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Kolegij “English Romanticism”: essay assignment

Sljedeći tjedan nastava će biti održana u utorak 27.11. 
Studenti se mole da iz readera pročitaju pjesme Johna Keatsa, te tekstove vezane uz njega.

Prvi kolokvij u kolegiju bit će održan u utorak 4.12.

Slijedi tekst za essay assignment iz ovog kolegija.  Za daljnja pitanja u vezi eseja studenti se upućuju na nastavnika koji je držao nastavu iz pojedine cjeline.

English Romanticism
Autumn 2012

 Essay Assignment

 Write a five-page essay on one of the following questions:
1.  Describe the theme of oppositions/contradictions in Blake’s “The Lamb”,
The Tiger” and “The Marriage of Heaven and Hell”.
2.  Compare the representation of nature in Wordsworth’s “Resolution and Independence” and “Tintern Abbey.”
3.  Discuss the following topic:  The Byronic Hero and Russian Romanticism.
4.  Discuss the following topic: Archetypal patterns in Coleridge’s “Kubla Khan.”
5.  Discuss the following topic: Frankenstein for the twentieth century: between feminism and psychoanalysis.
6.  Discuss cognitive/ gendered/ religious/ spatio-temporal/ social/ racial figures of otherness in Poe’s selected works (choose one to two themes).

In the essay you are expected to develop your own reading of the text.  You are also expected to use at least two works of criticism (or other kinds of secondary literature) in a meaningful way.  The art of offering an effective thesis consists in researching what others have written about our topic, and in building our own position in dialogue with secondary sources.
In working with your sources, the documentation style you are asked to use is the MLA style.  Use font 12, Times New Roman, double-spaced.  

The essay is due on December 18th.