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Assoc. Prof. Iva Polak


2018 Associate Professor, English Dept, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
2014-2015 6-month Endeavour Research Fellowship, School of Humanities, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia
2011 Assistant Professor, English Dept, University of Zagreb
2008-2011 Assistant Lecturer, English Dept, University of Zagreb
2008 PhD (Magical Realism and the Contemporary Aboriginal Novel), University of Zagreb
2006-2007 one year doctoral research grant (Endeavour-Australia Europe Award) at the Australia Research Institute, University of Curtin, Perth, WA, Australia
2005 MA (Literature of Australian Aborigines: From Oral to Postcolonial Discourse), University of Zagreb
2002 5-month research grant at the Department of English, Faculty of Arts, University of Bergen, Norway
2001 3-week course “Text and Context: Literature in 20th Century Britain”, Scottish Universities’ International Summer School, University of Edinburgh, UK
2000-2008 Assistant, English Dept, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
1998 BA in English and French language and literature, University of Zagreb
1994-2000 English and French translator/interpreter

Office: B-015
Office hours:
Zoom meeting per prior appointment

Research interests
Postcolonial theory; theory of the fantastic; Australian literature and film; Australian Indigenous fiction and film; Anglophone literary and cinematic fantasy; contemporary British fiction; Anthropocene fiction and film; cli-fi

Undergraduate courses
Alternative Worlds in Contemporary British Fiction
The Anthropocene in British and Australian Fiction and Film

Graduate courses

A Historical Survey of the Fantastic in British Literature
Narrative DissemiNation of the Land of Oz

Professional membership
European Association for Studies of Australia (EASA) – board member; Australasian Humour Studies Network (AHNS); International Association of the Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA); Centre for Popular Culture (Osijek)

Editorial board member
Umjetnost riječi
Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia (JEASA)
Peter Lang World Science Fiction Studies

Selected bibliography
Futuristic Worlds in Australian Aboriginal Fiction, Oxford: Peter Lang, ISBN 978-1-78707-200-8, 2017, 271 pp.
Razvoj književne proze australskih Aboridžina: od nevidljive do postkolonijalne priče (Development of Australian Aboriginal Fiction. From an indivisible to a postcolonial yarn) Zagreb: Biblioteka književna smotra, ISBN 988-953-296-036-5, 2011, 396 pp.

Other Contact Zones, NT21C, Volume 7, Jason Ensor, Iva Polak and Peter Van Der Merwe (eds), Australia Research Institute, Curtin University of Technology, Network Books, ISBN: 9781920845414, ISSN: 1834-0890, Perth, 2007, 269 pp.

Selected refereed articles published in English:
– “Unpunishable Crimes in Claire G. Coleman’s Futuristic Novel Terra NulliusHumanities 11, no. 2, 2022: 47. https://doi.org/10.3390/h11020047
– “Native Apocalypse in Claire G. Coleman’s The Old LieHumanities 9, no. 3, 2020: 69. https://doi.org/10.3390/h9030069
“Alexis Wright’s The Swan Book“, Cli-fi: A Reader, eds. Axel Goodbody and Adeline Johns-Putra, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2018.
– “The Power of ‘feeling Nothing’ in Wesley Enoch and Deborah Mailman’s play The 7 Stages of Grieving”, Adaptation: Theory, Criticism and Pedagogy, eds. Ljubica Matek and Željko Uvanovic, Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2018.
– “The Last Lemurian: A Late 19th-century Fairy Tale in the Australian Outback”, The Fantastic of the Fin de Siecle. Ur. Irena Grubica i Zdeněk Beran, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: New castle upon Tyne, 2016: 223-242.
A Most Peculiar Act by Marie Munkara“. Transnational Literature, Vol. 7, No. 2, May, 2015, ISSN 1836-4845.
“Indigenous Australian Image and Text: Mad Bastards ‘write life in every stroke'”. Facing the Crises: Anglophone Literature in the Postmodern World. Ed. Ljubica Matek and Jasna Poljak Rehlicki, Cambridge Scholars Publishing: Tyne, 2014: 30-48.
– “Indigenous Australian Texts in European English Departments: A fence, a bridge and a country as an answer to the debate over multiculturalism.” ELOPE. Vol. 10, Fall, 2013: 69-81.
– “Yulyurlu: Lorna Fencer Napurrurla: A Review.” Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia (JEASA), Vol. 4, No. 1, 2013: 193-196.
The One about Coyote going West: mimesis and ethics in multicultural landscapes of Canada and Australia“, Brno Studies in English, Vol. 37, No. 1, ed. Jan Chovanec, Brno: Masaryk University Brno, 2011: 173-190.

Full bibliography: