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Prof. Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović
Curriculum vitae
2014 | retired |
2008 | full professor |
2006-2010 | director of studies of Doctoral Programme in FL Education |
2000-2014 | SLA and TEFL Chair |
2000-2002 | Head of Department of English |
1991 | PhD (dissertation title: Teaching EFL and motivation to learn) |
1985-2014 | member of Department of English |
1985 | MSc (thesis title: Comparison of GE and ESP syntactic structures) |
1981-1985 | teacher of EFL at Centar za strane jezike Vodnikova, Zagreb |
1977-1981 | teacher of EFL and Russian at the secondary school in Grubišno polje |
1977 | MA in English Language and Literature and Russian |
Research interests
second language acquisition; early language learning; individual differences in language learning; FL teacher education
Graduate courses
Glottodidactics; English Language Teaching Methodology; Teaching English as a Foreign Language; Individual Differences in Language Acquisition; Learning English at an Early School Age
Doctoral courses
Research Methodolgy in FL Education; Designing Research Papers and Presentation Skills; Age Factor; Impact of Age on Second Language Acquisition; Individual Learner Differences and FL Teaching
Other accomplishments
2010 – member of the Croatian Academy of Educational Sciences
2006 – University of Zagreb Certificate of Merit for promoting international cooperation (as a member of the SLA and TEFL Section)
2002 – Faculty Medal
1994-1995 – president of the Croatian Association of Applied Linguistics
1996-1999 – editor-in-chief of Strani jezici
1997 – Croatian Association of Open Universities Certificate of Merit
Selected bibliography
· Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (2003) Strah od stranoga jezika[Foreign language anxiety], Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak.
· Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (1998) Uloga afektivnih faktora u učenju drugoga jezika [Role of affective factors in FLL]. Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.
Edited volumes
· Nikolov, M., Mihaljević Djigunović, J., Mattheoudakis, M., Lundberg, G. and Flanagan, T. (2007) Teaching Modern Languages to Young Learners, Graz: ECML.
· Foster-Cohen, S., Medved Krajnović, M. andi Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (2006) EUROSLA yearbook 6, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
· Mihaljević Djigunović, J. i Pintarić, N. (1995) Prevođenje – suvremena strujanja i tendencije [Translation – current trend and tendencies]. Zagreb: HDPL.
· Mihaljević Djigunović, J. and Pintarić, N. (1994) Primijenjena lingvistika danas [Applied linguistics today]. Zagreb: HDPL.
Book chapters
· Mihaljević Djigunović, J. & Lopriore, L. (2011) The learner: do individual differences matter? In: J. Enever (ed.) ELLiE: Early language learning in Europe, 29-45. London, UK: The British Council.
· Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (2009) Individual differences in early language programmes. In: M. Nikolov (ed.), The age factor and early language learning, 199-225. Berlin-New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
· Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (2008) Young Croatian Language Learners. In: M. Dooley & D. Eastman (ed.), ‘How We’re Going About It’: Teachers’ Voices on Innovative Approaches to Teaching and Learning Languages, 261-270. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
· Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (2006) Language anxiety and language processing. In: S. Foster-Cohen, M. Medved Krajnović & J. Mihaljević Djigunović (eds.) EUROSLA Yearbook 6, 191-212. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Journal articles
· Nikolov, M. and Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (2011) All shades of every color: an overview of early teaching and learning of foreign languages. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 31: 95-119.
· Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (2010) Starting age and L1 and L2 interaction. International Journal of Bilingualism 14(3): 303-314.
· Mihaljević Djigunović, J., Nikolov, M. and Ottó, I. (2008) A comparative study of Croatian and Hungarian EFL students, Language Teaching Research, 12(3): 433–452.
· Nikolov, M. and Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (2006) Recent research on age, second language acquisition, and early foreign language learning, ARAL, 26: 234-260.
· Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (2001) Are language learning strategies motivation-specific?, Orbis linguarum, 18: 167-180.
Complete bibliography:
Assoc. Prof. Sven Cvek
Curriculum vitae
2019 | Assoc. Prof., English Dept., University of Zagreb |
2012 | Asst. Prof., English Dept., University of Zagreb |
2009 | PhD, University of Zagreb (9/11: Event, Trauma, Nation, Globalization) |
2005 | MA, University of Zagreb (Image Inc: Popular Visuality and the Postmodern American Novel) |
2000 | BA, University of Zagreb (English/Croatian) |
Research interests:
Contemporary American literature and culture, visual culture, problems of globalization.
Undergraduate courses:
Introduction to the Study of English Literature (Omega)
American postmodernism and Popular Culture (Omega)
Graduate courses:
Cultural Aspects of American Neoliberalism (Omega)
Other achievements:
Fulbright visiting scholar, Department of Social and Cultural Analysis, New York University (2005/06).
Member and co-founder of the Croatian Association for American Studies (HUAmS ), member of the Croatian Association for the Study of English (HDAS), used to co-edit literary journal Libra/Libera and [SIC] journal.
Selected bibliography:
Towering Figures: Reading the 9/11 Archive. Amsterdam & New York: Rodopi, 2011. (publisher ; Google Books )
Full bibliography:
https://ffzg.academia.edu/svencvek (Academia.edu)
Emeritus Prof. Stipe Grgas
2021 | Emeritus Professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb |
2005 | joined the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb as Chair of the American Studies Program |
1997-2000 | deputy dean for scholarly affairs at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar |
1988 | PhD “Reading of W.B. Yeats in the Context of Nietzsche’s Philosophy” |
1982 | joined the English department at the Faculty of Philosophy in Zadar |
1980-1982 | high school teacher of English, Drniš |
1977 | MA “Vacillations in the Art and Vision of William Butler Yeats” |
1974 | BA in English and Sociology, Faculty of Humanities and the Social Sciences in Zagreb |
Research interests
American studies; the contemporary USA; Irish Studies; human spatiality
Other achievements
I was president of the Croatian Society of English Studies. I was a member of the Croatian National Board of Higher Education. I am the acting president of the Croatian Association of American Studies; I twice received the Fulbright scholarship (1994/95 at Yale University, New Haven and spring semester 2011 at Cornell, Ithaca, NY)
Undergraduate course
The Contemporary American Novel
Graduate courses
The History and Paradigms of American Studies
The Contemporary USA
Postgraduate courses
Space in Literature
Geography and Literature
Croatian Studies: Contexts and Paradigms
Selected bibliography
1. Nietzsche i Yeats, /Nietzsche and Yeats/ Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo, Zagreb, 1989, pp. 213.
2. eds. Grgas/Larsen, Svend Erik, The Construction of Nature, Odense University Press, 1994. pp. 250.
3. Ispisivanje Prostora: Čitanje suvremenog američkog romana, /Writing Space: A Reading of the contemporary American Novel/ Naklada MD, Zagreb, 2000, pp. 250.
4. Kažnjavanje forme: irsko pjesništvo poslije Yeatsa, /Punishing Form: Irish Poetry after Yeats/Naklada MD, Zagreb
For full bibliography see: http://bib.irb.hr/lista-radova?autor=113696&lang=EN
Assoc. Prof. Marta Medved-Krajnović
Curriculum vitae
2011-2015 | associate professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
2010 | director of studies of Doctoral Programme in FL Education |
2004 | PhD (dissertation title: Development of childhood Croatian-English bilingualism) |
2001-2002 | visiting academic, Trinity College Dublin |
2001 | MSc (thesis title: The role of stories in developing lignuistic and communicative competence in primary school learners of English) |
1996 | MA in English and Italian language and literature |
Research interests
second language acquisition; dynamism of childhood bilingualism and multilingualism; language attrition; assessment of linguistic and communicative competence
Graduate courses
Second Language Acquisition; Language Acquisition; Bilingualism; Evaluating Linguistic and Communicative Competence; Monolingualism, bilingualism, multilingualism: development and maintenance.
Doctoral courses
Second Language Acquisition; Bilingualism and Multilingualism
Other accomplishments
2006 University of Zagreb Certificate of Merit for promoting international cooperation (as a member of the SLA and TEFL Section)
2003 – 2007 EUROSLA Secretary
Selected bibliography
Medved Krajnović, M. (2010) Od jednojezičnosti do višejezičnosti: Uvod u istraživanje procesa ovladavanja inim jezikom. [From Monolingualism to Multilingualism: Introduction to Second Language Acquisition Research] Zagreb: Leykam International d.o.o.
Edited volumes
Foster-Cohen, S., Medved Krajnović, M. i Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (ur.) (2006) EUROSLA Yearbook 6, Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Book Chapters
° Medved Krajnović, M. (2008) Language Attrition in Bilingual Children: Implications for Early Foreign Language Teaching. U: Sarter, H. (ur.), Teacher Competences and Successful Learning in Early Foreign Language Classrooms. Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 103-112.
° M. Medved Krajnović, J. Mihaljević Djigunović (2005) LANGUAGE TEACHING METHODOLOGY AND SECOND LANGUAGE ACQUISITION, in Linguistics : Nature, History, Scope and Broad Applications, from Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford ,UK, [http://www.eolss.net]
Journal articles
° Medved Krajnović, M., Juraga, I. (2008) Perception of influence of FLL on personality. Studia Romanica et Aglica Zagrabiensia 53, 349-372.
° Medved Krajnović, M., Šamo, R. (2007). Testing Foreign Language Proficiency – What Verbal Protocols Reveal. Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia LII., pp. 283-299.
° Medved Krajnović, M. (2006). The Dynamism of Successive Childhood Bilingualism. Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia. L. 25-38.
Complete bibliography
Assoc. Prof. Iva Polak
2018 | Associate Professor, English Dept, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
2014-2015 | 6-month Endeavour Research Fellowship, School of Humanities, University of Adelaide, Adelaide, SA, Australia |
2011 | Assistant Professor, English Dept, University of Zagreb |
2008-2011 | Assistant Lecturer, English Dept, University of Zagreb |
2008 | PhD (Magical Realism and the Contemporary Aboriginal Novel), University of Zagreb |
2006-2007 | one year doctoral research grant (Endeavour-Australia Europe Award) at the Australia Research Institute, University of Curtin, Perth, WA, Australia |
2005 | MA (Literature of Australian Aborigines: From Oral to Postcolonial Discourse), University of Zagreb |
2002 | 5-month research grant at the Department of English, Faculty of Arts, University of Bergen, Norway |
2001 | 3-week course “Text and Context: Literature in 20th Century Britain”, Scottish Universities’ International Summer School, University of Edinburgh, UK |
2000-2008 | Assistant, English Dept, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
1998 | BA in English and French language and literature, University of Zagreb |
1994-2000 | English and French translator/interpreter |
Office: B-015
Office hours: Fri 2:30-3:30pm and via Zoom by appointment
Research interests
Postcolonial theory; theory of the fantastic; Australian literature and film; Australian Indigenous fiction and film; Anglophone literary and cinematic fantasy; contemporary British fiction; Anthropocene fiction and film; cli-fi
Undergraduate courses
Alternative Worlds in Contemporary British Fiction
The Anthropocene in British and Australian Fiction and Film
Reading Literature, Media, Culture
Graduate courses
A Historical Survey of the Fantastic in British Literature
Narrative DissemiNation of the Land of Oz
Professional membership
European Association for Studies of Australia (EASA) – chair
Australasian Humour Studies Network (AHNS) – member
International Association of the Fantastic in the Arts (IAFA) – member
Centre for Popular Culture (Osijek) – member
Editorial board member
Umjetnost riječi/The Art of Words
Journal of the European Association for Studies of Australia (JEASA)
Peter Lang World Science Fiction Studies
Selected bibliography
Futuristic Worlds in Australian Aboriginal Fiction, Oxford: Peter Lang, ISBN 978-1-78707-200-8, 2017, 271 pp.
Razvoj književne proze australskih Aboridžina: od nevidljive do postkolonijalne priče (Development of Australian Aboriginal Fiction. From an indivisible to a postcolonial yarn) Zagreb: Biblioteka književna smotra, ISBN 988-953-296-036-5, 2011, 396 pp.
Recent refereed articles published in English:
– “Indigenous Futurism“, The Cambridge History of the Australian Novel, ed. David Carter, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, pp. 437-453.
– “Wording Mute Posthumanism in Alexis Wright’s The Swan Book“, Antipodes 36:1 2022: 107-121. DOI: 10.1353/apo.2022.a906038
-“Unpunishable Crimes in Claire G. Coleman’s Futuristic Novel Terra Nullius” Humanities 11:2 47 (2022) https://doi.org/10.3390/h11020047
– “Native Apocalypse in Claire G. Coleman’s The Old Lie” Humanities 9:3, 69 (2020) https://doi.org/10.3390/h9030069
– “Un/doing Climate Change in Alexis Wright’s The Swan Book and Ellen van Neerven’s ‘Water’“ Green Matters: Ecocultural Functions of Literature, eds. Maria Löschnigg and Malenie Braunecker, Leiden, Boston: Brill Rodopi, 2020, pp. 185-200, https://doi.org/10.1163/9789004408876_011
– “Alexis Wright’s The Swan Book“, Cli-fi: A Reader, eds. Axel Goodbody and Adeline Johns-Putra, Oxford: Peter Lang, 2019, pp. 217-223.
Full bibliography:
Assoc. Prof. Vanja Polić
2001-2009 |
PhD in English, University of Zagreb. Major field: British novel; Minor field: History of the novel. Dissertation: “Rhetoric of Self-Legitimation in the Early 18th-century British Novel” |
1999-2002 | Associate B.A. Degree, Portuguese Studies, University of Zagreb |
1995-2001 | B.A. (Hons) in English and Italian (Double Major), University of Zagreb |
Academic Appointments:
2019-present | Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
2013-2019 | Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
2009-2012 | Lecturer, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
2001-2009 | Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
Grants and Scholarships:
Sep.-Dec. 2018 | The Charles Redd Center for Western Studies Fellowship Award, Brigham Young University, USA. |
Oct. 2016 | University of Zagreb Research Grant. Research done at the University of Calgary. |
May 2013 | Central European Exchange Program for University Studies (CEEPUS). Teacher Mobility Grant at the University of Graz, Austria. |
Oct. 2011 | Research Grant. Faculty Enrichment Program Understanding Canada – Canadian Studies Program by DFAIT Canada. Research done at the University of Calgary and University of Waterloo. |
Nov. 2010 | Research Grant. Central European Association for Canadian Studies. Research done at the Center for Canadian Studies, Masaryk University, Czechia. |
July – Aug. 2004 | Scottish Universities’ International Summer School, U.K. |
Feb. 2003 | British Scholarship Trust. Research done at the Queen Mary University of London, U.K. |
Research interests:
Canadian literature and culture; British literature; history of the novel; genre literature and the western; postcolonialism
Undergraduate courses:
Introduction to English Literature 1 and 2
Contemporary Canadian Literature in English
The Beginnings of the Modern Novel in 18th-Century England
Graduate courses:
Architext in Postmodern British Literature
Postgraduate courses:
Marginal Cultures and Cultural Margins: Text and Image of Indigenous Australia and Canada
Secret lives in Alice Munro’s short stories
Visiting Professor:
“Representations of the Wild West Across the 49th Parallel: a Myth, a Performance, a Reality.” The Charles Redd Center for Western Studies, BYU, USA. December 2018.
“Alasdair Gray’s Poor Things as Intertext of Frankenstein…and so Much More.” BYU, USA. November 2018.
“J. M: Coetzee’s Foe as a Postcolonial Counter-History of British Imperialism.” University of Graz, Austria. December 2017.
Intensive course for undergraduate and graduate students “Multiculturalism in Canada”. Masaryk University, Czech Republic. February 2014.
“Constance Beresford-Howe: The Book of Eve.” Center for the Inter-American Studies, University of Graz, Austria. CEEPUS. May 2013.
“Does Gender Matter? Coping with Aging and Dementia in Two Short Stories: Alice Munro’s ‘The Bear Come Over the Mountain’ and Rohinton Mistry’s ‘Swimming Lessons’.” Center for the Inter-American Studies, University of Graz, Austria. CEEPUS. May 2013.
“The Canadian Wild West: A Myth Revamped.” Lecture cycle Cultural Spaces of Canada – Espaces culturels du Canada. University of Graz, Austria. May 2013.
“That Persistent Moodie Persona in Susanna Moodie’s Roughing it in the Bush (1852) and Margaret Atwood’s The Journals of Susanna Moodie (1970).” University of Graz, Austria. November 2012.
Refereed Book (in Croatian):
Istinito, prirodno, različito: Autolegitimacijske strategije ranog britanskog romana. Zagreb: Hrvatsko filološko društvo, 2013.
Refereed book chapters in English:
“Teaching Western Canadian Literature in the Croatian Context: A Case Study.” Teaching Western American Literature. Eds. B. Harrison and R. L. Tanglen. U of Nebraska P, 2020. 271-294.
“Dubravka Ugrešić: Boundaries of (Post)Memory, Self and Nation.” Women’s Narratives and the Postmemory of Displacement in Central and Eastern Europe. Ed. S. Mitroiu. palgrave macmillan, 2018. 173-196.
“White Civility and the Im/Possibility of Crossing in Guy Vanderhaeghe’s The Last Crossing.” The Errant Labor of the Humanities: The Festschrift Presented to Stipe Grgas on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday. Eds. S. Cvek, B. Knežević and J. Šesnić. FF Press, 2017. 49-63.
“Sisters Brothers Pack Heat: or How the Sisters Fared in the West”, Facing the Crises: Anglophone Literature in the Postmodern World. Eds. Lj. Matek and J. Poljak Rehlicki. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014. 128-146.
Refereed journal articles in English:
“The Hauntings of Canada in Michael Crummey’s Sweetland.” London Journal of Canadian Studies, Special Issue on Absent presence/present absence: hauntings in Québécois and Canadian literature and film. Eds. A. Handley, C. Morgan and V. Polić. 33 (autumn 2018): 77-93.
“Performing the Canadian West: Chuckwagons, Cowgirls, and New Westerns.” Cultural Studies ↔ Critical Methodologies, Special Issue on Reiterating the Canadian West. Ed. B. Rusted. First published electronically on November 24, 2015, print issue: 16.1 (2016): 40-47.
“The reworkings of the Western from the northern side of the Medicine Line: Caple’s In Calamity’s Wake, Vanderhaeghe’s The Englishman’s Boy and Stenson’s Lightning.” British Journal of Canadian Studies, Special Issue on New Voices on Canada. Eds. T. McCulloch and C. Kirkey. 28.2 (2015): 205-221.
“Of Wests, Quests and Bullwhips: George Bowering’s “Caprice” Rides through the Western Genre.” Umjetnost riječi/The Art of Words: A Journal of Literary, Theatre and Film Studies. 58.3-4 (2014): 369-389.
“Texture of Life” in Brno Studies Journal (Masaryk University, the Czech Republic), vol. 37, Is. 2 (2011), pp. 159-171,
“Tenderness of Space and Outlandish Woman: The Tenderness of the Wolves and The Outlander”, Review of International American Studies RIAS, Vol. 5, Winter-Spring (1-2/2011), pp.187-208.
“The Early English Novel: Tradition and Newspapers” in Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia SRAZ (University of Zagreb, Croatia), vol. 55 (2010), pp. 19-48. Article title: “The Early English Novel: Tradition and Newspapers”.
Refereed journal articles in Croatian:
“Pucaj! Georgea Boweringa: neispričana priča o pokoravanju kanadskog Zapada”. Umjetnost riječi (The art of Words: Journal for Literary Criticism, Performance Arts and Film), LVII, 3–4 (July – December), 2013: 203-225.
“Starost u ‘Zimskom vrtu’ Alice Munro”. Književna smotra, temat “90-e”. XLVI/2014, 171 (1), 2014: 93-100.
“Problem multikulturalnosti u noveli ‘Poduka plivanja’ Rohintona Mistryja”. Književna smotra, temat “Znaci vremena: povodom 80 godina zagrebačke anglistike”. XLVI/2014, 172 (2), 2014: 65-70.
Refereed Conference Papers (selected)
Panel presentation. “Teaching Western Canadian Literature in the Croatian Context: A Case Study.” Graphic Wests – 55th Annual Conference. Western Literature Association. Virtual conference. Oct. 21-24, 2020.
“The Human, the Posthuman and Jeanette Winterson’s Frankissstein: A Love Story.” 11th Brno International Conference of English, American & Canadian Studies: Breaking the Boundaries: In Between Texts, Cultures and Conventions. Masaryk University. Feb. 12-14, 2020.
“The West Performed: Endicott’s Little Shadows and Great Shows of the Nations.” Transformations: English-Canadian Writing in the Twenty-First Century / Le roman de l’extrême-contemporain au Canada francophone. University of Graz. Dec. 13-14, 2019.
“Vanderhaeghe’s A Good Man and the of US-Canadian Relations at the End of the 19th Century.” The Americas in Canada / Les Amériques du Canada. Canadian Studies Centre. Masaryk University. Oct. 20-21, 2017.
“The Hauntings of Canada in Michael Crummey’s Sweetland.” Panel Co-Organizer: Absent presence/present absence: hauntings in Québécois and Canadian literature and film. Canada 150. 42nd Annual Conference. British Association for Canadian Studies. Apr. 20-22, 2017.
“‘Come, Thou Grief’: Jessica Grant’s Come Thou, Tortoise and the Management of Grief.” Maladies of the Soul, Emotion, Affect: Indigenous, Canadian, and Québécois Writings in the Crossfire of a New Turn. Banff Centre. Sep. 22-25, 2016.
“In Calamity’s Wake: The Performance of a Woman in the Wild West.” In-Between: Liminal Spaces in Canadian Literature and Culture. University of Graz and Center of Inter-American Studies, June 2-4, 2016.
“Stories of the West: a Myth Reappraisal.” 41st Annual Conference. British Association for Canadian Studies. Apr. 21-23, 2016.
“Guy Vanderhaeghe’s The Last Crossing between History and the Wild West Myth.” 40th Anniversary Conference. British Association for Canadian Studies. Apr. 23-25, 2015.
“The Reworkings of the Cowboy Western from the Northern Side of the Medicine Line: Caple’s In Calamity’s Wake, Stenson’s Lightning and Vanderhaeghe’s The Englishman’s Boy.” London Colloquium “New Voices on Canada”. UCL Institute of the Americas and the British Association for Canadian Studies. July 11-12, 2014.
“The Sisters Brothers Pack Heat: or How the Sisters Fared in the West.” Thirty-Five Years of English Studies in Osijek (35YESO). University of Osijek. Oct. 18-19, 2012.
“Texture of Everyday Life.” Living Between the Lines: Transgressive (Auto)Biography as Genre and Method. Central European Association for Canadian Studies. Oct. 28-30, 2010.
Conference Organization:
Principal organizer. Page, Stage, Screen, Voice: A Canadian Studies Seminar. Croatian-Canadian Academic Society. University of Zagreb and University of Osijek. May 12-14, 2018.
Principal Organizer. 7th Triennial International Conference of the Central European Association for Canadian Studies, Beyond the 49th Parallel: Canada and the North – Issues and Challenges / Au-delà du 49ème parallèle : Le Canada et le Nord – Enjeux et défis. Croatian-Canadian Academic Society. University of Zagreb. Oct. 9-11, 2015.
Invited Addresses:
Invited speaker. “Teaching Canadian Literature and Culture to Croatian Students.” Zagreb County Council for Teachers of Primary and Secondary Schools. Zagreb, Dec. 11, 2017.
Invited Speaker. “Alice Munro’s Short Stories: Open Secrets and the Mastery of Short Story.” Annual Festival of Arts and Education “Treće uho Dubrovnik”. Center for Advanced Academic Studies, U Zagreb. Nov. 7, 2014.
Roundtable Discussion. “Canadian Literature in Croatia.” University of Waterloo, October 2011.
2017 Merit Award for strengthening Academic, Cultural and Intellectual Ties between Canada and Croatia (presented by the Canadian Embassy in Croatia)
Journal Editorial Board Appointment:
2016-present Editorial Board, Canadian Literature: A Quarterly of Criticism and Review
Executive Boards and Presidency:
2013-2020 President, Croatian-Canadian Academic Society
2013-2020 Advisory Board, Central European Association for Canadian Studies
Community Outreach – Organization of Guest Lectures:
Erín Mouré, Kapusta – poetry reading and performance. Booksa, a club for culture. Zagreb, May 2018.
David Homel (Concordia U). “How to Write a Canadian Best-Seller.” Zagreb, April 2018.
Dr. Ceri Morgan (Keele U). “Eden Robinson’s ‘Blood Sports’.” May 29 and 31, 2017.
Tomson Highway. “Cree World Views and Storytelling.” City library Bogdan Ogrizovic, Zagreb, April 2017.
Dr. Mark Anthony Jarman (U New Brunswick), talk and reading: “Word for Word.” Booksa, a club for culture, Zagreb. November 2016.
Dr. Martin Löschnigg (U Graz). “Intertextuality in Recent Poetry on World War I: Remembering 1914-18.” Zagreb, November 2016.
Dr. Maria Löschnigg (U Graz). “Rewriting the British Canon: Djanet Sears’s Harlem Duet and Shakespeare’s Othello.” Zagreb, November 2016.
Dr. Linda Warley (U Waterloo). “Stories of the Road Allowance People as Multimodal Text.” U Zagreb, April 2015.
Dr. Laura Moss (UBC). “Green Grass, Running Water.” U Zagreb, October 2014.
Dr. Mark Anthony Jarman (UNB) “Canadian North.” Booksa, a club for culture. Zagreb, June 2014.
Dr. Zuzanna Szatanik (U Silesia). “Animal Poetry in Canada.” U Zagreb, June 2014.
CCAS – Croatian-Canadian Academic Society / CCAA Association Academique Croatie-Canade (member since 2004; President since June 2013-2020); CEACS – Central European Association for Canadian Studies (2004-); HUAMS – Croatian Association for American Studies; European Association for American Studies EAAS (20013-); HDAS/ESSE – Croatian Association for English Studies/The European Society for the Study of English; Western Literature Association WLA (2014-)
Full bibliography:
Prof. Borislav Knežević
2012 | professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Zagreb |
2006 | associate professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb |
2003/2004 | visiting assistant professor at Wake Forest University, USA |
2000 | assistant professor, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb |
1998/99 –1999/2000 |
visiting assistant professor at Wake Forest University, USA |
1998 | earned a PhD degree in English at Duke University, USA |
1988 | research assistant, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb |
1988 | earned an MA degree at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb |
1984 | earned a BA in English and philosophy at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb |
Research interests:
Victorian literature, British modernist literature, film, postcolonial theory, historical approaches to literature and culture
Undergraduate courses:
Victorian literature
Graduate courses:
British Modern Novel and the British Empire
History and Theory of the Novel in English
2008-2012: Head of the research project “Cultures of the Croatian Transition and Anglophone Globalization,” funded by the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Selected bibliography
– Reading Joyce after the Postcolonial Turn. Zagreb: FF-press, 2012
– Figures of Finance Capitalism. Writing, Class, and Capital in the Age of Dickens. New York: Routledge, 2003
For full bibliography see:
Prof. Mateusz-Milan Stanojević
Curriculum vitae
2023 |
Full Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
2017 |
Associate Profesor, Department of English, University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
2015 |
Fulbright scholarship, University of Kansas (postdoctoral research) |
2012 |
Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
2009 |
PhD, University of Zadar (Diachronic variation in metaphorical models: developing a research method) |
2003 |
predoctoral scholarship awarded by the Kingdom of Norway (University of Bergen) |
2000 |
Teaching and Research Assistant, Department of English, University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
1999 |
BA in English Language and Literature, University of Zagreb Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences |
I teach the following courses at the graduate program in English Language and Literature: Cognitive Linguistics and Translation, History of English and Research in Linguistics and Translation Studies: Planning and Methodology. I teach Second Language Online Learning and Teaching: Theory, Research and Practice at the doctoral program in Foreign Language Education.
I also teach at the graduate program of Cognitive Science at the Center for Cognitive Science.
Other courses taught: Introduction to the Linguistic Study of English, English Phonetics and Phonology, Pragmatics etc.
Advisor and co-advisor on several defended PhD theses: Deep processing of reflexive verbs in the acquisition of Croatian as a foreign language (Aida Korajac, University of Zagreb, 2020), Enriched compositionality of the argument structure of Croatian and Slovenian verbs (Jelena Tušek, University of Zagreb, 2019), Metaphors of Language: A Discursive and Experimental Analysis of the Role of Metaphor in the Construction of National Languages: The Case of Croatian and Serbian (Višnja Čičin Šain, University of Oslo, 2019).
Advisor and co-advisor on numerous graduate/MA theses.
Interests: cognitive and construction grammar of English and Slavic languages, conceptual and discourse metaphor, psycholinguistics (for a bibliography, see below).
Coordinated international and national projects, e.g., Willingness to act and emotional reactions to metaphorical and literal discourse on climate change (2022, institutional project), ICT-REV (2013-2015, European Centre for Modern Languages and the European Commission,), Open Resources for Education: Developing Online Teaching Skills (2012-2013, European Centre for Modern Languages).
Collaborated on international and national projects, e.g., Agentive and non-agentive event descriptions in Croatian and English (2023, institutional project, coordinator: Mirjana Tonković), Linguistic Terminology (2019-2020; Croatian Science Foundation, coordinator: Milica Mihaljević), The Building Blocks of Croatian Mental Grammar: Constraints of Information Structure (2017-2020; Croatian Science Foundation, coordinator: Anita Peti-Stantić), etc.
Editorial boards
2020-current co-editor in chief of Hieronymus, Journal of Translation Studies and Terminology (with Goranka Antunović)
2020-current Editorial Board member, Human Cognitive Processing (John Benjamins)
2014 – current editorial board member, Hieronymus, Journal of Translation Studies and Terminology
Memberships and service
2017-current Vice President/President Elect, Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association
2017-2020 Vice Dean for Finance and Administration, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
2013-2015 President of the Supervisory Board, Croatian Applied Linguistics Society
2012-2013 Secretary Croatian Applied Linguistics Society
Member of the Croatian Applied Linguistics Society (since 2001), Croatian Philological Society (since 2012), International Cognitive Linguistics Association (since 2005), Slavic Cognitive Linguistics Association (since 2004).
Selected bibliografy
Full bibliography available at: https://www.bib.irb.hr/profile/27185
Pavlović, Nataša and Mateusz-Milan Stanojević: Znanstvena istraživanja jezika i prevođenja: planiranje i metodologija. Zagreb: FF Press, 2020. https://doi.org/10.17234/9789531759014
Geld, Renata and Mateusz-Milan Stanojević: Strateško konstruiranje značenja riječju i slikom: konceptualna motivacija u ovladavanju jezikom. Zagreb, Srednja Europa, 2018.
Stanojević, Mateusz-Milan. 2013. Konceptualna metafora: temeljni pojmovi, teorijski pristupi i metode. Zagreb: Srednja Europa
Edited monographs
Šarić, Ljiljana and Mateusz-Milan Stanojević, eds. 2019. Metaphor, Nation and Discourse. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins. https://doi.org/10.1075/dapsac.82
Stanojević, Mateusz-Milan, ed. 2014. Metafore koje istražujemo: suvremeni uvidi u konceptualnu metaforu. Zagreb: Srednja Europa.
Selected recent articles
Stanojević, Mateusz-Milan and Pavlović, Nataša. 2022. “Juggling while running”: Emergency remote teaching of translation in times of educational disruption. Meta 67 (2): 253-273. https://doi.org/10.7202/1096255ar
Stanojević, Mateusz-Milan. 2022. Konstrukcijski pristup kao temelj za poučavanje hrvatskoga kao inoga jezika: prilozi rječniku konstrukcija. Croatica: časopis za hrvatski jezik, književnost i kulturu 46 (66): 135-161. https://doi.org/10.17234/Croatica.66.6
Peti-Stantić, Anita, Anđel, Maja, Gnjidić, Vedrana, Keresteš, Gordana, Ljubešić, Nikola, Masnikosa, Irina, Tonković, Mirjana, Tušek, Jelena, Willer-Gold, Jana, Stanojević, Mateusz-Milan. 2021. The Croatian psycholinguistic database: Estimates for 6000 nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs. Behavior Research Methods 53: 1799-1816. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13428-020-01533-x
Stanojević, M.-M. 2021. Metaphor, Metonymy. In: Greenberg, Marc L. (ed.) Encyclopedia of Slavic Languages and Linguistics Online. http://dx.doi.org/10.1163/2589-6229_ESLO_COM_038554
Stanojević, Mateusz-Milan and Ljiljana Šarić. 2019. Metaphors in the discursive construction of nations. In: Šarić, Ljiljana and Mateusz-Milan Stanojević (eds.). Metaphor, Nation and Discourse. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 1-32. https://doi.org/10.1075/dapsac.82.01sta
Stanojević, M.-M. 2020. Metafora na razmeđu koncepata, jezika i diskursa. Jezikoslovlje 21 (2): 149-178. https://doi.org/10.29162/jez.2020.6.
Stanojević, Mateusz-Milan. 2019. Metaphorical and non-metaphorical dimensions of the term nacija in Croatian online discourse In: Šarić, Ljiljana and Mateusz-Milan Stanojević (eds.). Metaphor, Nation and Discourse. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, pp. 259-286. https://doi.org/10.1075/dapsac.82.11sta
Parizoska, Jelena and Stanojević, Mateusz-Milan. 2018. Problemi frazeološkog nazivlja. Rasprave: časopis Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 44 (2): 611-625. https://doi.org/10.31724/rihjj.44.2.19
Prof. Tatjana Jukić Gregurić
2024 | Member of the Academia Europaea |
2017 | Distinguished Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
2011 | Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
2006 | Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
2002 | Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
2000 | PhD, Philology (University of Zagreb) |
1996 | MA, Philology (University of Zagreb) |
1994 | Assistant Lectureship, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
1992 | BA, English and Comparative Literature (University of Zagreb) |
Research interests
Nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature; film studies; literary theory
Undergraduate courses
The Victorian Novel: Poetics and Politics
Victorian Literature and the Transformation of the World in the Nineteenth Century
Topics in Film and Media Studies – European-Hollywood Cinema (team-taught with Professor Stanley Corkin), University of Cincinnati
Graduate courses
Victorian Poetry: Poetics and Politics
Literature and the Visual: American Film, Narrative Theory and Psychoanalysis
Postgraduate courses
Narration and Melancholia
Narration and Memory: The Croatian Novel in the Nineteen-Sixties and Nineteen-Seventies
Revolution and Melancholia: Victorian Specimen Stories (University of Debrecen)
Invited lectures and keynotes
• “AGM, or a Short-Circuit Poetics: A Prolegomenon”; The Zagreb School of Slavic Studies; Dubrovnik; 08/2024.
• “Daisy Miller, or the Formula: Towards Henry James’s Theory of the Novella”; Johannes Gutenberg-Universität; Mainz; 05/2024.
• “Poliswork 2: Arendt and Benjamin on Architecture”; Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb; 12/2023.
• “Tragic Realism”; Revisiting Realism: History, Memory, the World – Second International Conference on Realism(s) in Post-WWII Literature; Nanjing University; Nanjing; 10/2023.
• “The Victorian Chthonic Sublime”; Department of English, Nanjing University; Nanjing; 10/2023.
• “Process as Narrative Excess and the Intelligence of the Nineteenth-Century Novel”; Language, Literature, Process; University of Niš; 04/2023.
• “Poliswork: On Arendt and Architecture”; Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb; 11/2022.
• “Psychopolitical Machines: Elizabeth Gaskell, the Victorian Novel and the Industrial Revolution”; Lund University; 10/2018.
• “The Croatian Novel in the 1960s: From Metaphor to Parataxis”; The Zagreb School of Slavic Studies; Dubrovnik; 08/2018.
• “Eastern Europe, Classical Hollywood and the Invention of the Cold War”; Post-Cold War Eastern European Film & Media; Miami University, Ohio; 05/ 2018.
• “Deleuze on Contract, and the Slavic Inflection”; Universität Konstanz; 02/ 2018.
• “Is Jane Austen More Modern Than Us?”, University of Zadar, 11/2017.
• “In the Wilderness or the World? On Feminist Criticism Today”; Naučni skup Feministička kritika u divljini –
36 godina od objavljivanja teksta autorice Elaine Showalter; Filozofski fakultet; Sarajevo; 09/2017.
• “World War and the Irruption of Time into Croatian Literature”; Riječki filološki dani 11; Rijeka; 11/2016.
• “Shakespeare and Classical Hollywood Cinema”; Zagreb Academy of Music; Zagreb; 11/2016.
• “Melodrama and the Raison of Socialism”; Eberhard Karls University; Tübingen; 5/2016.
• “The Austro-Hungarian Constitution of Krleža’s Politics”; The Zagreb School of Slavic Studies; Dubrovnik; 08/2014.
• “Melancholia between Freud and Tausk“; The Cultural Centre of Belgrade; 5/2014.
• “Revolution: Between Biopolitics and Psychoanalysis”; The Zagreb School of Slavic Studies; Dubrovnik; 08/2013.
• “Revolution and Melancholia: A Freudian Critique of Derrida’s Marx“; Universität Konstanz; 06/ 2013.
• “The Man Who Knew Too Much: Žižek and the Balkans“; Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti; Ljubljana; 03/ 2013.
• “Joyce and the Psychoanalysis of Totalitarianism: A European Perspective“; Trinity College Dublin; 04/ 2012.
• „Revolution and Masochism: Kiš, Joyce, Deleuze“; Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Belgrade; 03/ 2012.
• „Revolution and Melancholia: A Critique of Derrida’s Marxism“; Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Belgrade; 03/ 2012.
• “Sherlock Holmes and the Biopolitics of the Fantastic“; Literature, Culture and the Fantastic: Challenges of the Fin de Siècle(s); Rijeka; 02/ 2012.
• „Film, Politics, Psychoanalysis: Ernst Lubitsch“; Humanistika u posttranziciji. Prva međunarodna poslijediplomska konferencija. Dosezi psihoanalize: književnost, izvedbene umjetnosti, film i kultura; Zagreb; 01/ 2012.
• “Danilo Kiš and Walter Benjamin: the Eighth Chapter of a Shared History”; Filološki fakultet; Banja Luka; 10/ 2011.
• “Danilo Kiš’s Joyce and a Critique of Totalitarianism”; Filološki fakultet; Banja Luka; 10/ 2011.
• “Revolution and Melancholia”; Filološki fakultet; Banja Luka; 10/ 2011.
• “Pursuits of Unhappiness: Stanley Cavell’s America”; University of Pecs; Pecs; 04/ 2011.
• “Gender and American Modernism: Edith Wharton”; University of Pecs; Pecs; 04/ 2011.
• „The Case of Zagorka: Detection, Secret, Melancholia“; Marija Jurić Zagorka – život, djelo, naslijeđe; Zagreb; 11/ 2007.
• “Ashenden times Murder on the Orient Express: British Agents and the Programming of Literary History“; Clare Hall, University of Cambridge; 04/ 2007.
Professional activities, awards and honours
2023 Principal Investigator, Transatlantic Literature and the City in the Long Nineteenth Century (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)
2022- President of the Croatian Association for the Study of English (CASE)
2022 Principal Investigator, Transatlantic Literature and Mobility in the Long Nineteenth Century (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)
2021 Principal Investigator, Transatlantic Literature and Psychopolitics in the Long Nineteenth Century (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)
2020 Principal Investigator, Transatlantic Literature and Bio-Crises in the Long Nineteenth Century (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)
2019 Principal Investigator, Transatlantic Literature and the Transformation of the World in the Long Nineteenth Century (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)
2018 Principal Investigator, British Literature and the Transformation of the World in the Long Nineteenth Century (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)
2018 International Visiting Scholar, University of Cincinnati, USA (May 2018)
2017- The Advisory Board, Series: Theorie und Geschichte der Literatur und der Schönen Künste, Wilhelm Fink Verlag
2014-2018 Principal Investigator (A Cultural History of Capitalism: Britain, America, Croatia, Croatian Science Foundation)
2014-2015 Chair of the “Iso Velikanović” Literary Translation Awards Committee, Ministry of Culture, Republic of Croatia
2007-2013 Principal Investigator (Limits of Literary Memory, MZOS)
2012 Visiting Scholar, Trinity College Dublin (Visiting Professorships and Fellowships Benefaction Fund 2011/2012, April 2012)
2005-2007 President of Croatian Association for Semiotic Studies
2004- The Editorial Board of Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia
2003- The Publishing Council of the Zagreb Centre for Women’s Studies
2000 The Annual Young Scholar Award, The Society of University Teachers in Zagreb
1998 Visiting Scholar, Cambridge University, UK (British Scholarship Trust, October-November 1998)
1997 Visiting Scholar, Oxford University, UK (Oxford Colleges Hospitality Scheme, July 1997)
Selected bibliography
• Revolucija i melankolija. Granice pamćenja hrvatske književnosti (Revolution and Melancholia. Limits of Literary Memory). Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak, 2011.
• Zazor, nadzor, sviđanje. Dodiri književnog i vizualnog u britanskom 19. stoljeću (Liking, Dislike, Supervision. Literature and the Visual in Victorian Britain). Zagreb: Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2002.
· “Tragic Realism.” Foreign Literature Studies. 46/1, 2024, 22-36.
· “The Victorian Chthonic Sublime.” The Cambridge Companion to the Romantic Sublime (ed. Cian Duffy). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, 223-235.
· “Austen and Osterhammel: The Transformation of the World and the Novel in the Nineteenth Century,” Zagreber Germanistische Beiträge, Beiheft 10, 2022, 69-84.
· “The melancholy condition of realism (With notes on Lars von Trier’s Melancholia),” Orbis Litterarum, 76 (4), 2021, 191-203.
· “Realism and translation: Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre for an Austro-Hungarian minority and beyond.” Landscapes of Realism. Rethinking literary realism in comparative perspectives. Volume I: Mapping realism (eds. Dirk Göttsche, Rosa Mucignat, Robert Weninger). Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2021, 231-244.
· “Ophelia Antigonized: A Pre-Raphaelite Hamlet for Industrial Modernity,” Working Papers in American Studies, 4, 2020, 5-44.
· “Zagreb,” The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban Literary Studies (ed. Jeremy Tambling), 2020, https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-319-62592-8_130-1
· “Jane Austen i roman 19. stoljeća: obrazovanje fokalizacijske svijesti,” Književna smotra, 195/52, 2020, 11-19.
· “Caught between American Melancholy and European Masochism: Notes on Madame de Mauves,” The Henry James Review, 40/3 (2019), 270-275.
· “A Narrative Theory for the October Revolution (From Maugham to Benjamin and Back).” The Russian Revolution as Ideal and Practice. Failures, Legacies, and the Future of the Revolution (eds. Thomas Telios, Dieter Thomä, Ulrich Schmid). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 143-163.
· “Hrvatski roman 1960-ih: od metafore prema parataksi.” Metafore u hrvatskome jeziku, književnosti i kulturi. Zbornik radova 47. seminara Zagrebačke slavističke škole (eds. Lana Molvarec, Tatjana Pišković). Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Zagrebačka slavistička škola – Hrvatski seminar za strane slaviste, 2019, 111-122.
· “Cavell’s Shakespeare, or the Insufficiency of Tragedy for Modernity”, Bollettino Filosofico, 32 (2017), 67-87.
· “Fictions of Crime in a State of Exception”. The Cultural Life of Capitalism in Yugoslavia. (Post)Socialism and Its Other (eds. Dijana Jelača, Maša Kolanović, Danijela Lugarić). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 43-60.
· “The October Garbo: Classical Hollywood and the Revolution”. Studia litterarum. Vol. 2. No. 2. 2017, 56-63.
· “The Psychopolitics of Socialism in Central and Eastern Europe (With Notes on ‘Walter Defends Sarajevo’)”. Myth and Its Discontents: Memory and Trauma in Central and Eastern European Literature – Mythos und Ernüchterung: Zu Trauma und (fraglicher) Erinnerung in Literaturen des zentralen und östlichen Europa (eds. Danijela Lugarić, Milka Car, Gabor Tamas Molnar). Wien: Präsens Verlag, 2017, 191-203.
· “Derrida’s Jefferson”. Working Papers in American Studies. Vol. 2. 2016, 81-98.
· “Stanley Cavell, Classical Hollywood and the Constitution of the Ordinary (With Notes on Billy Wilder)”. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies. Issue 9. April 2016, 93-106.
· “Post-Socialism Remembers the Revolution: The Comedy of It”. Post-Yugoslav Constellations. Archive, Memory, and Trauma in Contemporary Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian Literature and Culture (eds. Vlad Beronja, Stijn Vervaet). Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2016, 149-168.
· “Deleuze on the Superiority of Anglo-American Literature: A Victorianist Perspective”. English Studies as Archive and as Prospecting (eds. Stipe Grgas, Martina Domines-Veliki and Tihana Klepač). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, 43-61.
· „Strašna resnica: O metonimični racionalnosti pri Hawksu in Cavellu“. Stanley Cavell. Refleksija filma (ed. Ivana Novak), Ljubljana: Slovenian Cinematheque, 2015, 117-133; “The Awful Truth: On Metonymic Rationality in Hawks and Cavell”. Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia. LX, 2015, 99-115.
· „Garbo Laughs: Revolution and Melancholia in Lubitsch’s Ninotchka“. Lubitsch Can’t Wait. A Theoretical Examination (eds. Ivana Novak, Jela Krečič and Mladen Dolar), Ljubljana: Slovenian Cinematheque, 2014, 83-110.
· „An Austro-Hungarian America: Emerson for Croatia, 1904–5“. Working Papers in American Studies, Vol. I, Zagreb, 2014, 73-82.
· „Viktorijanska biopolitika, psihoanaliza i Sherlock Holmes: Skrletna studija“. Književna smotra, Vol. XLVI, 172 (2), Zagreb, 2014, 5-13.
· „Revolucija između biopolitike i psihoanalize“. Otpor. Subverzivne prakse u hrvatskom jeziku, književnosti i kulturi (eds. Tvrtko Vuković and Tatjana Pišković), Zagreb: Zagrebačka slavistička škola, 2014, 21-34.
· „The Man Who Knew Too Much: Žižek and the Balkans“. European Journal of English Studies, Vol. 17, Issue 2, 2013, 160-175.
· „Between Auschwitz and Siberia: James Joyce, Danilo Kiš and a Zoning of Totalitarianism“. Ireland, West to East: Irish Cultural Interactions with Central and Eastern Europe (eds. Aidan O’Malley and Eve Patten). Oxford, Bern and New York: Peter Lang, 2013, 135-158.
· „’I melankolija može da provali iz čovjeka kao lava’: politika afekta u Zastavama“. (Ne)pročitani Krleža: od teksta do popularne predodžbe. Komparativna povijest hrvatske književnosti XV (eds. Cvijeta Pavlović, Vinka Glunčić-Bužančić and Andrea Meyer-Fraatz). Split and Zagreb: Književni krug Split, Odsjek za komparativnu književnost Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 2013, 203-215.
· „Matošev loboratorij: rad, goli život i tumačenje snova“. Prostori snova. Oniričko kao poetološki i antropološki problem (eds. Živa Benčić and Dunja Fališevac). Zagreb: Disput, 2012, 339-361.
· „Ilirizam i tumačenje snova: Gundulići Vlaha Bukovca“. Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, 2, 2012, 189-211.
· „Žalovanje ili melankolija?: psihoanaliza i ekonomski problem Derridina marksizma“. Politička misao, 48/1, 2011, 49-75.
For full bibliography see:
– https://www.bib.irb.hr/pregled/profil/15835
– https://unizg.academia.edu/TatjanaJuki%C4%87
– http://kpk.ffzg.unizg.hr/people/tatjana-jukic-principal-investigator