Cognitive linguistics

Course title: Cognitive linguistics
ECTS credits:

Instructor:  Professor Milena Žic Fuchs
Language: English
Semester: I or II
Uvjeti: Položen ispit iz Sintakse i Semantike engleskoga jezika
Oblik nastave: 4 sata predavanja
CILJ KOLEGIJA: Cilj je ovoga kolegija upoznati studente s osnovnim postavkama kognitivne lingvistike, točnije kognitivne semantike i kognitivne gramatike.
SADRŽAJ KOLEGIJA: Kolegij se uvodi kraćim prikazom Američke lingvistike, tj. doprinosima Boasa, Sapira, Bloomfielda i Whorfa, odnosno točnije prikazom njihovih viđenja odnosa jezika, kulture i mišljenja. Tragom te tradicije uvode se temeljne postavke kognitivne lingvistike s posebnim težištem na pojmovima prototipa i kategorije. Nadalje, obrađuju se osnovne postavke kognitivne gramatike, termini poput sheme i domene, i posebna se pažnja posvećuje usporedbi strukturalističkih, transformaciono-generativnih i kognitivno gramatičkih pristupa gramatičkim pojavnostima. Gore navedene teorijske postavke analiziraju se na primjerima iz engleskoga i hrvatskoga jezika.

Program nastave po tjednima (syllabus)

Week Topic
1. Cognitive linguistics and its links with Cognitive Science.
2. Cognitive linguistics and its links with early American linguistics (Boas, Sapir, Whorf)
3. Cognitive linguistics and its links with early American linguistics (Boas, Sapir, Whorf)
4. Categories – classical and cognitive linguistic views. Relationship between TG grammar and cognitive linguistics. Notion of prototype.
5. Categories – classical and cognitive linguistic views. Relationship between TG grammar and cognitive linguistics. Notion of prototype.
6. Scenes and frames semantics and their relevance for cognitive linguistics.
7. Schemas and domains and their relevance for category organization.
8. Preparation of research topic. Discussion of methodology and aims.
9. Basic notions of Cognitive Grammar.
10. Cognitive Grammar.
11. Discussion of links with theoretical constructs in classical European structuralism. Construction grammars.
12. Submit research results. Discussion of obtained data.
13. Synthesis and theoretical interpretation of research results.
14. reserved for follow-up of any of the above topics

Studenti trebaju redovito pohađati nastavu i aktivno sudjelovati u nastavi. Tijekom semestra radit će se i zajednički istraživački projekt u kojem su studenti dužni aktivno sudjelovati.

Gradivo se predaje po cjelinama, uz obvezatne rasprave. Obvezatan rad na istraživačkom projektu te položen pismeni ispit.

OBAVEZNA LITERATURA (odabrana poglavlja i stranice):
. W. i Cruse, Alen, D. (2004), Cognitive Linguistics. Cambridge University Press

Dirven, R. i Verspoor, M. (1998), Cognitive Exploration of Language and Linguistics. John Benjamins Publishing Company.

, G. (1987), Women, Fire and Dangerous Things, What Categories Reveal about the Mind. Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press

Langacker, R. W. (1987), Foundations of Cognitive Grammar: Theoretical Prerequisites, Volume I. Stanford University Press