You are cordially invited to the round table
“When the Artist Is (Omni) Present – 80 years of Margaret Atwood”
which will take place on Wednesday, November 20, 2019 at 8 p.m. at the literary club Booksa, Martićeva 14d.
The round table is happening as part of a global celebration of Margaret Atwood’s 80th birthday. The round table will be in Croatian language.
Three speakers will look at fandom, academic and cultural perspectives of the phenomenon of Margaret Atwood, one of the best-known Canadian/global cultural institutions. As an early adopter of Twitter, Atwood communicates directly with her audience, commenting on events, and engaging in public debate with critics and readers. Among other topics, the discussion will revolve around Atwood as a ubiquitous artist who presents an example of a relationship between the author, their work and audiences in the digital age.
Vanja Polić (University of Zagreb, HKAD)
Petra Sapun Kurtin (University of Rijeka, CEACS) – moderator
Mihaela Marija Perković (SFeRa, Media and Publishing)
The round table is part of a larger project organized by the Central European Association for Canadian Studies (CEACS) and HKAD in collaboration with the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb and Faculty of Philosophy in Rijeka. This event also forms part of the Canadian Week at the Department of English, Uni Rijeka titled “Canadian Week – marking Margaret Atwood’s 80th birthday”.