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Prof. Tatjana Jukić Gregurić


2024 Member of the Academia Europaea
2017 Distinguished Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb
2011 Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb
2006 Associate Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb
2002 Assistant Professor, Department of English, University of Zagreb
2000 PhD, Philology (University of Zagreb)
1996 MA, Philology (University of Zagreb)
1994 Assistant Lectureship, Department of English, University of Zagreb
1992 BA, English and Comparative Literature (University of Zagreb)

Research interests
Nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature; film studies; literary theory

Undergraduate courses
The Victorian Novel: Poetics and Politics
Victorian Literature and the Transformation of the World in the Nineteenth Century
Topics in Film and Media Studies – European-Hollywood Cinema (team-taught with Professor Stanley Corkin), University of Cincinnati

Graduate courses
Victorian Poetry: Poetics and Politics
Literature and the Visual: American Film, Narrative Theory and Psychoanalysis

Postgraduate courses
Narration and Melancholia
Narration and Memory: The Croatian Novel in the Nineteen-Sixties and Nineteen-Seventies
Revolution and Melancholia: Victorian Specimen Stories (University of Debrecen)

Invited lectures and keynotes
“Daisy Miller, or the Formula: Towards Henry James’s Theory of the Novella”; Johannes Gutenberg-Universität; Mainz; 05/2024.
• “Poliswork 2: Arendt and Benjamin on Architecture”; Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb; 12/2023.
• “Tragic Realism”; Revisiting Realism: History, Memory, the World – Second International Conference on Realism(s) in Post-WWII Literature; Nanjing University; Nanjing; 10/2023.
• “The Victorian Chthonic Sublime”; Department of English, Nanjing University; Nanjing; 10/2023.
• “Process as Narrative Excess and the Intelligence of the Nineteenth-Century Novel”; Language, Literature, Process; University of Niš; 04/2023.
• “Poliswork: On Arendt and Architecture”; Faculty of Architecture, University of Zagreb; 11/2022.
• “Psychopolitical Machines: Elizabeth Gaskell, the Victorian Novel and the Industrial Revolution”; Lund University; 10/2018.
• “The Croatian Novel in the 1960s: From Metaphor to Parataxis”; The Zagreb School of Slavic Studies; Dubrovnik; 08/2018.
• “Eastern Europe, Classical Hollywood and the Invention of the Cold War”; Post-Cold War Eastern European Film & Media; Miami University, Ohio; 05/ 2018.
• “Deleuze on Contract, and the Slavic Inflection”; Universität Konstanz; 02/ 2018.
• “Is Jane Austen More Modern Than Us?”, University of Zadar, 11/2017.
• “In the Wilderness or the World? On Feminist Criticism Today”; Naučni skup Feministička kritika u divljini –
36 godina od objavljivanja teksta autorice Elaine Showalter; Filozofski fakultet; Sarajevo; 09/2017.
• “World War and the Irruption of Time into Croatian Literature”; Riječki filološki dani 11; Rijeka; 11/2016.
• “Shakespeare and Classical Hollywood Cinema”; Zagreb Academy of Music; Zagreb; 11/2016.
• “Melodrama and the Raison of Socialism”; Eberhard Karls University; Tübingen; 5/2016.
• “The Austro-Hungarian Constitution of Krleža’s Politics”; The Zagreb School of Slavic Studies; Dubrovnik; 08/2014.
• “Melancholia between Freud and Tausk“; The Cultural Centre of Belgrade; 5/2014.
• “Revolution: Between Biopolitics and Psychoanalysis”; The Zagreb School of Slavic Studies; Dubrovnik; 08/2013.
• “Revolution and Melancholia: A Freudian Critique of Derrida’s Marx“; Universität Konstanz; 06/ 2013.
• “The Man Who Knew Too Much: Žižek and the Balkans“; Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti; Ljubljana; 03/ 2013.
• “Joyce and the Psychoanalysis of Totalitarianism: A European Perspective“; Trinity College Dublin; 04/ 2012.
• „Revolution and Masochism: Kiš, Joyce, Deleuze“; Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Belgrade; 03/ 2012.
• „Revolution and Melancholia: A Critique of Derrida’s Marxism“; Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju; Belgrade; 03/ 2012.
• “Sherlock Holmes and the Biopolitics of the Fantastic“; Literature, Culture and the Fantastic: Challenges of the Fin de Siècle(s); Rijeka; 02/ 2012.
• „Film, Politics, Psychoanalysis: Ernst Lubitsch“; Humanistika u posttranziciji. Prva međunarodna poslijediplomska konferencija. Dosezi psihoanalize: književnost, izvedbene umjetnosti, film i kultura; Zagreb; 01/ 2012.
• “Danilo Kiš and Walter Benjamin: the Eighth Chapter of a Shared History”; Filološki fakultet; Banja Luka; 10/ 2011.
• “Danilo Kiš’s Joyce and a Critique of Totalitarianism”; Filološki fakultet; Banja Luka; 10/ 2011.
• “Revolution and Melancholia”; Filološki fakultet; Banja Luka; 10/ 2011.
• “Pursuits of Unhappiness: Stanley Cavell’s America”; University of Pecs; Pecs; 04/ 2011.
• “Gender and American Modernism: Edith Wharton”; University of Pecs; Pecs; 04/ 2011.
• „The Case of Zagorka: Detection, Secret, Melancholia“; Marija Jurić Zagorka – život, djelo, naslijeđe; Zagreb; 11/ 2007.
• “Ashenden times Murder on the Orient Express: British Agents and the Programming of Literary History“; Clare Hall, University of Cambridge; 04/ 2007.

Professional activities, awards and honours
2023 Principal Investigator, Transatlantic Literature and the City in the Long Nineteenth Century (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)
2022-  President of the Croatian Association for the Study of English (CASE)

2022 Principal Investigator, Transatlantic Literature and Mobility in the Long Nineteenth Century (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)
2021 Principal Investigator, Transatlantic Literature and Psychopolitics in the Long Nineteenth Century (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)
2020 Principal Investigator, Transatlantic Literature and Bio-Crises in the Long Nineteenth Century (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)
2019 Principal Investigator, Transatlantic Literature and the Transformation of the World in the Long Nineteenth Century (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)
2018 Principal Investigator, British Literature and the Transformation of the World in the Long Nineteenth Century (Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb)
2018  International Visiting Scholar, University of Cincinnati, USA (May 2018)
2017-  The Advisory Board, Series: Theorie und Geschichte der Literatur und der Schönen Künste, Wilhelm Fink Verlag
2014-2018 Principal Investigator (A Cultural History of Capitalism: Britain, America, Croatia, Croatian Science Foundation)
2014-2015  Chair of the “Iso Velikanović” Literary Translation Awards Committee, Ministry of Culture, Republic of Croatia
2007-2013 Principal Investigator (Limits of Literary Memory, MZOS)
2012 Visiting Scholar, Trinity College Dublin (Visiting Professorships and Fellowships Benefaction Fund 2011/2012, April 2012)
2005-2007  President of Croatian Association for Semiotic Studies
2004-  The Editorial Board of Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia
2003-  The Publishing Council of the Zagreb Centre for Women’s Studies
2000  The Annual Young Scholar Award, The Society of University Teachers in Zagreb
1998 Visiting Scholar, Cambridge University, UK (British Scholarship Trust, October-November 1998)
1997 Visiting Scholar, Oxford University, UK (Oxford Colleges Hospitality Scheme, July 1997)

Selected bibliography
Revolucija i melankolija. Granice pamćenja hrvatske književnosti (Revolution and Melancholia. Limits of Literary Memory). Zagreb: Naklada Ljevak, 2011.
Zazor, nadzor, sviđanje. Dodiri književnog i vizualnog u britanskom 19. stoljeću (Liking, Dislike, Supervision. Literature and the Visual in Victorian Britain). Zagreb: Zavod za znanost o književnosti Filozofskog fakulteta  Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2002.

· “Tragic Realism.” Foreign Literature Studies. 46/1, 2024, 22-36.
· “The Victorian Chthonic Sublime.” The Cambridge Companion to the Romantic Sublime (ed. Cian Duffy). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023, 223-235.
· “Austen and Osterhammel: The Transformation of the World and the Novel in the Nineteenth Century,” Zagreber Germanistische Beiträge, Beiheft 10, 2022, 69-84.
· “The melancholy condition of realism (With notes on Lars von Trier’s Melancholia),” Orbis Litterarum, 76 (4), 2021, 191-203.
· “Realism and translation: Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre for an Austro-Hungarian minority and beyond.” Landscapes of Realism. Rethinking literary realism in comparative perspectives. Volume I: Mapping realism (eds. Dirk Göttsche, Rosa Mucignat, Robert Weninger). Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 2021, 231-244.
· “Ophelia Antigonized: A Pre-Raphaelite Hamlet for Industrial Modernity,” Working Papers in American Studies, 4, 2020, 5-44.
· “Zagreb,” The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Urban Literary Studies (ed. Jeremy Tambling), 2020, https://link.springer.com/referenceworkentry/10.1007/978-3-319-62592-8_130-1
· “Jane Austen i roman 19. stoljeća: obrazovanje fokalizacijske svijesti,” Književna smotra, 195/52, 2020, 11-19.
· “Caught between American Melancholy and European Masochism: Notes on Madame de Mauves,” The Henry James Review, 40/3 (2019), 270-275.
· “A Narrative Theory for the October Revolution (From Maugham to Benjamin and Back).” The Russian Revolution as Ideal and Practice. Failures, Legacies, and the Future of the Revolution (eds. Thomas Telios, Dieter Thomä, Ulrich Schmid). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, 143-163.
· “Hrvatski roman 1960-ih: od metafore prema parataksi.” Metafore u hrvatskome jeziku, književnosti i kulturi. Zbornik radova 47. seminara Zagrebačke slavističke škole (eds. Lana Molvarec, Tatjana Pišković). Zagreb: Filozofski fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu i Zagrebačka slavistička škola – Hrvatski seminar za strane slaviste, 2019, 111-122.
· “Cavell’s Shakespeare, or the Insufficiency of Tragedy for Modernity”, Bollettino Filosofico, 32 (2017), 67-87.
· “Fictions of Crime in a State of Exception”. The Cultural Life of Capitalism in Yugoslavia. (Post)Socialism and Its Other (eds. Dijana Jelača, Maša Kolanović, Danijela Lugarić). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017, 43-60.
· “The October Garbo: Classical Hollywood and the Revolution”. Studia litterarum. Vol. 2. No. 2. 2017, 56-63.
· “The Psychopolitics of Socialism in Central and Eastern Europe (With Notes on ‘Walter Defends Sarajevo’)”. Myth and Its Discontents: Memory and Trauma in Central and Eastern European Literature – Mythos und Ernüchterung: Zu Trauma und (fraglicher) Erinnerung in Literaturen des zentralen und östlichen Europa (eds. Danijela Lugarić, Milka Car, Gabor Tamas Molnar). Wien: Präsens Verlag, 2017, 191-203.
· “Derrida’s Jefferson”. Working Papers in American Studies. Vol. 2. 2016, 81-98.
· “Stanley Cavell, Classical Hollywood and the Constitution of the Ordinary (With Notes on Billy Wilder)”. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies. Issue 9. April 2016, 93-106.
· “Post-Socialism Remembers the Revolution: The Comedy of It”. Post-Yugoslav Constellations. Archive, Memory, and Trauma in Contemporary Bosnian, Croatian, and Serbian Literature and Culture (eds. Vlad Beronja, Stijn Vervaet). Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter, 2016, 149-168.
· “Deleuze on the Superiority of Anglo-American Literature: A Victorianist Perspective”. English Studies as Archive and as Prospecting (eds. Stipe Grgas, Martina Domines-Veliki and Tihana Klepač). Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2016, 43-61.
· „Strašna resnica: O metonimični racionalnosti pri Hawksu in Cavellu“. Stanley Cavell. Refleksija filma (ed. Ivana Novak), Ljubljana: Slovenian Cinematheque, 2015, 117-133; “The Awful Truth: On Metonymic Rationality in Hawks and Cavell”. Studia Romanica et Anglica Zagrabiensia. LX, 2015, 99-115.
· „Garbo Laughs: Revolution and Melancholia in Lubitsch’s Ninotchka“. Lubitsch Can’t Wait. A Theoretical Examination (eds. Ivana Novak, Jela Krečič and Mladen Dolar), Ljubljana: Slovenian Cinematheque, 2014, 83-110.
· „An Austro-Hungarian America: Emerson for Croatia, 1904–5“. Working Papers in American Studies, Vol. I, Zagreb, 2014, 73-82.
· „Viktorijanska biopolitika, psihoanaliza i Sherlock Holmes: Skrletna studija“. Književna smotra, Vol. XLVI, 172 (2), Zagreb, 2014, 5-13.
· „Revolucija između biopolitike i psihoanalize“. Otpor. Subverzivne prakse u hrvatskom jeziku, književnosti i kulturi (eds. Tvrtko Vuković and Tatjana Pišković), Zagreb: Zagrebačka slavistička škola, 2014, 21-34.
· „The Man Who Knew Too Much: Žižek and the Balkans“. European Journal of English Studies, Vol. 17, Issue 2, 2013, 160-175.
· „Between Auschwitz and Siberia: James Joyce, Danilo Kiš and a Zoning of Totalitarianism“. Ireland, West to East: Irish Cultural Interactions with Central and Eastern Europe (eds. Aidan O’Malley and Eve Patten). Oxford, Bern and New York: Peter Lang, 2013, 135-158.
· „’I melankolija može da provali iz čovjeka kao lava’: politika afekta u Zastavama“. (Ne)pročitani Krleža: od teksta do popularne predodžbe. Komparativna povijest hrvatske književnosti XV (eds. Cvijeta Pavlović, Vinka Glunčić-Bužančić and Andrea Meyer-Fraatz). Split and Zagreb: Književni krug Split, Odsjek za komparativnu književnost Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 2013, 203-215.
· „Matošev loboratorij: rad, goli život i tumačenje snova“. Prostori snova. Oniričko kao poetološki i antropološki problem (eds. Živa Benčić and Dunja Fališevac). Zagreb: Disput, 2012, 339-361.
· „Ilirizam i tumačenje snova: Gundulići Vlaha Bukovca“. Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne, 2, 2012, 189-211.
· „Žalovanje ili melankolija?: psihoanaliza i ekonomski problem Derridina marksizma“. Politička misao, 48/1, 2011, 49-75.

 For full bibliography see:

–  https://www.bib.irb.hr/pregled/profil/15835

