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Disruption of the common and significance of meaning : cognitive linguistics in learning and teaching

geld 24

Renata Geld: Remećenje uvriježenog i značaj značenja: kognitivna lingvistika u učenju i poučavanju.  Zagreb : Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, FF Press, 2024.

The emergence of this book coincided with the launch of ChatGPT and discussions about what such an open-access artificial intelligence system means for humanity and society as a whole. What this means for teachers and education is impossible to predict with certainty, but it is clear that education must change. The author believes that the success of educational systems, schools, and teachers will greatly depend on how much they focus on the uniqueness of the human mind, that is, on everything that makes a human being human: emotion, self-awareness, creativity, learning through continuous interaction with other people, and learning through the immense dynamism and variability of the social context.

The disruption of the established described in this book represents a peaceful disruption that involves educational shifts aimed at empowering the student’s experience on one hand and cognitive processes on the other. When it comes to language, that is, its learning and teaching, we are addressing the inseparable triad of language, cognition, and experience. Although this may seem trivial and/or well-known, contemporary education largely neglects experiential learning, as well as the student’s meaningful comprehension of new concepts and the construction of knowledge. Facts are presented to students in a “packaged” and ready-to-use manner, along with lists of rules, organized content, and ready-made and exclusive solutions. The author offers a different approach to learning and teaching and draws the reader’s attention to the significance of meaning, its meaningful construction, and cognitive motivation in complex linguistic structures. The author provides an overview of cognitive processes that are in constant interaction with language, illustrates linguistic motivation through grammar, which is incorrectly considered an uninteresting list of structures and rules, and emphasizes questioning as a key component in knowledge construction.

Ultimately, the author poses a critical question: What constitutes the greatest educational challenge? She believes that it lies in developing teaching approaches that encourage students to break away from established modes of thinking and acting. However, this does not entail solely relying on the shortcuts offered by modern technology. Rather, technology should create a space of extended cognition within which ideas are realized faster and more accurately, and the student becomes a creator capable of assessing the usefulness of tech-provided information.The student’s departure from conventional thinking patterns could soon become crucial given the development of artificial intelligence and open systems such as ChatGPT. This pertains to artificial intelligence that not only provides precise answers to factual questions and solves mathematical problems but also devises culinary recipes, writes essays, and summarizes scientific papers. The fundamental question is how to utilize the availability of information and the speed of idea generation offered by artificial intelligence. The response to this challenge will shape the trajectory of education. It will determine the nature of the questions posed to students, the problems they tackle, and the emphasis placed on experiential learning that engages all senses and cultivates a profound understanding of the world.

(source: FF Open Press )




How space became place: essays on nineteenth-century Australian literature

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Tihana Klepač: Kako je prostor postao mjesto : eseji iz devetnaestostoljetne australske književnosti. Zagreb: Durieux, 2024.




On Double Negation and Negative Concord

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Irena Zovko Dinković: O dvostrukoj negaciji i niječnome slaganju. Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, 2021.

Krčma, gostionica, pub: a diachronic study of translating culture-specific references in crime fiction

veselica 2020

Snježana Veselica Majhut. Krčma, gostionica, pub: dijakronijska studija prevođenja kulturno specifičnih referenci u kriminalističkim romanima. Zagreb : Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, 2020.



William Wordsworth and Romantic Memory

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Martina Domines Veliki: William Wordsworth i romantičko sjećanje. Zagreb: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb – FFpress, 2021.


Assessing and validating knowledge in the language of science

basic 2020

Ivana Bašić. Dokazivanje i odnos prema znanju u jeziku znanosti. Zagreb : Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, 2020.


Dancing In Red Shoes: Barbara Baynton and the Australian Myth

klepac 2020

Tihana Klepač. Dancing In Red Shoes: Barbara Baynton and the Australian Myth. Zagreb: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb – FFpress, 2020.



Research in linguistics and translation studies

pavlovic 2020

Nataša Pavlović and Mateusz-Milan Stanojević. Znanstvena istraživanja jezika i prevođenja. Zagreb: Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb – FFpress, 2020.

Metaphor, Nation and Discourse

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Ljiljana Šarić and Mateusz-Milan Stanojević (eds.). Metaphor, Nation and Discourse. Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2019.

This edited volume examines how metaphors and related phenomena (metonymies, symbols, cultural models, stereotypes) lead to the discursive construal of a common element that brings the nation together. The central idea is that metaphor use must be questioned to lay bare the processes and the discursive power behind them. The chapters examine a range of contemporary and historical, monomodal and multimodal discourses, including politicians’ discourse, presidential speeches, newspapers, TV series, Catholic homilies, colonialist discourse, and various online sources. The approaches taken include political science, international relations, cultural studies, and linguistics. All contributions feature discursive constructivist views of metaphor, with clear sociocultural grounding, and the notion of metaphor as a framing device in constructing various aspects of nations and national identity. The volume will appeal to scholars in discourse analysis, metaphor studies, media studies, nationalism studies, and political science.
(source: John Benjamins, https://benjamins.com/catalog/dapsac.82)

Romanticism and the cultures of infancy

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Martina Domines Veliki, Cian Duffy (eds.). Romanticism and the cultures of infancy. Cham : Springer Nature, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020.

This collection of essays explores the remarkable range and cultural significance of the engagement with ‘infancy’ during the Romantic period. Taking its point of departure in the commonplace claim that the Romantics invented childhood, the book traces that engagement across national boundaries, in the visual arts, in works of educational theory and natural philosophy, and in both fiction and non-fiction written for children. Essays authored by scholars from a range of national and disciplinary backgrounds reveal how Romantic-period representations of and for children constitute sites of complex discursive interaction, where ostensibly unrelated areas of enquiry are brought together through common tropes and topoi associated with infancy. Broadly new-historicist in approach, but drawing also on influential theoretical descriptions of genre, discipline, mediation, cultural exchange, and comparative methodologies, the collection also seeks to rethink the idea of a clear-cut dichotomy between Enlightenment and Romantic conceptions of infancy.
(source: Palgrave Macmillan, https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9783030504281 )

Translating from Croatian into English: A Handbook with Annotated Translations


Translating from Croatian into English: A Handbook with Annotated Translations.  Jim Hlavac and Snježana Veselica Majhut (eds.). Zagreb: Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada. 2019.



Language could care less

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Jeziku je svejedno. [Language could care less]. Anđel Starčević, Mate Kapović and Daliborka Sarić. Zagreb: Sandorf, 2019.


Beyond the 49th Parallel: Many Faces of the Canadian North (eng)


Beyond the 49th Parallel : Many Faces of the Canadian North / Au-delà du 49ème parallèle : multiples visages du Nord canadien, Évaine Le Calvé-Ivičević and Vanja Polić (eds.). Central European Association of Canadian Studies. Brno: Masaryk University Press, 2018.

The volume is a collection of essays on the different issues regarding the North, as observed from the perspective of Canadian studies. Since Canada as a whole can be considered the “North,” the volume includes a scope of multidisciplinary texts that question a whole range of “Norths” in the past and present, and in a variety of areas, from founding narratives to land management policies and social issues, to literature and other artistic genres. Each of these areas highlights a different kind of “nordicity” for, beyond geography, “the North” embraces a wide scope of meanings and symbolic values. Divided into five parts, the contributions in this volume provide a kaleidoscopic presentation of topics in this vast explorative project of the equally vast space that is the North.

Strategic Meaning Construal Using Words and Images: Cognitive motivation in second language learning


Renata Geld, Mateusz-Milan Stanojević. Strategic Meaning Construal Using Words and Images: Cognitive motivation in second language learning. Zagreb : Srednja Europa, 2018.

The book gives an overview of research conducted over the period of ten years and pertaining to factors affecting meaning construal in L2. It focuses on bimodal representation of meaning in the process of strategic meaning construal, that is it describes ways of how learners of L2 (with different educational backgrounds, different L1s, and different perceptual experience) construct meaning and strategically represent it using words and images (drawings).

Grammar Workbook for Contemporary English Language 2


Ivana Bašić, Marko Majerović and Marina Zubak Pivarski. Grammar Workbook for Contemporary English Language 2. Zagreb : Hrvatska sveučilišna naklada, 2018.