Od 1. do 6. lipnja u Zagrebu i Šibeniku održava se
PROGRAM je dostupan na poveznici:
British Short Story: Status Report
Jon McGregor, Jenni Fagan
Two exciting voices, two acclaimed, prize winning authors are submitting a status report on the most recent developments on the British literary scene: Jenni Fagan, the only Scottish author who in 2013 made it onto Granta Magazine’s list of the Best Young British Novelists (the list is published just once in a decade!), and Jon McGregor, the author with two Man Booker nominations and, according to BBC National Story Award, Britain’s second best short story writer!
Moderated by: K. Brajdić
Studentski centar, Polukružna dvorana &TD, Savska 25
Friday, June 6
David Vann: američki klasik u nastajanju / David Vann: An Upcoming American Classic
Two years after his hit debut book, a collection of stories Legend of a Suicide was presented to the Croatian audience, we are happy to welcome David Vann, a celebrated American writer, an unavoidable name on annual best selling lists, a favorite to critics and juries, and a professor of literature. About the short story and the novel (do they fight over space, do they bite at each other within it or are capable of a relatively peaceful coexistence), about literary agony and success, about everything built into them, about these and many other things David Vann talks to one of the best Croatian writers of a younger generation – Maja Hrgović.
Moderated by: M. Hrgović
Zagreb Eye, Ilica 1a