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Natječaj za studijski boravak u okviru Erasmusa + info-dan za studente


Obrana diplomskog rada Stelle Sedmak






Diplomski studij

VAŽNO! Suvremeni engleski jezik 1 (Bukvić Pažin)

Molim svoje studente i studentice 1. godine (grupa 1 i 2) koji se još na Omegi nisu upisali u kolegij Suvremeni engleski jezik 1 (Bukvić Pažin) da to čim prije učine.

Lozinka je SEJ2021, i ondje vas čekaju važne obavijesti za prvi tjedan nastave.

Molim i ponavljače i ponavljačice koji su se upisali kod mene da učine isto.


Pisanje znanstvenih tekstova 1 / Academic Writing 1


Kulture SAD-a i Velike Britanije (HOYT) – početak nastave i Omega

Groups 3 & 4 of Cultures of the USA and Great Britain will have their first class tomorrow, Monday 11 October 2021.

If you are unable to attend in person, I will try to set up a simultaneous Zoom connection. The Zoom links are available via the Omega E-course “Kulture SAD-a i Velike Britanije (Hoyt)”. The enrollment password is: USUKHoyt

A. Hoyt

Suvremeni engleski jezik 1 – Bukvić Pažin

Molim studente i studentice 1. godine koji su se upisali u moje grupe 1 i 2 da se na Omegi čim prije upišu u kolegij Suvremeni engleski jezik 1 (Bukvić Pažin), lozinka: SEJ2021, kako bismo ondje mogli nastaviti komunikaciju.

Molim i ponavljače i ponavljačice koji su se upisali kod mene da učine isto.




Aspekti američkoga romantizma (21./22.)

Naziv kolegija: Aspekti američkoga romantizma (A, 19. st.)
Zimski semestar 2021/22

Preddiplomski studij (2.-3. godina)
Nastavnica: Dr. sc. Jelena Šesnić
ECTS-bodovi: 6
Jezik: Engleski
Trajanje: 3. ili 5. semestar; zimski
Status: Izborni
Oblik nastave: 1 sat predavanja + 2 sata seminara
Uvjeti za upis kolegija: Upisan 3. ili 5. semestar studija

Mon, 8:45-9:30 (A-105)
Wed, 10:15-11:45 (A-105)
Office: B-018
Phone: 01-4092060
E-mail: jsesnic@ffzg.hr
Office hours: Mon, 12:30-13:30; Thur 14:30-15:30

Course description: The period spans the decades from the 1820s to approximately the 1860s marked by the flowering of national literature in post-revolutionary times; the adoption and americanization of European ideas in so-called New England Transcendentalism, and the emergence of alternative (women, African Americans, commoners) voices. Alternatively called the American Renaissance, the period testifies to the coming-of-age of American literature. The texts are a representative selection of the unprecedented surge of creative energy that left no aspect of social and personal life untouched (from religion, education, women’s rights to politics and abolition), and will thus guide is in our examination of the past to which the American present owes so much.

 Requirements: regular attendance; participation in class discussions; in-class and home assignments; seminar paper 6-7 pp. (ca 2000 words); mid-term + final test (continuous assessment, mandatory)

 Selected works:

R.W. Emerson: selection of essays

Walt Whitman: Leaves of Grass (selection)

Henry David Thoreau: Walden (selection); selected essays

Herman Melville: short stories (selection) (“The Piazza”; “Bartleby, the Scrivener”; from The Encantadas: Sketches One and Two)

Margaret Fuller: Woman in the Nineteenth Century; “American Literature; Its Position in the Present Time, and Prospects for the Future”

Catharine Maria Sedgwick: Hope Leslie (novel)

Frederick Douglass: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave


Secondary readings: reading material will be provided in digital form on Omega.

Additional reading:

Buell, Lawrence, ed. The American Transcendentalists: Essential Writings. Modern Library Classics, 2006. (selection)

Phillips, Christopher, ed. Literature of the American Renaissance. Cambridge UP, 2018. (selection)

Reynolds, Larry J. The Routledge Introduction to American Renaissance Literature. Routledge, 2021.

Rowe, John Carlos. At Emerson’s Tomb: The Politics of Classic American Literature.

Columbia UP, 1997. (selection)

Warren, Joyce, ed. The (Other) American Traditions: Nineteenth-Century Women Writers. Rutgers UP, 1993. (selection)


Pisanje znanstvenih tekstova 1 – prvi sastanak (online)


obrana diplomskog rada studentice Petre Lauš (9.7.2020.)


Veselica Majhut – konzultacije (10.3.)


Rezultati ispita CEL 3

1 2
2 5
3 2
4 2
5 2
6 F
7 3
8 F
9 F
10 4
11 2

Za termin uvida u ispite i usmeni ispit javite se svojim lektoricama. Kod lektorice Bašić uvidi i usmeni bit će u petak, 21. veljače u 11.30 sati. (više…)

HOYT – konzultacije četvrtak 30.1. u 11:30


Grubišić – sat primanja u utorak; office hours this Tuesday


Nastava iz Semantike 18. studenog
