Dr. Vladimir Brljak (en)


2015 PhD in philology, University of Warwick
2011 PhD candidate, English and Comparative Literary Studies, University of Warwick
2006-2018 Junior Lecturer, Department of English, University of Zagreb
2005-2011 PhD candidate, Doctoral Programme in Literature, University of Zagreb
2005 BA, English Language and Literature, University of Zagreb

Research Interests
English literature, especially c. 1500-1700; allegory; Shakespeare; Milton; history and theory of literature.

 Select Bibliography
“Hamlet and Lameth”, Notes and Queries 59 (2011): 247-254
“Borges and the North”, Studies in Medievalism 20 (2011): 99-128
“Unediting Deor”, Neuphilologische Mitteilungen 112 (2011): 297-321
“An Allusion to Purgatory in Hamlet”, Notes and Queries 57 (2010): 379-380
“The Books of Lost Tales: Tolkien as Metafictionist”, Tolkien Studies 7 (2010): 1-34
“The Lutheran ‘Faustus’ in Foxe’s Acts and Monuments”, ANQ 23 (2010): 207-210
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