Home » Obavijesti za naslovnicu » CALL FOR PAPERS – ANGLOPHONIA: FORKING PATHS (deadline February 16, 2024)



International Anglophone Conference for Young Scholars  
University of Zagreb
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
16h to 18th May 2024

ENGLISH STUDENT CLUB X.A. is pleased to announce the seventh International Anglophone Conference for Young Scholars ANGLOPHONIA: FORKING PATHS, which will take place FROM 16TH TO 18TH MAY 2024 at the FACULTY OF HUMANITIES AND SOCIAL SCIENCES IN ZAGREB, Croatia. The conference will provide a platform for young scholars (BA, MA and PhD students, graduates and scholars who have recently obtained a PhD) to discuss their works in a friendly, yet professional environment. The aim of the conference is to connect young and promising researchers who share an interest in all areas of Anglophone studies by providing them with an opportunity to exchange information, ideas, and views.

The call for papers is now available in pdf here, or you can access it on our site here.



Date of the conference: May 16-18, 2024
Conference venue: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ivana Lučića 3, Zagreb, Croatia
Organizer: English Student Club X.a.
Application deadline: February 16, 2024
Notification of acceptance: March 1, 2024
Working language: English
Conference fee:
– 10 EUR (no accommodation)
– 20 EUR (with accommodation)

Anglophonia is the seventh International Anglophone Conference for Young Scholars organized by the English Student Club X.a. The conference will take place from 16th to 18th May 2024 at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in ZagrebCroatia.

The theme of the conference will be ANGLOPHONE STUDIES with a focus on topics such as meaning, ambiguity, decoding, interpretation, subjectivity, intentionality, message. The inspiration for this year’s theme was drawn from Jorge Louis Borges’ short story The Garden of Forking Paths, and we borrowed the imagery in the title to evoke ideas of complexity, investigation and choice. Whether we are engaging in analyses of literary texts or examinations of meaning from a linguistic standpoint, the above-mentioned concepts rarely get left out, and we invite you to join us in expanding on them at this year’s conference. The topic is broad, so just be creative! The areas covered include, but are not limited to:

  • Anglophone literature, as well as other art forms
  • Anglophone cultures
  • Translation studies
  • Linguistics
  • TEFL

Klub studenata anglistike X.a.
Ivana Lučića 3
10 000 Zagreb

E: klubanglistike@gmail.com
W: xa.ffzg.hr
F: facebook.com/klubxa
I: instagram.com/klubxa
T: twitter.com/klubxa