in the discipline. These will demonstrate the efforts by so-called New Americanists to devise contesting models of American culture, while the emphases in their agendas may differ, as our readings will show. In the process of revising American Studies various theories have been made use of, ranging from New Historicism to poststructuralism, to ethnic/ race, feminist and gender studies to Marxism and cultural studies to international/ transnational perspectives. In the process it becomes evident how each new methodology in the discipline invents, as it were, a new conception of “America” as its object of study while ur-theories and underlying conceptions in the discipline of AS show great resilience and attest to continuity. In the last part of the course the foregoing theories will be tested on an array of texts. The course is obligatory for AS majors.

Course requirements: regular attendance, participation in class discussions, mid-term and final test (continuous assessment), presentation in class, written assignments and a final seminar paper

Syllabus (alterations possible):

Week 1: Laying the ground for (new) American Studies: disciplinary premises and theoretical frameworks (Fluck, L. Marx, Pease, Spanos)

Week 2: Ideology and readings of American artefacts in the 1980s (L. Marx: revision of American pastoralism; Slotkin, Prince: revision of the frontier myth), Bercovitch

Week 3: Ideology and readings of American artefacts: identity approaches (ethnic, race, gender, border, class and religious identities)  Morrison, Kaplan, Carby 

Week 4: Identity approaches (cont.): Parikh, Stievermann, Dallmann

Week 5: Identity approaches (cont.): Banita, Boesenberg, O’Neill

Week 6: Framing the transnational  turn: from national to post-national studies : Pease, Shapiro, Shu

Week 7: Mid-term test. Individual project discussions.  

Week 8:  Framing the transnational turn: imperial, hemispheric and globalist approaches (Anzaldúa, Pisarz-Ramirez, Rowe)

Week 9: Post 9/11 and a new state of the discipline: Pease, Aravamudan, Merodovoi, Gray

Week 10: Contemporary America: politics, society, the economy (Pease; Spanos; Grgas)

Week 11: Case study 1: Benjamin Franklin’s Autobiography (1791, 1793; Shapiro)

Week 12: Case study 2: Lin-Manuel Miranda: Hamilton (musical, 2015) (The Federalist Papers, 1787/88; Ambrose)

Week 13: Case study 3: C. L. R. James: Mariners, Renegades and Castaways: The Story of Herman Melville and the World We Live In (excerpts) (Pease)

Week 14: Individual project and seminar paper topics presentation and discussions.

Week 15: Final test; course evaluation.

Readings (selection)

-Bercovitch, Sacvan, and Myra Jehlen, eds. Ideology and Classic American Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986. (selection)

– Castronovo, Russ, and Susan Gillman, eds. States of Emergency: The Object of American Studies. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 2009. (selection)

– Dallmann, Antje, et al., eds. Approaches to American Cultural Studies. London and New York Routledge, 2016.  (selection)

– Grgas, Stipe. Američki studiji danas: identitet, kapital, spacijalnost. Zagreb: Meandar, 2015. (selection)

– Fluck, Winfried, Donald E. Pease, and John Carlos Rowe, eds. Re-Framing the Transnational Turn in American Studies. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College Press, 2011. (selection)

-Pease, Donald, and Robyn Wiegman, eds. The Futures of American Studies. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2002. (selection)

– Rowe, John Carlos  The Cultural Politics of the New American Studies. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Library, 2012.Open Humanities Press. (selection)

– Shu, Yuan, and Donald E. Pease, eds. American Studies as Transnational Practice: Turning towards the Transpacific. Hanover, NH: Dartmouth College P, 2015.










Transnational Dimensions of American White Identities

Course title: Transnational Dimensions of American White Identities (A/B, 19/20 c.)
Dr. Catherine M. Eagan

ECTS credits: 6
Language of instruction: English
Semester: Summer 2017
Tue 13:15 – 14:00, A 105
Thu 09:30 – 11:00, A 105

Status: elective
Form of instruction: lecture (1 hour) + seminar (2 hours)
Enrollment requirements: Enrollment in the English MA program.
Course description: This course will engage with whiteness studies and consider the intervention it has made into the study of race and ethnicity in American literature and culture. In the 1990s, the work of American labor historians focused a large segment of academia, including American Studies and literature scholars, on a question African-Americans had discussed for a long time: whether European Americans had a distinct racial identity that shaped their worldview and a distinct culture. Whiteness studies took as one of its founding principles the idea that European immigrants only “became white” in the crucible of white supremacist America. What Europeans were prior to their journey across the Atlantic has been more uncertain in this scholarship, but adopting a transnational perspective has helped some scholars see that Europeans did indeed have a relationship to a white racial identity prior to immigration, if it was not identical to the whiteness experienced in racially stratified America. This course will use the Irish as a case study but also delve into other examples of white racial formation—Jewish, German, Slovak, Croat—to show how European experiences of race and whiteness impacted American racial formations in similar and sometimes very different ways in the nineteenth century. The course will also address an absence in much of whiteness studies, the consideration of literature as a window into white racial affiliation. Only short excerpts of literature will be read, however, as this course will focus primarily on the theorization of what David Goldberg has called “racist culture.”

Course requirements: Regular attendance; participation in class discussions; in-class and home assignments; continuous evaluation (a mid-term and final, mandatory for all students); seminar paper (10-12 double-spaced pages in 8th edition MLA style). It is essential to observe the deadlines set down for your readings and for particular assignments; if not, this can adversely affect your grade. Grade breakdown: tests (midterm and final)—30%; journal responses—10%; group discussion leading—10%; annotated bibliography—10%; seminar paper—40%.

Syllabus (subject to change)

Week 1: New Labor Historians and the “Became White” Argument

Week 2: The African-American Case for Whiteness

Week 3: Skeptical Historians and Irish Studies Reactions

Week 4: Whiteness as a Presence, Despite Its Seeming Absence

Week 5: European Awareness of Race in Europe

Week 6: The Racialization of Difference

Week 7: The Case of Irish and Irish-American Literature

Week 8: Adjusting to Transnational Perspectives: Inbetweenness and Context

Week 9: Inbetweenness and Context Continued: Blackface Minstrelsy

Weeks 10 & 11: Defining Racial Affiliation: Irish-American Novel

Week 12: Dion Boucicault and the Limits of Conciliation: Popular Drama

Week 13: Sentimentalism and White Racial Consolidation: Irish-American Novel

Week 14: Central European Parallels and Contrasts

Week 15: Race, Whiteness, and European Interculturalism

Primary Source Material (only small excerpts read)

Dion Boucicault, The Colleen Bawn (1860)

Dion Boucicault, The Octoroon (1859)

John Boyce, Mary Lee (1860)

Frederick Douglass, Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (1845) and excerpts from his correspondence

Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby (1925)

Mary L. Meany’s The Confessors of Connaught; or, The Tenants of a Lord Bishop (1865).

Fitz-James O’Brien, “What Was It? A Mystery” (1859)

Hugh Quigley, Profit and Loss (1873)

Mary Anne Sadlier, Old and New; or, Taste versus Fashion (1868)

Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852)

Secondary readings (excerpted)

Charles Fanning, The Irish Voice in America: 250 Years of Irish-American Fiction (1999)

Sander Gilman, On Blackness without Blacks: Essays on the Image of the Black in Germany (1982)

Eric Goldstein, The Price of Whiteness: Jews, Race, and American Identity (2008)

Noel Ignatiev, How the Irish Became White (1991)

Russell Kazal, Becoming Old Stock: The Paradox of German-American Identity (2004)

Mary Louise Kete, Sentimental Collaborations: Mourning and Middle-Class Identity in Nineteenth-Century America (2000)

Eric Lott, Love and Theft: Blackface Minstrelsy and the American Working Class (1993)
Toni Morrison, Playing in the Dark: Whiteness and the Literary Imagination (1992)

Sinéad Moynihan, “Other People’s Diasporas”: Negotiating Race in Contemporary Irish and Irish American Culture (2013)

David Roediger, The Wages of Whiteness (1991)

Ann Laura Stoler, Race and the Education of Desire: Foucault’s History of Sexuality and the Colonial Order of Things (1995)

Gloria Wekker, White Innocence: Paradigms of Colonialism and Race (2016)

Robert M. Zecker, Race and America’s Immigrant Press: How the Slovaks Were Taught to Think Like White People (2011)

Moderna anglofona ženska književnost

Naslov kolegija: Moderna anglofona ženska književnost
dr. sc. Tihana Klepač, doc.
ECTS bodovi: 6
Jezik: engleski
Trajanje: 2. ili 4. semestar
Status: izborni kolegij
Oblici nastave: 1 sat predavanja, 2 sata seminara tjedno
Uvjeti za upis kolegija: Upisan diplomski studij anglistike, književno-kulturološki smjer

Okvirni sadržaj predmeta: Odabrani tekstovi oprimjeruju anglofoni književni modernizam s naglaskom na na kolonijalni, nacionalni i rodni kontekst. U skladu s novim modernističkim studijima promatrat ćemo modrenizam kao mnogostruki fenomen koji se javlja u različitim desetljećima i na različitim zemljopisnim širinama, te koristeći postkolonijalnu književnu kritiku doprinijeti preoblikovanju modernizma unoseći svijest o britanskom carstvu.

Cilj kolegija: Osvijestiti mehanizme koji su doveli do oblikovanja modernizma u različitim kulturama britanskog govornog područja; osvijestiti nužnost rasprave o modernitetu u kolonijalnom, nacionalnom i rodnom kontekstu.

Studentske obveze: Kontinuirano praćenje. Studentice i studenti pišu seminarski rad (dio ocjene), aktivno sudjeluju u radu seminara (dio ocjene) te pišu dva kolokvija tijekom semestra. Ocjena se temelji na trajnom praćenju rada. Svi dijelovi ocjene moraju biti pozitivni da bi student/ica dobio/la zaključnu ocjenu.

Sadržaj kolegija (po tjednima):
1. tjedan
Prostor i teme modernizma – novi pristup
Douglas Mao and Rebecca L. Walkowitz: “The New Modernist Studies”

2. tjedan
Društveni kontekst i razvoj književnih oblika u modernizmu s naglaskom na kolonijalni, nacionalni i rodni kontekst

3. tjedan
Moderno indijsko žensko pismo: propitivanje formalnih inovacija modernizma i otpor prema eurocentričnom modernitetu
Sarojini Naidu: The Golden Threshold, zbirka pjesama
Sarojini Naidu: “Nilambuya: The Fantasy of a Poet’s Mood,” “Education of Indian Women,” “Women in National Life,” eseji

4. i 5. tjedan
Moderno kanadsko žensko pismo: svijest o internacionalizmu kao suprotnost nacionalističkim i regionalnim karakteristikama kanadske umjetnosti kao glavna karakteristika kanadskog modernizma
Sara Jeanette Duncan: Cousin Cinderella

6. i 7. tjedan
Moderno karipsko žensko pismo: pismo na razmeđi različitih književnih silnica – onih karpiske književnosti, modernizma, ženskog pisma, te postkolonijalizma
Jean Rhys: Woman in the Dark

8. tjedan
1. kolokvij+ akademsko pismo (priprema za pisanje seminarskog rada)
9. i 10. tjedan
Moderno južnoafričko žensko pismo: politizirana modernistička estetika
Olive Schreiner: From Man to Man

11. i 12. tjedan
Moderno australsko žensko pismo: predstavljanje kolonijalnog nacionalnog kroz kritiku kolonijalno-provincijalnih struktura i detaljna rekreacija nacionalnog prostora
Christina Stead: The Man Who Loved Children

12. i 13. tjedan
Moderno novozelandsko žensko pismo: propitivanje predstavljanja naracije kroz mušku vizuru i u skladu s patrijarhalnim vrijednostima
Katherine Mansfield: Urewera Notebook, “How Pearl Button Was Kidnapped,” “The Woman at the Store,” “Je ne parle pas francois”

14. tjedan
2. kolokvij