Call for Applications: Visiting PhD student program at SINAS, Fall 2023
The Swedish Institute for North American Studies (SINAS) at the Department of English, Uppsala University is offering PhD students the opportunity to visit and discuss their research with our faculty and affiliates, and to participate in other research-related activities at SINAS.
The program will award a visiting grant, including financial support for travel and accommodation, of up to 20,000 Swedish crowns. Visiting PhD students will be given full access to SINAS premises as well as Uppsala University library resources. The current round of applications will offer two individual grants for up to a one-month visit during the fall semester, the duration and timing to be determined in consultation with SINAS faculty and affiliates.
SINAS conducts research, offers bachelor’s and master’s courses, and broadly promotes the study of North America. SINAS is the only institute of its kind in Sweden. Founded in 1985 as an independent institute, it is now a section within the Department of English. SINAS also serves as a resource for the larger community of scholars at Swedish universities interested in North America, cooperating with scholars in the educational sciences, humanities, law, social sciences, and theology.
SINAS encourages applications from PhD students in the humanities and social sciences that are actively working on their theses, and whose research relates broadly to the study of North America. Preference will be given to applicants enrolled in PhD programs in the Nordic countries.
In processing applications, the selection committee will consider the applicant’s academic background, scholarly achievements, and the relevance of their research to the SINAS environment.
Applicants are required to submit documentation of enrollment in a PhD program, a description of their PhD project, and a short CV. Applications should also include an explanation of how visiting SINAS would benefit the applicant’s research, including preliminary dates and planned activities (i.e., thesis writing, archival visits, conducting interviews).
Please note that all visiting PhD students are requested to present a work-in-progress text at the SINAS research seminar. The applicant should include a preliminary title and a short description of the text as part of their application.
The application should include:
- Documented enrollment in PhD program
- Description of PhD project (maximum 1 page)
- CV (maximum 2 pages)
- Preliminary dates of visit and description of planned activities (maximum ½ page)
- Draft title and summary of planned presentation
The application deadline is August 6th, 2023. Please submit your application to SINAS research coordinator Christin Mays (
For additional information on SINAS, please visit or contact SINAS research coordinator Christin Mays (