Naziv kolegija: Leksikologija i leksikografija
Zimski semestar
Broj ECTS bodova: 5
Nositelj kolegija: prof. dr. Milena Žic Fuchs
Nastavnik: dr. sc. Janja Čulig Suknaić, poslijedoktorand
Jezik: engleski
Semestar u kojem se kolegij sluša: I. lingvistički, III. prevodilački smjer diplomskog studija
Uvjeti: Položen ispit iz Semantike
Oblik nastave: 2 sata predavanja, 2 sata seminara
Cilj: Cilj je ovoga kolegija upoznati studente s temeljnim teoretskim konceptima iz leksikologije i njihovom primjenom u leksikografiji.
Sadržaj: Proučava se leksički sustav jezika promatrajući riječ kao temeljnu jedinicu vokabulara nekog jezika i njezin odnos prema ostalim jedinicama. Obrađuju se teoretske postavke na kojima počiva izrada i upotreba rječnika. Prvi dio kolegija bavi se morfologijom i tvorbom riječi, a drugi dio kolegija frazeologijom.
Program nastave po tjednima (Syllabus)
Week |
Topic |
1 |
Introduction to lexicology: Word. Lexeme. Morphology, Semantics, Etymology. Introduction to lexicography. |
2 |
Word Formation I: Inflection and derivation. |
3 |
Word Formation II: Compounding, conversion, reduplication, backformation. |
4 |
Word Formation III: Diminutives, clipping, abbreviations and acronyms, coinage, neologisms, nonce-words, nonsense words. |
5 |
Word Formation IV: Onomatopoeic words, eponyms, borrowing |
6 |
Diachrony: Semantic change (metaphor, metonymy, specialization, generalization) |
7 |
Diachrony: Sources of English vocabulary; loan words; false friends. |
8 |
Phraseology: Idioms. Traditional and modern approaches. |
9 |
Phraseology: Idioms and idiomaticity. Metaphor, metonymy and idioms. |
10 |
Phraseology: Idioms and formulaic language. Proverbs, binomials etc. |
11 |
Phraseology: Current research. |
12 |
Phraseology: Phrasal verbs. |
13 |
Lexicography I: Key elements of dictionaries. Definition. Usage. |
14 |
Lexicography II: The corpus in lexicography. Dictionary Making. Types of dictionaries. The origin of dictionaries. History of dictionaries. |
15 |
Revision |
Način rada: Studenti trebaju redovito pohađati nastavu i aktivno sudjelovati u nastavi, te do kraja semestra predati seminarski rad.
Studentske obveze i elementi vrednovanja:
70 % ispit
30 % seminar (3000-4000 riječi)
Literatura (odabrana poglavlja i stranice):
– Carstairs-McCarthy, Andrew (2002). An Introduction to English Morphology. Edinburgh University Press
– Halliday, M.A.K and Colin Yallop (2004). Lexicology. A Short Introduction. London: Continuum
– Harley, Heidi (2006). English Words. A Linguistic Introduction.
– Jackson, Howard and Etienne Ze Amvela (2000). Words Meaning and Vocabulary. An Introduction to Modern English Lexicology. London: Continuum
– Jackson, Howard (2002). Lexicography: An Introduction. Routledge
– Katamba, Francis (1994). English Words, Structure, History, Usage Routledge
– Lipka, Leonhard (2002). English Lexicology. Tübingen: Narr
– Landau, Syndey (1984). Dictionaries: The Art and Craft of Lexicography. Cambridge University Press
– Plag, Ingo (2003). Word Formation in English. Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics. Cambridge University Press