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Master’s Thesis and Supervision – Translation


Thesis registration form (word.doc)

M. A. Theses

Students are required to write a paper reporting on their own empirical research in the area of translation studies. The expected length of the paper is 25-30 standard pages.

Interdisciplinary research

An M.A. thesis may involve a research project related to the fields covered by the English Department and another department of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences that the student is enrolled in. In such cases, students should have two co-supervisors, one from each of the two departments. An interdisciplinary research project should involve double the amount of student workload than an ordinary M.A. project. The expected length of the resulting paper is around 50 standard pages.

Registering the thesis

M.A. theses should be registered under a working title, in consultation with the supervisor and the programme coordinator by the end of February in the student’s second year of graduate studies. Working titles may be subsequently changed in consultation with the supervisor, and the programme coordinator should be notified of the change.
Topic application form can be sent via email to anglistika@ffzg.hr .

Submitting the thesis

An integral, albeit not final, version of the thesis should be submitted to the supervisor two months prior to the expected date of the defence or, if the defence is expected to be in September, by 15 June at the latest. After reading the submitted version of the thesis, the supervisor makes suggestions for the improvement of the paper. The student should take these suggestions on board and submit the final version of the paper at least three weeks before the expected date of the defence.

Defending the thesis

Theses are defended before a three-member defence committee made up of the supervisor and two more members of the Department. In case of interdisciplinary projects, the committee is made up of both co-supervisors and another member of either department involved.

The structure, format and length of the thesis

The thesis should comprise the following elements:
– Cover page
– Table of contents
– Abstract (c. 200 words)
– Key words
– Introduction
– Previous research, Literature overview and/or Key concepts
– Aims and hypotheses
– Methodology
– Findings
– Conclusions
– References
– Appendices.

The paper should be written in English. (Exceptions can be made where interdisciplinary projects are concerned.).

The formatting should be Times New Roman 12, line spacing 1.5.

The cover page should contain the following elements:
– The name of the Faculty and the Department
– The student’s name
– The title of the thesis
– The supervisor’s name
– The year.

The thesis should be 25-30 standard pages long (excluding the appendices). The recommended length of an interdisciplinary thesis is around 50 standard pages.

Programme coordinator: Dr. Nataša Pavlović (npavlovi@ffzg.hr)

The procedure prior to and following the defence is described here: link.
For pre-viva paperwork, visit
For post-viva paperwork, visit link.