Prof. Višnja Josipović-Smojver


2019 Distinguished Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb
2013 Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb
2011 Chair professor of English linguistics, Department of English, University of Zagreb
2003 Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb
1997 Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb
1994 Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Zagreb
1986 M.A. in linguistics, University of Zagreb
1983 B.A. in English language and literature and Italian language and literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb

Research interests
English phonetics and phonology, varieties of English, English as a lingua franca, twin speech

Other achievements:
2005-2007 Head of  Department; 1992-1993 lecturer at the University of Nottingham, U.K.; 1989-1990 Fulbright doctoral scholarship at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA; winter semester 1987- visiting colleague at University College, London, U.K.

Undergraduate courses
Phonetics and phonology

Graduate courses
English across the world

Postgraduate courses
Contemporary phonological theories

Selected bibliography
· (2019) Josipović Smojver, Višnja. Contemporary Phonological Theory and Common Pronunciation Phenomena. Philologia (1451-5342)16, 77-83.
· (2019) Josipović Smojver, Višnja. Usvajanje izgovora stranoga jezika u ranoj školskoj dobi. In: Vrhovac, Y. i suradnice (ed.) Izazovi učenja stranoga jezika u osnovnoj školi. Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak, 167-174.
· (2017) Josipović Smojver, Višnja. Suvremene fonološke teorije. Zagreb : Ibis grafika.
· (2016) Josipović Smojver, V. and M. M. Stanojević. English as a Lingua Franca in Croatia: Attitudes and Pronunciation. In: Zovko Dinković, I. and J. Mihaljević Djigunović, eds. English Studies from Archives to Prospects: Volume 2 – Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 95-113.
· (2012) Josipović Smojver, V. and M. M. Stanojević, ‘Stratification of English as a Lingua Franca: Identity constructions of learners and speakers’. In: E. Waniek-Klimczak i L. Shockey (eds.), Teaching and researching English accents in native and non-native speakers. Springer: 193-207.
· (2012) Stanojević, M. M., V, Kabalin Borenić and V. Josipović Smojver, ‘Combining different types of data in studying English as a Lingua Franca’, Research in Language. University of Lodz:
· (2011) V. Josipović Smojver and M.M. Stanojević, ‘Euro-English and Croatian national identity: Are Croatian university students ready for English as a lingua franca?’ Suvremena lingvistika 37 (2011), 71: 105-130.
· (2010) ‘Foreign Accent and Levels of Analysis: Interference between English and Croatian’. In: Waniek-Klimczak, E., ed., Issues in Accents of English 2: Variability and Norm. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 23-35.
· (2007)  ‘Razvoj u izražavanju identiteta u blizanačkome govoru’ (The development of identity in the speech of twins) Lahor 3, VOl.1:37-52.
· (2003) ‘Ema, Nina i Emanina: analiza slučaja blizanačkog govora’ (Ema, Nina, and Emanina: a case study of twin speech) Govor XX   (2003) 1-2, eds. D.Horga and V. Mildner. Zagreb: Odjel za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva: 169-179.
· (1999) PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY FOR STUDENTS OF ENGLISH. Udžbenici sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Zagreb: Targa. 
· (1997) ‘Non-melodic intonational morphemes in English and Croatian’, SRAZ XLII/1997: 193-200.
· (1997) ‘The Prosody of English  Spoken with a Croatian Accent’, In: E. Waniek-Klimczak, ed. Teaching English Phonetics and Phonology II. Accents ’97. Łódź: Wyndawnictwo Universytetu Łódzkiego: 85-93.
· (1996) ‘Intonacijsko značenje u engleskom i hrvatskom’ (Intonational meaning in English and Croatian), Suvremena lingvistika 41-42/1996: 271-284.
· (1995) ‘The Intonational Systems of English and Croatian: A Bitonal Generative Compositional Approach’, SRAZ XL/1995: 191-220.
· (1995) ‘Intonacijski modeli i kontrastivna intonologija’ (Intonational models and contrastive intonology),  Suvremena lingvistika 39: 65-77.
· (1995) ‘Akcenatska prozodija i dvotonski pristup intonaciji’ (Pitch-accent prosody and a bitonal approach to intonation), Suvremena lingvistika 40/1995: 51-79.
· (1994) ‘English and Croatian in the Typology of Rhythmic Systems’, SRAZ XXXIX/1994: 25-37.
· (1992) ‘The Role of Underlying Filters in the Study of Phonological Interference’. SRAZ XXXVI-XXXVII:131-143.
· (1991) Josipović, V. and R. Huntley, ‘Stress-based vs.syllable-based languages: perception of timing differences in English and Croatian’. Proceedings of the XIIth ICPhS, Aix-en-Provence, 1991: 314-317.

Link to the Croatian scientific  bibliography: