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Prof. Emeritus Damir Kalogjera
2002 | Prof. emeritus, Univ. of Zagreb |
1982 | Prof. of English, Univ. of Zagreb |
1974 | Asssociate Prof. of English, Univ. of Zagreb |
1969 | Docent, Univ. of Zagreb |
1965 | Dr.Phil. in English Linguistics, Univ .of Zagreb |
1963 | Postgraduate Diploma in English Linguistic Studies,Univ.College, London |
1961/62 | Postgraduate Studies, University College, London |
1958/59 | Postgraduate Studies,University of Durham |
1957-1964 | Assistant Prof. Dept. of English, University of Sarajevo |
1956-57 | English teacher ,The 5th Gimnasium, Zagreb |
1955 | Dipl. Phil. in English and Croatian ,University of Zagreb |
Visiting lecturer
1995-2011 | University of Rijeka |
2000-2010 | University of Split |
1993-94 | University of Nottingham |
1983-84 | University of Nottingham |
1980 | Pennsyilvania State University |
1973-1975 | School o Slavonic Studies, University of London |
1966-67 | Pennsylvania State Universit |
Scholarly interests
Sociolinguistics, General linguistics, English Syntax, Phonology, Dialectology.
Doctoral studies: Sociolinguistics vs. General Linguistics
Graduate studies: Sociolinguistics from Essentialism to Constructivism
Sociolinguistics and Translation
Other professional activities
Editor, Strani jezici ( language teaching periodical),Školska knjiga
Secretary, Croatian Philological Society,
President , Society for Applied Linguistics of Croatia,
President , HDAS ,Coatian Society for the Study of English,
Representative for Croatia in the European Society for the Study of English.
Head ,Dept of English, Univ. of Zagreb,
Head, Linguistics Section, Dept. of English,Univ. of Zagreb
Selected Bibliography
O odnosu standardni jezik – regionalni dijalekt (On the relations: standard language – regional dialect) Jezik, br. 1.Zagreb, 1965.
The Expression of Future Time in English and in Serbo-Croatian, in R.Filipović ed. Reports 4, The Yugoslav Serbo-Croatian – English Contrastive Project 1971,pp.50-71.
Three Types of Attitude towards American and British English, Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia, 41-42,1976.pp.378-389.
The English Modals and Their Equivalents in Serbo-Croatian, Institute of Linguistics,University of Zagreb, 1982.
O jeziku i spolu (About language and sex), Delo 27,4, 1981, str.37-52, Beograd.
A political game: Shaw in Yugoslavia in R.Weintraub ed., Shaw Abroad The Pennsylvania State University, 1985,pp.115-120.
Some Aspects of Serbo-Croatian Prescriptivism, in M. Radovanović,ed. Yugoslav General Linguistics ,John Benjamin, Amsteradam,Philadelphia, 1985,pp.163-186.
Serbo-Croatian Dialects and School in Yugoslavia, Sociolinguistica,3, Tuebingen,Niemeir, 1989, pp.152-158.
Rudimentary Bilingualism, Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia, 37-37, 1991/92. pp. 63-75.
On the form and meaning of the Serbo-Croatian verb morati, in V.Ivir and D. Kalogjera eds. Languages in Contact and Contrast, Mouton de Gruyter,Berlin,1991,pp.261-270.
Attitudes to Dialects in Language Planning, in C.Hawkesworth and R. Bugarski eds.Language Planning in Yugoslavia , Slavica Publishers,Columbus Ohio and London, pp 212-222.
A Sketch for a Chronicle of (Anti-) Prescriptivism in O.Mišeska-Tomić and M.Radovanović eds. History and Perspectives of Language Study, John Benjamin,Amsterdam and Philadelphia1999, pp. 271-283.
On attitudes towards the Croatian dialects and on their changing status, International Journal of the Sociology of Language ,eds. R.Filipović and D.Kalogjera,147/2001,pp.91-100.
Serbo-Croatian into Croatian, fragment of a chronicle, in R.Bugarski and C.Hawkesworth eds.Language in the Former Yugoslav Lands, Slavica, Bloomington,Indiana 2004, pp.85-103.
Planning for Linguistic Identity: A Further Instalment in an Ongoing Debate, in: Maija Koenoenen and Juhani Nuorluoto eds Europe-Evropa,Cross-Cultural Dialogues between the West, Russia and Southeastern Europe, Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis,18,2010,pp.50-70.
In cooperation:
English Croatian an Croatian English Modern Dictionary, ,Naklada C Zagreb 1996
Rječnik govora grada Korčule (Dictionray of the Speech of the City of Korčula) Novi Liber, Zagreb 2008.
A political game: Shaw in Yugoslavia: A Study
Assoc. Prof. Tihana Klepač
2022 | Associate Professor, English Dept, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
2016 | Assistant Professor, English Dept, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
2011 | Endeavour Research Fellowship, School of Culture and Communications, Sveučilište u Melbourneu, Victoria, Australia |
2010-2016 | Assistant Lecturer |
2008 | PhD (Australian Myth in the Works of Henry Lawson and Barbara Baynton), University of Zagreb |
2006 | 3-week course “Text and Context: Literature in 20th Century Britain”, Scottish Universities’ International Summer School, University of Edinburgh, UK |
2005-2010 | Assistant, English Dept, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
2000-2005 | Translator/interpreter for English, Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d. |
1999 | BA in English language and literature, University of Zagreb |
Research interests
19th century Australian literature, women’s writing, life writing, postcolonial literary theory
Undergraduate courses
Introduction to the Study of English Literature
Turning Space into Place: Early Australian Literature
Cool Britannia? British Drama from 1956 – 2008
Graduate Courses
London in modern anglophone women’s literature
Professional membership
European Association for Studies of Australia (EASA); Croatian-Canadian Adecemic Society (Hrvatsko-kanadsko akademsko društvo, HKAD); Central European Association for Canadian Studies (CEACS); Croatian Association for American Studies (Hrvatsko udruženje za američke studije, HUAmS); Croatian Association for the Studies of English (Hrvatsko udruženje za anglističke studije, HDAS)
Selected bibliography
Dancing in Red Shoes Barbara Baynton and the Australian Myth, Zagreb: FFPress, 2020.
Grgas, Stipe, Tihana Klepač and Martina Domines Veliki (eds.): English Studies from Archives to Prospects: Volume 1 – Literature and Cultural Studies, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016.
Gjurgjan, Ljiljana Ina and Tihana Klepač (ur.): Irsko ogledalo za hrvatsku književnost: teorijske pretpostavke, književne usporedbe, recepcija, Zagreb: FFPress, 2007.
Selected articles and chapters
“Mary Helena Fortune: An Independent Fly in the Webs of Victorian Society”, Brno Studies in English, 45 (2019), 1; 129-142
“The Croatian Version of Eric Idle’s Spamalot, an Homage” and Katja Radoš Perković, in: Contributions to Literature-on-Screen Studies and other Adaptation Studies, Aachen: Shaker Verlag, 2018, 133-146
“Cinderella Writes Back: S. J. Duncan’s Mary Trent as Canada personified”, The Central European Journal of Canadian Studies, 12-13 (2018), 1; 103-118
“Henry Lawson’s Womanish Wail”, Umjetnost riječi: časopis za znanost o književnosti, LXII (2018), 1; 71-99
“The Australian Girl as an Innocuous Companion of the New Woman,” in: Grgas, Stipe, Tihana Klepač and Martina Domines Veliki (eds.): English Studies from Archives to Prospects: Volume 1 – Literature and Cultural Studies, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016.
“Discourse of difference: Rosa Campbell Praed’s My Australian Girlhood,” Brno Studies in English, 37 (2011); 2; 111-125
“Dijete izgubljeno u šikari: australski nacionalni identitet u romanu Takav je život Josepha Furphyja”; Umjetnost riječi, LIV (2010), 3-4; 175-200
“Zbilja je odraz jezika ili orječivanje australskog kontinenta”, Književna smotra, XLI (2009), 153(3); 11-22
Full bibliography: http://bib.irb.hr/lista-radova?autor=269073&lang=EN
Asst. Prof. Kristijan Nikolić
![]() |
e-mail: knikoli@ffzg.unizg.hr |
2025 | Assistant Professor, English Language Unit, Department of English, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
2024- | Visiting Lecturer – Audiovisual Translation and Localisation, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom |
2017-2021 | Visiting Lecturer in Translation and Interpreting – Middlesex University London, United Kingdom |
2016 | Honorary Research Associate – University College London, United Kingdom |
2015-2016 | Visiting Researcher – University College London, United Kingdom |
2013 | Research Associate – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia |
2012 | Ph.D. in Translation Studies – Centre for Translation Studies, University of Vienna, Austria |
2009-2025 | Senior Lecturer – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia |
2001-2009 | Lecturer – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia |
2000 | University Degree in English – Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, Croatia |
Research interests
Audiovisual translation (AVT), Translation Studies
Undergraduate courses
Translation Workshop
Cultures of the USA and the UK
Graduate courses
Areas of the Translation Profession (AVT and Literary Translation)
ESIST – European Association for Studies in Screen Translation – Member of the Executive Board (2008-2018)
DHAP – Croatian Association of Audiovisual Translators – founding president (2012-2017)
Subtle UK – The Subtitlers’ Association – Committee Member, Academic Liaison
International cooperation
visit: http://medjunarodna.unizg.hr/: pregled/pregled inozemnih boravaka/ime/Nikolic. K.
Dr. Alexander D. Hoyt, Senior Lector
2012 | Ph.D. in linguistics, University of Zagreb |
1996 | M.A. in linguistics, University of Zagreb |
1986 | B.A. iz linguistics, University of Pennsylvania |
2002 | Senior lector, English Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
1992-2002 | Foreign lector, English Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
1990/91 | English teacher, Center for Foreign Languages, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
1989/90 | English teacher, School for Foreign Languages (“Varšavska”), Zagreb |
Areas of interest
Historical sociolinguistics, Language and identity
Undergraduate courses
Translation workshop
Graduate courses
Historical Sociolinguistics
Academic Writing
Contemporary English language 4
HDPL – Croatian Applied Linguistics Society
HUAmS – Croatian Association for American Studies
HFD – Croatian Philological Society
Book (in Croatian):
· Hrvatski jezik u Zagrebu: sociolingvistički pogled. Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, 2012.
Selected works:
– 1992 “No mo’ više: Kako govori i što zna naš dvogodišnji bilingvalac”. In: Strani jezik u dodiru sa materinskim jezikom. Zagreb: Hrvatsko društvo za primjenjenu lingvistiku. Co-authored with Anja Nikolić-Hoyt.
– 1993 “A Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Zagreb Vernacular”. In: Sprach – Sprechen – Handeln: Akten des 28. Linguistischen Kolloquiums, Graz 1993. Tübingen, Max Niemeyer Verlag. 245-250.
– 1995 Milan Moguš, A History of the Croatian Language: Toward a Common Standard. Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus. Co-translated with Lelija Socanac.
– 1996 The Croatian Language in Zagreb: A Sociolinguistic Study. Master’s thesis. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
– 1996 “‘Jezicna situacija’ kao sociolingvisticki termin”. Zbornik Hrvatskog filološkog skupa u Rijeci, 24.-25. lipnja. 37-41.
– 1998 “Language and Identity”. Suvremena lingvistika. 41/42. 221-226.
– 2001 Rudolf Filipovic i Damir Kalogjera (special issue eds), Sociolinguistics in Croatia, special 147th edition International Journal of the Sociology of Language (Joshua Fishman, main.ed.) Translated three articles and revised entire issue.
– 2007 “The Expression of Urban Identity in Croatian Hip-Hop Lyrics”. In: Jagoda Granic (ed.), Jezik i identiteti. Zbornik XX. znanstvenog skupa Hrvatskog društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku s međunarodnim sudjelovanjem.
– 2012 Building a historical corpus of Croatian correspondence. Zbornik XXIV. skupa Hrvatskog društva za primijenjenu lingvistiku. (in print).
– 2012 A Historical Sociolinguistic Analysis of the Written Correspondence of Vjekoslav Spinčić. Doctoral dissertation. University of Zagreb.
Dr. Vladimir Brljak (en)
2015 | PhD in philology, University of Warwick |
2011 | PhD candidate, English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick |
2006-2018 | Junior Lecturer, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
2005-2011 | PhD candidate, Doctoral Programme in Literature, University of Zagreb |
2005 | BA, English Language and Literature, University of Zagreb |
Research Interests
English literature, especially c. 1500-1700; allegory; Shakespeare; Milton; history and theory of literature.
Select Bibliography
“Hamlet and Lameth”, Notes and Queries 59 (2011): 247-254
“Borges and the North”, Studies in Medievalism 20 (2011): 99-128
“Unediting Deor”, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 112 (2011): 297-321
“An Allusion to Purgatory in Hamlet”, Notes and Queries 57 (2010): 379-380
“The Books of Lost Tales: Tolkien as Metafictionist”, Tolkien Studies 7 (2010): 1-34
“The Lutheran ‘Faustus’ in Foxe’s Acts and Monuments”, ANQ 23 (2010): 207-210
more info:
Dr. Ivana Bašić
Curriculum vitae
2017 | PhD in linguistics, doctoral thesis „Reporting verbs as evidentials in research papers in English and Croatian“, supervisor Dr. Milena Žic Fuchs |
2008- | senior lector, English Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb University |
2001-2008 | lector, English Department, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb University |
2002-2005 | language instructor, Zagreb School of Economics and Management |
2000-2004 | English teacher, School of Applied Arts and Design, Zagreb |
1999 | BA in English and Croatian language and literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Zagreb University |
Research interests
Discourse analysis
Linguistic theories and their implications for language teaching
Undergraduate courses
Contemporary English language 1, 2, 3
Analysis of English texts
Cultures of the USA and the UK
Graduate courses
Idiomatic and Stylistic Features of the Croatian Language
Translation of Scientific and Academic Texts
Cambridge ESOL examiner (FCE, CAE, CPE)
Member of the national expert team for final highschool examinations in English
President of Croatian Association of University Lectors (2018 and 2020)
Coordinator of activities at the Zagreb division of Croatian Society for Applied Linguistics
Selected bibliography
- Bašić, Ivana. (2020). Dokazivanje odnos prema znanju u jeziku znanosti. Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada.
- Veselica-Majhut, S. and Bašić, I. (2013) „From foot to meter: Rendering of culture specific items in popular fiction translations from English to Croatian“, in: Peti-Stantić, A., Stanojević, M.-M. and Antunović, G. (ed.) Language Varieties between Norms and Attitudes. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag.
- Bašić, I. and Veselica-Majhut, S. (2017) „Explicit Author Reference in Research Articles in Linguistics in English and Croatian“, in: Cergol Kovačević, K. and Udier, S.L. (eds.) Applied Linguistics Research and Methodology, str. 271-286. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Verlag.
- Bašić, I. (2019). “What gender are the characters in the Croatian Translations of Oscar Wilde’s The Happy Prince and Other Tales”, u: Značenje u jeziku – od individualnoga do kolektivnoga, str. str. 33-48.
Zagreb: Srednja Europa. - Bašić, I. (2020).“Verbs of visual perception as evidentials in research article texts in English and Croatian”, in: Pisanski Peterlin, A. and Mikolič Južnič, T (ur.)
Academic Writing from Cross-Cultural Perspectives: Exploring the Synergies and Interactions, str. 196-216. Ljubljana: Ljubljana University Press, 2020. - Bašić, I., Grubišić, M. and Veselica Majhut, S. (2020) Diskursno oblikovanje klimatskih promjena u anglofonim i hrvatskim izvorima informiranja. Suvremena lingvistika, 46 (2020), 89; 1-23
- Veselica-Majhut, S., Bašić, I., Zubak, M. (2007) Syntax workbook for university students of English, sveučilišni priručnik. Zagreb: FF press.
- Bašić, I. i Zubak Pivarski, M. (2013) A Reader for Contemporary English Language 1 and 2, sveučilišni priručnik. Zagreb: FF press.
- Bašić, I., Majerović, M. i Zubak Pivarski, M. (2016) Grammar Workbook for Contemporary English Language 1, sveučilišni priručnik. Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada.
- Bašić, I., Majerović, M. i Zubak Pivarski, M. (2018) Grammar Workbook for Contemporary English Language 2, sveučilišni priručnik. Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada.
Assoc. Prof. Snježana Veselica-Majhut
2021 |
Associate Professor in the Dept. of English, University of Zagreb |
2015 | Assistant Professor in the Dept. of English, University of Zagreb |
2012 | PhD in Translation Studies, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain |
2009 | Research Master in Translation and Intercultural Studies, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain |
2005 | Senior lecturer in the Department of English |
2000 | MLitt. in British Cultural Studies, University of Strathclyde, UK |
1997 | Lecturer in the Department of English |
1988 | B.A. in English and Philosophy, University of Zagreb |
Research Interests
Discourse Analysis, Translation Studies, Relations of Language and Culture
Undergraduate Courses
Contemporary English Language 3
Analysis of Texts in English
Graduate Courses
Translation of Academic and Scientific Texts
Political and Legal Institutions in Croatia and English-Speaking Countries
Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku
Hrvatsko društvo za anglističke studije
Selected Bibliography
° Syntax Workbook for Students of English. Zagreb:FFPress.2007.
° „Shoppingholičarka ili zaposlena žena“. Jezik i identiteti. urednica:Jagoda Granić. Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku. 2007. 681-688
° „Textual Analysis of Večernji List Front Page Headlines“. Studia Anglica et Romanica Zagrabiensia. No. 50. (2006):3-23 http://hrcak.srce.hr/index.php?show=toc&id_broj=1575
° „Intertekstualnost u novinskim naslovima“. Jezik i mediji: Jedan jezik: više svjetova. urednica: Jagoda Granić. Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku. 2006. 753-760
° „A Textual Analysis of the Embargo Column“. Studia Anglica et Romanica Zagrabiensia. VOL. XLVII-XLVIII (2002):537-551
Prof. Nataša Pavlović
2022 | Professor in the Dept. of English, University of Zagreb |
2016 | Associate Professor in the Dept. of English, University of Zagreb |
2010 | Assistant Professor in the Dept. of English, University of Zagreb |
2007 | Ph.D. in Translation and Intercultural Studies, Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain |
2005 | D.E.A. in Translation and Intercultural Studies, Universitat Rovira i Virgili |
2000 | Senior Lecturer in the Dept. of English |
2000 | M.A. in Linguistics, University of Zagreb |
1996 | Lecturer in the Dept. of English |
1990 | B. A. in English and Spanish, University of Zagreb |
Research Interests
Translation Studies: process-oriented translation research, new technologies in translation and translation research, research methodology, translator education
Graduate Courses
Translation Theory
EU and International Organizations
Translation of Academic and Scientific Texts
Research in linguistics and translation studies: planning and methodology
Post-editing and machine translation quality assessment
COST action CA19102 – Language in the human-machine era (2020-), member of the Management Committee
Researching and teaching the use of new technologies in translation
Other roles
Editor, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer (Routledge, Q1)
European Society for Translation Studies (EST)
TREC – Thematic network on empirical and experimental research in translation
Hrvatsko društvo za primijenjenu lingvistiku (HDPL)
Hrvatsko društvo za anglističke studije (HDAS)
Recent publications
Pavlović, N. 2015. Uvod u teorije prevođenja. Zagreb: Leykam international.
Pavlović, N. 2016. “Stocktaking and prospects: Five years of the translation track in the University of Zagreb’s Department of English.” In: Zovko Dinković, I. & Mihaljević Djigunović, J. (eds.) English Studies from Archives to Prospects 2 – Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing. 165-181.
Pavlović, N. 2017. “Strojno i konvencionalno prevođenje s engleskoga na hrvatski: usporedba pogrešaka”. In: Stolac, D. & Vlastelić, A. (eds.), Jezik kao predmet proučavanja i jezik kao predmet poučavanja. Zagreb: Srednja Europa & HDPL. 279-295.
Antunović, G. i Pavlović, N. 2019. “Redaktura strojnih prijevoda – sve važniji prevoditeljski zadatak”. In: Matešić, M. & Vlastelić, A. (ed.). Jezik i um. Zagreb: Srednja Europa & HDPL. 147-167.
Pavlović, N. 2019. “Translation into one’s second or B language”. In: Hlavac, J. & Veselica Majhut, S. (eds.). Translating from Croatian into English: A Handbook with Annotated Translations. Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada. 13-26.
Pavlović, N. 2019. “Translating news reports”. In: Hlavac, J. & Veselica Majhut, S. (eds.). Translating from Croatian into English: A Handbook with Annotated Translations. Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada. 51-68.
Pavlović, N. 2019. “Translating medical research articles”. In: Hlavac, J. & Veselica Majhut, S. (eds.). Translating from Croatian into English: A Handbook with Annotated Translations. Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada. 133-153.
Pavlović, N. 2019. “Osnove engleske gramatike” In: Bujas, Ž. Novi englesko-hrvatski rječnik. Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus. 1866-1886. ISBN: 978-953-167-278-8
Šoštarić, M., Pavlović, N. and Boltužić, F. 2019. “Domain Adaptation for Machine Translation Involving a Low-Resource Language: Google AutoML vs. from-scratch NMT Systems” In: Esteves-Ferreira, J., Macan, J.M., Mitkov, R. & Stefanov, O.M. (eds.) Translating and the Computer 41. Geneva: Editions Tradulex. 113-124.
Pavlović, N. and Antunović, G. 2019. “A desirable profile of translation teacher: perceptions and needs in the Croatian context”. InTRAlinea.
Pavlović, N. and Stanojević, M.M. 2020. Znanstvena istraživanja jezika i prevođenja. Zagreb: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb – FFpress.
Bogusława Whyatt and Nataša Pavlović 2021. “Translating languages of low diffusion: current and future avenues”. The Interpreter and Translator Trainer, DOI: 10.1080/1750399X.2021.1917172
For a more detailed bibliography see:
Croatian scientific bibliography:
Google Scholar Profile:
Prof. Irena Zovko Dinković
2021 | Full Professor at the Department of English, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb |
2020 | associate on the project SARGADA – Syntactic and Semantic Analysis of Complements and Adjuncts in Croatian (Croatian Science Foundation) |
2016 | organized a workshop on negation at the International ESSE conference in Galway, Republic of Ireland (with Gašper Ilc) |
2014 | Associate Professor at the Department of English, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb |
2009 | Assistant Professor at the Department of English, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb |
2007 | PhD in Linguistics from the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb (title of the thesis: Negation in English and Croatian) |
2007 | associate on the project Theoretical Cognitive Linguistic Research of Croatian and other Languages (Ministry of Science and Education) |
2003 | Senior Teaching Assistant at the Chair for the English Language, Dept of English, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb |
2002 | associate on the project Cognitive Linguistic Research of Croatian and English (Ministry of Science and Education) |
2001 | MA thesis (Semantic and syntactic relations in ditransitive constructions in English) |
1999 | attended the LSA Linguistic Institute at the University of Illinois, USA |
1998 | attended the Vilem Mathesius Lecture Series in Prague, Czech Republic |
1997 | associate on the project Semantic Fields and Syntax (Ministry of Science and Education) |
1996 | BA in English and French language and literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
1996 | Teaching Assistant at the Chair for the English Language, Dept of English, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb |
1995 | grant from the Government of the Republic of France to attend the International Center for the Study of Languages in Strasbourg, France |
Research interests
Comparative analysis of the syntax of English and other languages, especially negation; semantic and pragmatic aspects of language; the interrelation of language, mind and culture.
Undergraduate courses
English Syntax – the Sentence
Graduate courses
Syntactic Theories
Functions and membership
- Head of Department of English, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb (2013 – 2017)
- deputy Head of Department (2011 – 2013)
- member of the Board for the quality of teaching at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb (2011 – 2013)
- chair of the Board for the ethical conduct of students at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb (2015 – 2017)
- member of the Board for the ethical conduct of students at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Zagreb (2008 – 2010)
Organization of conferences
- member of the Organizing Committee of the conference Migrations, organized by the Croatian Association for the study of English, Zadar, 2016
- member of the Program Committee of the International conference Istraživanja paradigmi djetinjstva, odgoja i obrazovanja, organized by the Faculty of Teacher Education, Zagreb, 2015
- chair of the Organizing Committee and member of the Program Committee of the International conference English Studies as Archive and as Prospecting: 80 Years of English Studies in Zagreb, organized by the Department of English, Zagreb, 2014
- secretary of the International conference Cognitive Syntax and Semantics Courses and Conference: New Theoretical Perspectives on Syntax and Semantics in Cognitive Science, Dubrovnik, 2000
Editorial work
Secretary of the renowned Croatian scientific journal Suvremena lingvistika (1996 – 2000), Managing Editor of the journal since 2015.
Selected bibliography
Zovko Dinković, Irena (2021). O dvostrukoj negaciji i niječnome slaganju. Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada
Zovko Dinković, Irena & Jelena Mihaljević Djigunović (eds.) (2016). English Studies from Archives to Prospects: Volume 2 – Linguistics and Applied Linguistics, Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing (edited volume)
Zovko Dinković, Irena (2013). Negacija u jeziku: kontrastivna analiza negacije u engleskome i hrvatskome jeziku. Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada
Book chapters
Zovko Dinković, Irena (2015). Ekspletivna negacija u hrvatskome, Dimenzije značenja, Belaj, Branimir (ed.), Zagreb: Zagrebačka slavistička škola, pp. 323–336
Zovko Dinković, Irena (2010). Određivanje izravnih objekata u hrvatskome: dva objekta u akuzativu, Hrvatski sintaktički dani: sintaksa padeža, (ed.) Birtić, Matea i Dunja Brozović Rončević, pp. 267-276, Osijek & Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet Osijek & Institut za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje Zagreb
Zovko Dinković, Irena (with Renata Geld) (2007). Perfectives, imperfectives and the Croatian present tense, Cognitive Linguistics Research Series 38: Cognitive Paths into the Slavic Domain, (eds.) Divjak, Dagmar & Agata Kochańska, pp. 111 – 148, Berlin & New York: Mouton de Gruyter
Zovko Dinković, Irena (with Gašper Ilc) (2019). Subordinate unless-clauses: Croatian and Slovenian in comparison to English. Rasprave: časopis Instituta za hrvatski jezik i jezikoslovlje 45/2, pp. 473–504
Zovko Dinković, Irena (with Sandra Lukšić) (2019). Prividna nereferencijalnost kao način stjecanja imuniteta govornika. Jezikoslovlje 20/2, pp. 353–390
Zovko Dinković, Irena (with Gašper Ilc) (2017). Pleonastic negation from a cross-lingustic perspective, Jezikoslovlje 18/1, pp. 159–180
Zovko Dinković, Irena (2011). Egzistencijalni glagoli u hrvatskome, Suvremena lingvistika 72, pp. 279–294
Zovko Dinković, Irena (2007). Dative Alternation in Croatian, Suvremena lingvistika 63, pp. 65–83
Full bibliography http://bib.irb.hr/lista-radova?autor=247010
Asst. Prof. Vlatko Broz
Curriculum vitae
2014-2015 | Assistant Professor, English Dept, University of Zagreb |
2011 | PhD in Linguistics “Diachronic Analysis of Aspectual Preverbs and Post-verbal Particles in English”, Joint doctoral degree programme, University of Zagreb (Croatia) and Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) |
2009/10 | PhD studies at the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium) |
2007/08 | PhD research in Medieval English, University of Oxford, UK |
2006 | D.E.A. in Linguistics, “Phrasal Verbs in Early Modern English” |
2004 | research and teaching assistant, Department of English, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
2003/04 | MA research, University of Bergen, Norway |
2000-2004 | English language teacher, Classics programme secondary school, Zagreb |
1999 | BA in English Language and Literature, University of Zagreb |
Research Interests
Diachronic linguistics, history of English, phraseology, lexicology
Graduate courses
Lexicology and Lexicography
History of the English Language
Selected bibliography
“Kennings as Blends and Prisms”, Jezikoslovlje vol. 12, No. 2, Osijek 2011, pp. 165-186
“Diachronic Investigations of False Friends”, Suvremena lingvistika, No. 66, Zagreb 2008, pp. 199-222
“A Linguistic Analysis of the Croatian Verb brijati” , Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia, XLVII-XLVIII, (2002-03), pp. 51-70
For a more detailed bibliography see
Prof. Višnja Josipović-Smojver
2019 | Distinguished Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
2013 | Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
2011 | Chair professor of English linguistics, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
2003 | Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
1997 | Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
1994 | Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Zagreb |
1986 | M.A. in linguistics, University of Zagreb |
1983 | B.A. in English language and literature and Italian language and literature, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
Research interests
English phonetics and phonology, varieties of English, English as a lingua franca, twin speech
Other achievements:
2005-2007 Head of Department; 1992-1993 lecturer at the University of Nottingham, U.K.; 1989-1990 Fulbright doctoral scholarship at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA; winter semester 1987- visiting colleague at University College, London, U.K.
Undergraduate courses
Phonetics and phonology
Graduate courses
English across the world
Postgraduate courses
Contemporary phonological theories
Media appearances:
YouTube show “Više od knjige – Višnja Josipović Smojver: Suvremene fonološke teorije”, Ibis grafika:
Selected bibliography
· (2019) Josipović Smojver, Višnja. Contemporary Phonological Theory and Common Pronunciation Phenomena. Philologia (1451-5342)16, 77-83. http://www.philologia.org.rs/index.php/ph/issue/view/2
· (2019) Josipović Smojver, Višnja. Usvajanje izgovora stranoga jezika u ranoj školskoj dobi. In: Vrhovac, Y. i suradnice (ed.) Izazovi učenja stranoga jezika u osnovnoj školi. Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak, 167-174.
· (2017) Josipović Smojver, Višnja. Suvremene fonološke teorije. Zagreb : Ibis grafika.
· (2016) Josipović Smojver, V. and M. M. Stanojević. English as a Lingua Franca in Croatia: Attitudes and Pronunciation. In: Zovko Dinković, I. and J. Mihaljević Djigunović, eds. English Studies from Archives to Prospects: Volume 2 – Linguistics and Applied Linguistics. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 95-113.
· (2012) Josipović Smojver, V. and M. M. Stanojević, ‘Stratification of English as a Lingua Franca: Identity constructions of learners and speakers’. In: E. Waniek-Klimczak i L. Shockey (eds.), Teaching and researching English accents in native and non-native speakers. Springer: 193-207.
· (2012) Stanojević, M. M., V, Kabalin Borenić and V. Josipović Smojver, ‘Combining different types of data in studying English as a Lingua Franca’, Research in Language. University of Lodz: http://versita.com/ril/.
· (2011) V. Josipović Smojver and M.M. Stanojević, ‘Euro-English and Croatian national identity: Are Croatian university students ready for English as a lingua franca?’ Suvremena lingvistika 37 (2011), 71: 105-130.
· (2010) ‘Foreign Accent and Levels of Analysis: Interference between English and Croatian’. In: Waniek-Klimczak, E., ed., Issues in Accents of English 2: Variability and Norm. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing: 23-35.
· (2007) ‘Razvoj u izražavanju identiteta u blizanačkome govoru’ (The development of identity in the speech of twins) Lahor 3, VOl.1:37-52.
· (2003) ‘Ema, Nina i Emanina: analiza slučaja blizanačkog govora’ (Ema, Nina, and Emanina: a case study of twin speech) Govor XX (2003) 1-2, eds. D.Horga and V. Mildner. Zagreb: Odjel za fonetiku Hrvatskoga filološkog društva: 169-179.
· (1999) PHONETICS AND PHONOLOGY FOR STUDENTS OF ENGLISH. Udžbenici sveučilišta u Zagrebu. Zagreb: Targa.
· (1997) ‘Non-melodic intonational morphemes in English and Croatian’, SRAZ XLII/1997: 193-200.
· (1997) ‘The Prosody of English Spoken with a Croatian Accent’, In: E. Waniek-Klimczak, ed. Teaching English Phonetics and Phonology II. Accents ’97. Łódź: Wyndawnictwo Universytetu Łódzkiego: 85-93.
· (1996) ‘Intonacijsko značenje u engleskom i hrvatskom’ (Intonational meaning in English and Croatian), Suvremena lingvistika 41-42/1996: 271-284.
· (1995) ‘The Intonational Systems of English and Croatian: A Bitonal Generative Compositional Approach’, SRAZ XL/1995: 191-220.
· (1995) ‘Intonacijski modeli i kontrastivna intonologija’ (Intonational models and contrastive intonology), Suvremena lingvistika 39: 65-77.
· (1995) ‘Akcenatska prozodija i dvotonski pristup intonaciji’ (Pitch-accent prosody and a bitonal approach to intonation), Suvremena lingvistika 40/1995: 51-79.
· (1994) ‘English and Croatian in the Typology of Rhythmic Systems’, SRAZ XXXIX/1994: 25-37.
· (1992) ‘The Role of Underlying Filters in the Study of Phonological Interference’. SRAZ XXXVI-XXXVII:131-143.
· (1991) Josipović, V. and R. Huntley, ‘Stress-based vs.syllable-based languages: perception of timing differences in English and Croatian’. Proceedings of the XIIth ICPhS, Aix-en-Provence, 1991: 314-317.
Link to the Croatian scientific bibliography: http://bib.irb.hr/lista-radova?autor=154804&lang=EN
Prof. Milena Žic Fuchs
2020 | Member of ERC Scientific Council |
2014 | Chair of the ERC Advanced Grant Panel SH4 “The Human Mind and Its Complexity“ |
2013 | Full Member of Academia Europaea |
2010 | Full Member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts |
2008 | Full Professor |
2002-11 | Chair of Linguistics, Department of English, University of Zagreb |
2002-10 | Associate Member of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts |
1996 | Associate Professor |
1995/96 | New York State University at Buffalo (SUNY), teaches course European Structuralism vs. Cognitive Linguistics, graduate level for PhD candidates in Linguistics and Cognitive Science |
1990 | Assistant Professor |
1989 | PhD in Linguistics at the University of Zagreb |
1984/85 | Doctoral Fulbright scholarship, Linguistics Department, UCLA |
1982 | MA in Linguistics at the University of Zagreb |
1978 | Assistant, Chair of Linguistics, English Department, University of Zagreb |
1977 | BA in English language and literature, and ethnology, University of Zagreb |
Research interests
Semantics, Cognitive Linguistics, discourse analysis, syntax, sociolinguistics
Undergraduate courses
Graduate courses
Cognitive Linguistics
(Linguistic seminars: Discourse Analysis, Semantics, Syntax – not on offer in 2012-13)
PhD courses
PhD Programme in Linguistics, University of Zagreb: Semantics, Cognitive Linguistics, and American linguistics
PhD Programme in FL Education, University of Zagreb: Cognitive Linguistics
PhD Programme in Linguistics, University of Osijek: Semantics, and European Structuralism vs. Cognitive Linguistics
2009- | Chair of the Standing Committee for the Humanities of the European Science Foundation (ESF) |
2009- | Chair of the Council for the Humanities of the National Science Council in Croatia |
2008- | Member of ERC Panel (European Research Council) “The Human Mind and Its Complexity” for Advanced Grants |
2005-2008 | Member of the Standing Committee for the Humanities of the European Science Foundation |
2005- | Member of the Editorial Board of Jezikoslovlje |
2003- | Member of the Committee for National Science Awards in the Humanities, Croatia |
2003-2009 | Member of the Council for Scholarly Publications and Journals of the Croatian Ministry of Science, Education and Sports |
1999–2000 | Minister of Science and Technology |
1998-2002 | Member of the National Scientific Council of Croatia |
1994-1999 | Member of the Council for Linguistics and the Croatian language, Ministry of Science and Technology |
1994-1995 | Chair of the Council for Scholarly Publications and Journals, Ministry of Science and Technology |
1991-1998 | Editor-in-Chief of journal Suvremena lingvistika |
1978-1988 | Member and editorial assistant of journal Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia |
Scientific Research Projects
2007 – Principal researcher: Theoretical cognitive linguistic research of Croatian and other languages, (Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, project no. 130-1301049-1047)
2005 – 2007 Principal researcher: Cognitive linguistic research of Croatian and English (Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, project no. 0130547)
1996 – 2001 Principal researcher: Semantic fields and syntax (Ministry of Science and Technology, project no. 130719)
1991 – 1996 Principal researcher: Principles of lexical organization at the Institute of Linguistics, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Zagreb (Ministry of Science and Technology project no. 6-03-217)
Selected bibliography
° Cognitive Linguistics: Convergence and Expansion. (eds. Brdar, Mario, Gries, stefan, Žic Fuchs, Milena). Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2011. (monograph)
° Kognitivna lingvistika i jezične strukture: engleski present perfect. Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus, 2009. (monograph)
° Rječnik kratica. (with Stjepan Babić, Vlatko Broz i Sanja Fulgosi). Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Globus, 2007. (dictionary)
° Znanje o jeziku i znanje o svijetu. Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet, Odsjek za opću lingvistiku i orijentalne studije, 1991. (monograph)
“Communication technologies and their influence on language: Reshuffling tenses in Croatian SMS text messaging” (with Nina Tuđman Vuković). In: Jezikoslovlje 9, 2008., 1-2, pp. 109-122
“Metaphorical processes as basis of proper names” (with Dunja Brozović Rončević). In: Quaderni Internazionali di Rivista italiana di onomastica: RIOn International Series 1. 1, 2005., pp. 33-44
“Communication technologies and their influence on language: an example from Croatian”. In: Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia. 47-48. 2002-2003. pp. 597-608
“’Here’ and ‘There’ in Croatian: A Case Study of an Urban Standard Variety”. In: The Construal of Space in language and Thought, Dirven, René, Pütz, Martin (eds.), Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1997., pp. 49-62
° Interview: New ERC Scientific Council Member, linguist Milena Žic Fuchs (29 April 2020)
Complete bibliography
Full biography available at
Prof. Janja Ciglar-Žanić
Curriculum vitae
2008 | granted the status of tenured Full Professor at the Department of English (division: English Literature), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
2002 | granted the status of Full Professor at the Department of English (division: English Literature), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
1996 | granted the status of Associate Professor at the Department of English (division: English Literature), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
1994/95 | introduced a course in the new literatures in English (Australian literature) into the literary studies program at the Department of English, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
1992/93 | Fulbright scholar at the University of California at Berkeley, USA |
1991/92 | (fall term) participated in the project “Baroque in Scottish Literature” at the Department of Scottish Literature, University of Glasgow, UK |
1990 | exchange professor at the University of Bloomington, Indiana, USA (three-month stay) |
1988 | granted the status of Assistant Professor at the Department of English (division: English Literature), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
1987 | received Ph.D. at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb, (thesis title: The term baroque and its applicability to English Literature of the 17th century) |
1978/79 | (spring term) Visiting Researcher at University of Sydney, Australia |
1975/76 | enrolled in Ph.D. Program at Harvard University (recipient of Baloković Scholarship) |
1974 | granted the status of Research Assistant at the Department of English (division: English Literature), Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb |
1973 | received MA (title of thesis: Poetic Images in the Poetry of William Blake) |
1970 | enrolled in the graduate studies program – Literary Studies at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb (scholarship recipient); also enrolled in the undergraduate philosophy program at the Department of Philosophy |
1970 | graduated in English Language and Literature and German Language and Literature at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagre |
Research interests
Shakespeare, English Early Modern Period, postcolonial theory, Australian literature, Scottish literature
Undergraduate courses
Shakespeare I: text, film, stage performance
Graduate courses
English baroque poetry
Shakespeare II
Postgraduate courses
• participated in numerous conferences on issues in English, American, Australian, Croatian and Comparative Literature at home and abroad (Zagreb, Dubrovnik, Cres, Opatija, Ljubljana, Krakow, Klagenfurt, Stratford, Glasgow, Warwick, Oxford, Cambridge, Berlin, Toulouse)
• headed five research projects on the forms of reception of Shakespeare in Croatian literature and culture
• co-organizer of an international conference on British Cultural Studies in 1998
• participated in several dozen radio broadcasts on Croatian Radio, Channel 3
Professional membership
Matica Hrvatska, EASA (European Association for the Studies on Australia), HKAD (Croatian-Canadian Academic Society), ESSE (European Society for the Study of English)
Selected bibliography
1. Neka veća stalnost: Shakespeare u tekstu i kontekstu, Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta, Zagreb, 2001.
2. Domišljato stvoren svijet: Barok u engleskoj književnosti, Naklada Slap, Zagreb, 2008.
British Cultural Studies: Cross-Cultural Challenges, zbornik radova s međunarodnog znanstvenog skupa istog naslova, ur. Janja Ciglar-Žanić i Damir Kalogjera, The British Council Croatia i Odsjek za anglistiku Filozofskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, Zagreb, 1998.
Papers and book chapters:
• „Naš ‘Shakespeare’ ili uvježbavanje bardicida“. Književna smotra. 2 (2007), 144, pp. 3-6.
• „Od idioma do ideologema: byronizam Dimitrija Demetra“. Umjetnost riječi. L (2006), 2-3, pp. 215-230.
• „Povijest versus pri/povijesti: o Tillyardovoj Elizabetinskoj slici svijeta“ Elizabetinska slika svijeta. Eustace M. [Mandeville] W. [Wetenhall] Tillyard / Marotti, Bojan (ed.). Zagreb: ArTresor, 2006. pp. 5-18.
• „Barokno pjesništvo, englesko i hrvatsko: značenje nekih analogija“. Hrvatska i svijet: zbornik ,Lukšić, Irena (ed.), Zagreb: Hrvatsko filološko društvo, 2002. pp. 63-80.
• „Landscape into Mindscape: Nature Representations in Australian Literature“. Australian Nationalism Reconsidered: Maintaining a Monocultural Tradition in a Multicultural Society , Wimmer, Adi (ed.), Tübingen:Stauffenberg Verlag, 1999. pp. 84-98.
• „Društveni locus utopijskog: Petrić, Držić, More i Shakespeare“. Frane Petrić . Ljerka Šifler-Premec (ed.). Zagreb: Hrvatsko filozofsko društvo, 1999.
• „Anti-colonial Tempest: Theory and Practice of Postmodernist Shakespearean Reinscriptions.“ Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia. 42 (1997), pp. 71-83.
• „Kralj Lear ili logike abdikacije“. Vijenac. VI (1998), 107, pp. 31.
• „Bard a la bricolage“. Vijenac. V I (1998), 115; pp. 27.
• „Šekspirolog opće prakse“. Vijenac. V (1997), 103-104; pp. 11.
• „Po bardu ili kako hoćete“.Vijenac. V (1997), 92; pp. 38.
• „The Anglographic Perspective“ (Ivo Vidan: The English Intertext of Croatian Literature) . Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia. 41 (1996), pp. 229-232.
• „Tragom škotskog pripovjedačkog glasa, antologija suvremene škotske proze“. Treći program hrvatskog radija. 49-50 (1996), pp. 173-257.
• „Canon Twice Re/canonized: Teaching Shakespeare in Croatia Today“. British Studies Now . Wadham-Smith, Nick (ed.), Warwick: The British Council, 1996. pp. 56-63.
• „Recruiting the Bard: Onstage and Offstage Glimpses on Recent Shakespeare Production in Croatia“. Shakespeare in the New Europe, Michael Hattaway, Boika Sokolova i Derek Roper (eds), Sheffield: Sheffield Academic Press, 1994, pp. 261-275.
• „Fatal Fascination or Calculated Choice: The Conceit in Seventeenth Century English Poetry“, Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia, 31-31 (1986/97), pp. 3-20.
• „Koliko je metafizička engleska metafizička poezija’“, Umjetnost riječi, 1, Zagreb (1988), pp. 73-92.
• „Neki aspekti engleskog književnog baroka: Formalni manirizmi i njihove funkcije u engleskom postrenesansnom pjesništvu“, Književni barok, Dunja Fališevac i Živa Benčić (eds), Zagreb: Zavod za znanost o književnosti, 1988, pp. 191-223.
Full bibliography
Prof. Ljiljana Ina Gjurgjan
In memoriam
1950 – 2012
Curriculum vitae:
Ljiljana Ina Gjurgjan was born in Zagreb where she received her BA(1976), MA(1981) and PhD(1988) in philology (with specialization in British and Croatian literature). She attended graduate courses at The Yale Summer School of Theory and Criticism (Evanston, 1882, Dartmouth, 1987) and at the Institute of Semiotics, Victoria University, Canada (1982).
She is a full professor and the head of English literature at the University of Zagreb and a principal researcher on the project The Articulation of National Identity in Croatian, Irish and some Other Anglophone Literatures. Previously she has taught in Slavic Departments at University of Michigan and Yale University (as the Fulbright visiting scholar) and at The School of Slavonic and East European Studies, University of London (British Council grant).
Gjurgjan teaches courses on British romanticism, British and Irish modernism, women’s writing, gender studies and applied postcolonial and gender theory on the undergraduate, graduate and doctoral levels. She has supervised two PhD, two MA thesis and over 50 diploma essays.
Research interests
Gjurgjan’s main research interest is in the period of modernism, in particular English, Irish and Croatian early 20th-century literature viewed in the light of contemporary literary and cultural theories. The stress of her research has been on the comparative study of cultural operations and identity creation. She is also interested in the creation of gender and national stereotypes and in the postcolonial reading of the politics of representation in regard to the East/West dichotomy.
Other professional activities
Gjurgjan is the president of the Croatian section of the European Society for the Study of English (ESSE), a member of the editorial board of Umjetnost riječi (Art Word) and Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia (U. of Zagreb) and of the advisory board of the official journal of ESSE The European Journal for English Studies.
She has contributed as an author to Hrvatska enciklopedija 1999-2009, Leksikon hrvatske književnost, ŠK, and as an author and editor to Leksikon svjetske književnost, ŠK.
Plenary lectures and conferences
She has co-organized three conferences at IUC-Dubrovnik (International James Joyce, 2004, Writing and Language: The Politics of Feminist Critical Practice and Theory, 1988, Poetics and Politics of Women Writing, 1986.) and Ireland: East and West at the University of Zagreb (2011). She has given plenary lectures at Smithsonian Institute, Washington D.C.; Croatian Embassy, London; Trinity College, Dublin; SEESS, U. of London; James Joyce Centre, Dublin; The Trieste Joyce School She has also presented her papers at over 30 international conferences.
Undergraduate courses
English Romanticism
Modern Women’s Writing in English
Graduate courses
Ethics and Aesthetics of British and Irish Modernism
The Articulation of Gender in Modern Anglophone Literatures and Cultures
Doctoral courses (taught in Croatian)
The methods of reading
Ethics and Aesthetics of Modernism: Wilde, Yeats, Joyce, Beckett, Nazor, Krleža
Introduction to Postcolonialism
Selected bibliography
· Mitsko i nacionalno u književnosti “kraja stoljeća”: Pjesništvo Vladimira Nazora i W. B. Yeatsa (Myth and Nationhood in the Turn-of-the-Century Literature -Vladimir Nazor and William Butler Yeats), Zagreb: NZMH, 1995, pp 219
· Kamov i rani Joyce (Kamov and Young Joyce) Zagreb: HFD, 1984, pp. 98
Edited books/ volumes:
· Myths of Europe: East of Venice (eds. Aidan O’Malley / Ljiljana Ina Gjurgjan, European Journal of English Studies forthcoming 2013.
· Irsko ogledalo za hrvatsku književnost: teorijske pretpostavke, književne uposredbe, recepcija (Irish mirror for Croatian literature: theoretical premises, comparisons, reception) Gjurgjan, Ljiljana Ina; Klepač, Tihana (eds.)Zagreb : Filozofski fakultet, 2007
· Književni leksikon: Djela (Dunja Detoni Dujmić, Aleksandar Flaker, Ljiljana Ina Gjurgjan, Krešimir Nemec, Mirko Tomasović, Gabrijela Vidan, Ivo Vidan, Vladimir Vratović, Mate Zorić, Viktor Žmegač (ur.).Zagreb: Školska knjiga, 2004
· William Butler Yeats: Izabrana djela, Zagreb: Školska knjiga, Biblioteka nobelovci, 2001
Articles/ book chapters:
· “The (Im)possibility of Women’s Bildungsroman”, Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia. (forthcoming 2012).
· “Hamlet’s Stephen”. Joyce and Shakespeare“, ed. Laura Pelaschiar, Syracuse u. Press, forthcoming 2012
· “Laura – stereotipna kurtizana ili subverzivni lik u komediji Dundo Maroje”, Umjetnost riječi. LV (2011) ; 1-13
· ”The Politics of Gender in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse and James Joyce’s A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”, Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensi, LV (2010), 3-19
· ‘Interculturality and Postcolonialism: Ethnicity, Nationalism, Cultural Memory and Identity‘ Racism, Slavery and Literature, W.Zach (ed.), P. Lang Publ. (2010) 199-208
· “Joyce’s Gnomic Epiphanies: Narrative strategies in Dubliners” / Siting America / Sighting Modernity: Essays in Honor of Sonja Bašić / Šesnić, Jelena (ur.). Zagreb: FFPress, 2010, 185-201.
· “Two Croatian Reinscriptions of Hamlet”, Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia. 54 (2009), 169-181
· “Engleski romantizam: između reprezentacijske i semantičke funkcije jezika“, Romantizam i pitanja modernoga subjekta, Josip Užarević (ur.).Zagreb : Disput, 2008, 65-74.
· “Types of Intertextuality” Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia. 53 (2008) ; 67-85
· “Teorijske pretpostavke za promišljanje artikulacije nacionalnoga identiteta ; primjenjivost postkolonijalne paradigme?” Irsko ogledalo za hrvatsku književnost: teorijske pretpostavke, književne usporedbe, recepcija, Gjurgjan, Ljiljana Ina ; Klepač, Tihana (eds). Zagreb : FF Press, 2007. 63-83.
· “The Reception of W. B. Yeats in Croatia“, The Reception of W. B. Yeats in Europe, Klaus Peter Jochum (ed.). London ; New York : University of London and Continuum Press, 2006. 162-174
· “‘More mud more crocodiles’ – the turn in the Portrait’s aestheticism“, Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia. 47/48 (2004);.87-95
· “Od Eve do Laure”, Dani hvarskoga kazališta : hrvatska književnost i kazalište i avangarda dvadesetih godina 20. stoljeća / Nikola Batušić, Rafo Bogišić, Pavao Pavličić, Milan Moguš, Franjo Švelec, Josip Vončina (eds).Zagreb ; Split : HAZU ; Književni krug, 2004, 311-320
· “W.B. Yeats i dekadentizam”.Umjetnost riječi. 46 (2002) , 1/2; 87-98
· “Fetišizam, vampirizam i pogled Drugoga u drami Gospoda Glembajevi Miroslava Krleže” Dani hvarskoga kazališta : hrvatska književnost i kazalište dvadesetih godina 20. stoljeća.Zagreb, Split : HAZU ; Književni krug, 2002. 108-120.
· “Fetišizam, vampirizam i pogled Drugoga u drami Gospoda Glembajevi Miroslava Krleže” Dani hvarskoga kazališta : hrvatska književnost i kazalište dvadesetih godina 20. stoljeća.Zagreb, Split : HAZU ; Književni krug, 2002. 108-120.
· “Grofice kao nacionalni amblemi : Gospođa Walewska Milana Begovića i Grofica Cathleen W.B. Yeatsa”, Dani hvarskog kazališta : Književnost i kazalište hrvatske moderne – bilanca stoljeća I / Batušić, Nikola (ed.).Zagreb ; Split : HAZU ; Književni krug, 2001, 108-120
· “Narcis i čudovište: Romantičarski koncept Drugoga i suvremena ideologija”, Književna smotra. 33 (2001) , 2/3; 3-7
· “Yeats, Postcolonialism, and Turn-of-the-Century Aesthetics”, European Journal of English Studies. 3 (1999) , 3; 314-326
· “The Metaphoric and the Patriarchal in Women’s Writing”, Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia. 42 (1997) ; 135-145
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· “The Three Cases of Mother-Daughter Relationship in Croatian Literature”, Bradford occasional papers. 11 (1992); 59-72
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Complete bibliography: http://bib.irb.hr/lista-radova?autor=60866&lang=EN