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Master’s Thesis (registration procedures) – Linguistics

Master’s thesis – Graduate Programme in English Language and Literature, Linguistics Track

Application form (word.doc)

During the fourth semester, graduate students of English enrolled in the linguistics track are required to write a master’s thesis, for which they earn 15 ECTS credits.

Aim of the thesis
The purpose of writing a master’s thesis is to show the following: that the student is able to use the relevant literature independently and critically, to present it systematically and clearly, and to employ conventional linguistic methodology and terminology.

The thesis should focus on a linguistic problem (which may or may not be contrastive in nature) concerning the English language and must include some form of research.  In certain cases, with the permission of the student’s adviser, the master’s thesis can be an expanded version of a term paper previously submitted for a course.  It must be written in Standard English, according to accepted norms of research paper writing.

Linguistics Graduate Programme thesis advisors:
Senior Lector Ivana Bašić, PhD
Lector Anda Bukvić Pažin, PhD
Teaching Assistant Janja Čulig Suknaić, PhD
Senior Lector Alexander D. Hoyt, PhD

Senior Lector Tea Raše, PhD
Associate Professor Mateusz-Milan Stanojević, PhD
Assistant Professor Anđel Starčević, PhD
Professor Irena Zovko Dinković, PhD

Submission of master’s thesis
The student must submit a proposal for his or her master’s thesis by mid-February of the academic year when he or she will be writing it. The student must therefore consult with their thesis advisor during the previous semester, with whom he or she will choose a topic. In the current academic year, student must submit a thesis proposal in writing to the thesis advisor by the last week of February.
Topic application form can be sent via email to anglistika@ffzg.hr .

Submission of the master’s thesis
The master’s thesis shall be submitted in electronic form.

Oral defense
The official procedure of the master’s thesis oral defense shall be determined at a later date by the Department of English.

Formal requirements
The Master’s Thesis shall have the following parts:
· title page
· table of contents
· main text of the thesis (introduction, elaboration of thesis, conclusion, abstract of 300-500 words,  
  and list of key words)

· appendices (if there are any)
· list of sources cited in the text

Technical requirements:
· The master’s thesis must be typed in a word-processing program, using only one font.
· Font size: 12
· Line spacing: 1.5
· The pages of the thesis must be numbered
· The thesis must be not be bound; rather, it should be fastened with a spiral binding.

The title page of the master’s thesis should be written in English and should include the following:
· The name of the Faculty and of the Department, as well as the academic year in which it is

· Name and surname of the student
· The title of the thesis
· The type of work (master’s thesis)
· The name and surname of the thesis advisor
· The year in which the thesis was written

The recommended length of the main text of the thesis (not including appendices) is 15–25 pages.
For pre-viva paperwork, visit link.
For post-viva paperwork, visit link.