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Exam Schedule: Year 1 (reformed programme, from 2024/2025))

(reformed, from 2024/2025 and Bologna)
EXAM SCHEDULE  2024-2025

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YEAR I (reformed and Bologna)

Course title Winter examination term (Feb 2025) date/time/room Summer examination term (June 2025) date/time/room Autumn examination term (Aug/Sep 2025) date/time/room
Contemporary English Language
29.1. 17.00 D VII 9.6. 16.00 D VII 2.9. 16.00 D VII
12.2. 10.00 D VII 30.6. 12.00 D VII 12.9. 12.00 D VII
Contemporary English Language II 29.1. 17.00 D VII 9.6. 16.00 D VII 2.9. 16.00 D VII
12.2. 10.00 D VII 30.6. 12.00 D VII 12.9. 12.00 D VII
Introduction to the Linguistic Study of English* 28.1. 11.00 A 216 10.6. 11.00 A 216 5.9. 10.00 A 216
6.2. 10.00 A 216 24.6. 11.00 A 216 16.9. 10.00 A 216
English Syntax 1: Word Classes
30.1. 10.00 D VII 12.6. 12.00 D VI 4.9. 14.00 D VII
18.2. 10.00 A 105 3.7. 12.00 D VII 16.9. 12.00 D VI
Introduction to English Literature 5.2. 12.00 D VII 17.6. 10.00 D VII 3.9. 12.00 D VI
17.2. 14.00 D VII 7.7. 10.00 D VII 16.9. 14.00 D VI

Introduction to English Literature
Additional exam date: Wednesday, April 16, 10-12h, D6

English Syntax 1: Word Classes
Additional exam date: Monday, April 14, 15:30, D7

* Evaluation  method: continuous assessment.
NB: Students enrolled via ISVU system should register for exams via Studomat. Registration period depends on the examination date. Subsequent registration is not possible after the expiry of a given registration period. Registration is obligatory for all courses, including those based on continuous evaluation.

♦ All subsequent changes shall be indicated in bold.
updated Mar 5, 2025