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POZIV: ZAGREB BOOK FESTIVAL: Irska – obećana zemlja! (16.-22.5.2016.)
Irska – obećana zemlja!
ponedjeljak, 16. svibnja 2016. u 18 sati
MUZEJ ZA UMJETNOST I OBRT, Trg maršala Tita 10, Zagreb
Književna i kulturna manifestacija Zagreb Book Festival zamišljena je kao proslava pisane riječi i njezine specifične moći da obogati ljudsko iskustvo. U sedam dana Festivala predstavit ćemo na desetke renomiranih domaćih i stranih autora zagrebačkoj, a posredno i nacionalnoj čitateljskoj publici. Uz bogat književni program cilj nam je predstaviti i kulturu zemlje gosta, kao i žanr ili umjetničku praksu književnosti koja će nam biti u fokusu te je povezati s recentnom domaćom produkcijom na raznim područjima: glazba, gastronomija, multimedijalni projekti kao što su kreativne radionice za djecu i odrasle.
Ideja o ovakvom konceptu festivala naišla je na odobravanje i pozitivan odaziv institucija, autora i nakladnika. Ministarstvo kulture RH, Grad Zagreb te Ambasada Republike Irske prepoznali su i podržali ovu ideju u čijoj je srži upravo suradnja svih sudionika hrvatske književne scene i njezino povezivanje s inozemnim partnerima.
Drugo izdanje Festivala održat će se od 16. do 22. svibnja 2016. u prostorijama i ispred Muzeja za umjetnost i obrt (MUO) u centru Zagreba.
Program: http://maia.ffzg.hr/att/201605/ZBF_program.pdf
Letak: http://maia.ffzg.hr/att/201605/ZBF_letak.pdf
Master in Advanced English Studies, University of Salamanca and the University of Valladolid (2019)
The admission period to sign up for the
Master in Advanced English Studies: Languages and Cultures in Contact
run by the University of Salamanca and the University of Valladolid
is now open.
Viorica Patea vioricap@usal.es
Jesús Benito jbenito4@fyl.uva.es
If you don't know what to do with your life next year, I would suggest you keep studying and sign up for our
Master's program 'Advanced English Studies: Languages and Cultures in Contact'.
This program will enhance your intellectual development, English Language and Culture skills,
besides preparing you for the job market.
Online Registration:
Students are advised to reserve a place in the program.
Even if you have not yet received your degree do sign up. Send your CV, ID, and a provisional transcript.
Upload all the information you have. Do it in advance and indicate when you believe you will obtain your TFG
and final degree.
For more information on our program please visit our page:
The Master's in Advanced English Studies: Languages and Cultures in Contact consists of 60 credits and
takes one academic year to complete.
Classes are held at the University of Salamanca during Fall semester, and at the University of Valladolid in
the Spring semester.
The Master's in Advanced English Studies: Languages and Cultures in Contact is a flexible program that
offers three academic itineraries in language and linguistics, and literature and culture, or a combined
program of linguistics, literature and culture. Students are free to choose courses offered by these itineraries
according to their academic or professional preferences. The subjects offered reflect the major
research lines and methodological trends in the fields of English Language Learning and Linguistics,
and Anglo-American Literature and Culture.
The goals of the Master's program are to enable students to acquire the necessary competencies and skills
characteristic of an advanced, specialized, and interdisciplinary education. The program prepares students
for the demanding standards of the international job market and allows access to the PhD program, that has
been distinguished by the Spanish Ministry of Education for its Quality of Excellence.
The Master's is aimed at both the professional training for teachers of English as a Foreign Language and
the preparation of future researchers in academia. The study plan also addresses the curricular needs of
future cultural mediators who work in the media, press, embassies, ministries, archives and libraries.
This Master's has an inter-cultural, and interdisciplinary orientation. Since its beginnings, in 2007, it has
welcomed international students from all over the world: US, China, India, Brazil, Mexico, Turkey, Iran,
Cuba, Syria, Colombia, Romania, etc.
More reasons to sign up for this program:
The University of Salamanca (1218) is Spain's oldest university and the fourth oldest in Europe.
The University of Valladolid also dates back to the 13th century.
In the Humanities, both the University of Salamanca and the University of Valladolid hold an indisputable
international prestige in areas of research and teaching innovation. These institutions are linked to the
creation of the first grammar and to famous historical figures such as Cervantes, Lope de Vega Fray
Luis de León, San Juan de la Cruz, Torres Villarroel, and Miguel de Unamuno, among many others.
In the sixteenth century both universities were named the most important universities in the Kingdom.
Both universities have been distinguished with the 'Campus of Excellence' award.
The English Department of the University of Salamanca has consistently maintained for twelve years in a
row the number one place in all its national listings.
The University of Valladolid is the top European university in international teaching placements within
the Erasmus-Sócrates program. The University of Salamanca has the second highest international
student community in the country.
The University of Salamanca and Valladolid are famous for their diverse international student population
and offer a number of educational exchange programs for foreign students.
The University of Salamanca boasts the ninth highest enrollment of Erasmus students and half of its
postgraduate students are international.
Both Salamanca and Valladolid are charming university towns with a rich cultural heritage. During the
seventeenth century Valladolid was the capital of the Spanish Empire and since them has carried an
important historical legacy.
The Master in 'Advanced English Studies' is aimed towards both highly motivated Spanish and international
students with a professional drive allowing them to excel in a rigorous academic environment.
Dare to be the best!
Master in North American Studies (MANAS) Universidad de Alcalá de Henares / Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Master in North American Studies (MANAS) Universidad de Alcalá de Henares / Universidad Complutense de Madrid
A joint project of Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Universidad de Alcalá de Henares, this new Master’s aims to cater to the current demand in Spain for a graduate degree in North American Studies. This Master’s Degree seeks to offer an opportunity of multidisciplinary study to those students interested in advancing their knowledge of the United States. Prospective students must have an advanced level of English (C1 or higher), and be motivated to become proficient in the analysis of the history, politics, and culture of the United States, with a special emphasis on the country?s social diversity and ethnicity. Program requirements: the Master?s requires the completion of 60 credits, distributed in two modules and a master?s thesis.
The Master’s Degree in North American Studies offers three options for field specialization:
– Literature and Culture
– Policy and International Relations
– History and Social Sciences
These three options are designed to help students create their own specialization. This means that students may combine any two elective courses from the three options given according to their own interests.
more info at:
http://www.institutofranklin.net/en/academics/master-in-american-studies/introduccion/ (eng)
Why this Master’s?
? The Master’s Degree in North American Studies will enable students to gain extensive knowledge of all aspects concerning American society from a multidisciplinary perspective.
? The Master’s Degree in North American Studies seeks to train experts who can work in Spanish, American, or international institutions in the fields of education, culture, communications, media, public relations, and political analysis.
? The Master’s Degree in North American Studies will prepare students to refine their capacities for research, analysis and debate, which are central to working in a global context.
? The Master’s Degree in North American Studies will emphasize critical and analytical reading with a view to training experts and prospective scholars in the field of North American Studies.
? The faculty at the two institutions which coordinate the degree (Universidad Complutense de Madrid and Institute Benjamin Franklin at Universidad de Alcalá) includes distinguished scholars specialized in North American Culture.
Poziv na događanja u organizaciji British Councila (Shakespeare Lives programme)
Poziv na događanja u organizaciji British Councila
(Shakespeare Lives programme)
As You Like It, HNK Zagreb, |
Tracing Shakespeare in the Mimara – opening of the multimedia project, Mimara Museum, |
Maxine Peake, Hamlet at the Museum of Contemporary Arts, Zagreb, |
And finally, join us in the celebration of Shakespeare Day Live on 22-23 April, with leading arts organisations across the UK making available performances, analysis, talks and fun, all streamed on Shakespeare Day Live, a digital pop-up channel co-curated by the BBC and the British Council. Find out more: http://www.britishcouncil.hr/en/programmes/arts/shakespeare-lives |
Pojašnjenje Odsjeka za anglistiku u vezi s oglasom ESI-ja
Predstavnici ESI-ja 2016. (http://eug2016.com/hr) obratili su se 31. ožujka Fakultetu, odnosno Odsjeku za anglistiku nudeći „suradnju“ pri kojoj bi studenti anglistike volonterski preveli tekstove za potrebe ESI-ja u opsegu od oko 1000 stranica, misleći da bi se to moglo studentima priznati kao stručna praksa. S obzirom da takva praksa nije predviđena našim studijskim programom, niti raspolažemo bilo kakvim drugim modalitetom da se takvo volontiranje prizna umjesto nekih drugih akademskih obaveza, Odsjek je jedino mogao ponuditi da studentima prenese putem oglasa na odsječkoj web stranici poziv za volontiranje.
Stekavši tijekom razgovora dojam da ESI ne raspolaže sredstvima kojima bi adekvatno platio prevođenje, Odsjek je sugerirao da bi ipak bilo poželjno i korektno da se iznađu sredstva te da se studente makar i na simboličan način nagradi za taj posao, koji svojom zahtjevnošću nadilazi zadatke koji se obično očekuju od studenata volontera na takvim događanjima. Isključivo u tom kontekstu (dakle, SIMBOLIČNE naknade kojoj je jedina alternativa potpuno volonterski rad) pojavio se spominjani iznos od 25 kuna. Ni u jednom trenutku nije rečeno da je to ADEKVATNA ni TRŽIŠNA cijena po kojoj bi netko (osobito ne profesionalni prevoditelji) trebao prevoditi. No treba istaknuti da ono što ESI nudi i nije POSAO, nego neka vrsta dobrotvornog rada za vlastito sveučilište. Štoviše, Odsjek je najtoplije preporučio predstavnicima ESI-ja da za važnije tekstove, osobito one službene koji će se objaviti u tiskanom obliku, angažira profesionalne prevoditelje. Na koncu, budući da se radi o dobrovoljnom izvannastavnom angažmanu studenata, svaki student može sam, na temelju ponuđenih uvjeta, odlučiti želi li se prihvatiti takvog rada ili ne.
Imajući u vidu zahtjevnost organizacije jednog takvog događaja te cijeneći sav uloženi trud, Odsjek za anglistiku želi svima uključenima u organizaciju ESI-ja 2016. uspješan nastavak rada i uspješne Igre.
Odsjek za anglistiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
21. travnja 2016.
2016 Masaryk University Summer Schools in Brno, Czech Republic
2016 Masaryk University Summer Schools in Brno, Czech Republic
More info at:
- The City in Central Europe: Imperial Pasts, Imperial Aspirations
- Europe – A Birthplace of Modernity
- Business in Europe: Strategy in the European Context
- World in Transition and Central European Transformation: Lessons Learnt
- International Relations and Threats to Global Security
- European Doctorate in Teacher Education
- Creativity in Language Teaching
- Academic Skills in English
- Slavonic (Czech) Studies
- Study Skills in English
Raspored za ljetni semesetar ak. god. 2015/16.
ljetni semestar ak. god. 2015/16.
(s imenima nastavnika, po grupama i dvoranama)
možete vidjeti OVDJE
ljetni semestar ak. god. 2015/16.
(s imenima nastavnika, po grupama i dvoranama)
možete vidjeti na stranicama pojedinih smjerova
(pratite promjene – promjene će biti istaknute podebljanim (bold) slovima pa ih tako i potražite)
Oglas: Hrvatski muzej naivne umjetnosti HITNO traži vodiča
Hrvatski muzej naivne umjetnosti HITNO traži apsolventicu/apsolventa
povijesti umjetnosti i anglistike za stručno vođenjegrupa i pojedinaca
na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku. Ponude s CV-om molimo poslati na e-adresu:
Kontakt: Ksenija Pavlinić-Tomašegović, tel. 485 19 11, 485 21 25.
objavljeno 17. veljače 2016.
Europska središnja banka: stručna praksa za buduće prevoditelje (2015)
Europska središnja banka organizira stručnu praksu / pripravnički staž za buduće prevoditelje
(prijave do utorka, 15. prosinca 2015.)
The Directorate General Communications and Language Services of the European Central Bank (ECB) is seeking applications from recent graduates or students who are close to completing their studies to participate in a traineeship in the Language Services Division for a period of three months.
While at the ECB, the trainee will be expected to contribute to the translation of texts from English into Croatian, and the revision and proof-reading of texts in Croatian destined for publication. Successful applicants will also be expected to identify, extract and compile terminology – in particular, in the financial and economic fields – and to align relevant previously translated texts.
Further information on the traineeship can be found at:
Tel: +49 69 1344 5874