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Exam schedule: Year 2

Exam Schedule 2024-2025

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Course title Winter examination term (Feb 2025) date/time/room Summer examination term (June 2025) date/time/room Autumn examination term (Aug/Sep 2025) date/time/room
Contemporary English Language III** 3.2. 14.00 D VII 16.6. 16.00 D VII 2.9. 16.00 D VII
13.2. 14.00 D VII 30.6. 12.00 D VII 12.9. 12.00 D VII
Analysis of English Texts** 3.2. 14.00 D VII 16.6. 16.00 D VII 2.9. 16.00 D VII
13.2. 14.00 D VII 30.6. 12.00 D VII 12.9. 12.00 D VII
English Syntax 2: The Sentence
29.1. 10.00 D III 10.6. 10.00 D III 3.9. 10.00 D III
12.2. 12.00 D III 24.6. 10.00 D III 17.9. 10.00 D III

* The final grade of in all literary courses is based on continuous assessment. The additional examination dates shall be organized for students who have fulfilled all elements of continuous assessment (regular attendance, preparation for and participation in class, writing small assignments, obligatory sitting for midterm and/or endterm exams, timely submission of the final paper), but have failed the midterm and/or endterm exam. For further reference, see specific course.

NB: Students enrolled via ISVU system should register for exams via Studomat. Registration period depends on the examination date. Subsequent registration is not possible after the expiry of a given registration period. Registration is obligatory for all courses, including those based on continuous evaluation.

Additional examination dates: for literary courses click here
♦ All subsequent changes shall be indicated in bold

updated Nov 27, 2024