Mario Brdar, Ida Raffaelli, and Milena Žic Fuchs (eds). Cognitive Linguistics between Universality and Variation . Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2012.
The present volume contains a collection of contributions originally presented as keynote talks or as regular papers at the International Cognitive Linguistics Conference Cognitive Linguistics between Universality and Variation, held in Dubrovnik (Croatia), 30 September–1 October, 2008. The participants were invited to focus on various points on the continuum in the cognitive linguistic agenda stretching from the study of the universal to the study of variation in space and time, between individual and society. As it transpires from the contributions selected in this volume, it is impossible to disregard the methodological aspects of conceptual unification while tackling the universality vs. variation issue, i.e. while adopting usage-based and constructional approaches to linguistic phenomena, doing cognitive corpus linguistics, cognitive contrastive linguistics, cognitive sociolinguistics and discourse analysis, or diachronic cognitive linguistics. The volume is divided into four parts, roughly mirroring the methodological access points in addressing universality and variation.